Google Sheets
Bardeen App connector

Integrate & connect
Dropbox with Google Sheets

Integrate Dropbox and Google Sheets to automate your document workflows. Use natural language prompts to Bardeen's AI Agent to handle repetitive tasks. No coding required.

How to integrate Dropbox with Google Sheets?

We're Bardeen, we build an AI Agent that does your repetitive work tasks. Companies like Deel and Casafari, use Bardeen connect apps like Dropbox and Google Sheets together to save time and increase productivity.

Tired of manually importing Dropbox files into Google Sheets? You're not alone. Over 70% of workers say repetitive data entry tasks are the biggest time wasters. But what if you could automate the entire process with just a few clicks?

In this step-by-step guide, we'll show you how to seamlessly integrate Dropbox and Google Sheets, both manually and using AI automation tools like Bardeen. Say goodbye to hours of tedious work and hello to streamlined data syncing. Let's dive in!


Integrating Dropbox and Google Sheets allows you to effortlessly sync data between the two platforms. By connecting Dropbox and Google Sheets, you can automate data transfer, ensuring your information is always up-to-date across both applications. In this step-by-step guide, we'll walk you through the process of integrating Dropbox with Google Sheets using Bardeen's AI automation platform.

Connect Dropbox and Google Sheets for Seamless Data Syncing

Integrating Dropbox and Google Sheets offers significant benefits for managing your data. By connecting these two powerful platforms, you can:

  • Automate data imports from Dropbox to Google Sheets
  • Eliminate manual data entry and ensure your spreadsheets are always up to date
  • Centralize data storage in Dropbox while leveraging Google Sheets' analysis capabilities

Dropbox acts as a central hub for your files, while Google Sheets provides robust tools for data manipulation and insights. Integrating Dropbox with Google Sheets allows you to effortlessly transfer data between the two, streamlining your workflows and saving time.

1. Automate File Imports from Dropbox to Sheets

  • Set up automated workflows to instantly pull CSV data from Dropbox into Google Sheets
  • Schedule recurring imports to keep spreadsheets updated with the latest Dropbox files
  • Spend less time on repetitive data entry tasks and more on analysis

2. Centralize Data Storage and Access

  • Maintain a single "source of truth" for important data files in Dropbox
  • Grant Google Sheets access to data without having to move files between platforms
  • Easily control user permissions and data access from one place

Integrating Dropbox and Google Sheets enables seamless data syncing, ensuring your information is always current and accessible across both applications. In the next section, we'll walk through the step-by-step process of connectingDropbox with Google Sheetsusing Bardeen's AI automation platform.

Use Bardeen to automate file imports from Dropbox to Google Sheets. Save time and focus on data analysis by setting up automated workflows for seamless syncing.

Automate Dropbox CSV Imports into Google Sheets

Integrating Dropbox and Google Sheets allows you to automate the import of CSV files from Dropbox directly into your spreadsheets. By setting up automated workflows, you can:

  • Instantly pull CSV data from specific Dropbox folders into designated Google Sheets
  • Schedule recurring imports at desired intervals (hourly, daily, weekly) to keep your spreadsheets always up to date with the latest Dropbox files
  • Eliminate manual data entry and file uploads, saving you time and effort

Once the Dropbox to Google Sheets integration is configured, new CSV files added to your specified Dropbox folder will automatically be imported as new rows in your Google Sheets. This automation enables you to spend less time on repetitive data transfer tasks and more on analyzing and utilizing the information.

Automated CSV imports from Dropbox to Google Sheets streamline data management between the two platforms. You can trust that your spreadsheets consistently reflect the most current data from Dropbox without any manual intervention required. For more advanced automation, consider adding ChatGPT to Google Sheets to enhance your workflow.

Keep Dropbox as Your Central Data Hub

Integrating Dropbox with Google Sheets allows you to maintain Dropbox as your primary data storage solution while still leveraging Sheets' analysis capabilities. Benefits of this centralized approach include:

  • All your important data files remain organized in a single location within Dropbox
  • No need to manually export and upload files from Dropbox to Google Sheets
  • Granular control over user access permissions to data from the Dropbox platform

By connecting Dropbox and Google Sheets, you can grant Sheets direct access to your Dropbox data without having to move or duplicate files across platforms. Dropbox remains the "single source of truth" for your data, ensuring consistency and making it easy to manage file organization and user permissions from one central place.

Integrating Dropbox and Google Sheets gives you the best of both worlds - Dropbox's robust file storage and sharing capabilities combined with Google Sheets' powerful data analysis and collaboration features. With this integration, you can keep your data securely stored in Dropbox while still being able to connect Google Docs and seamlessly access and analyze it within Google Sheets.

Save time by automating repetitive tasks with Bardeen. You can create workflows that connect Dropbox and Google Sheets automatically.

Integrating Dropbox and Google Sheets Is a Breeze with Bardeen

Bardeen's intuitive no-code platform makes connecting Dropbox and Google Sheets simple. You can set up automations to sync data between the two apps in just a few clicks, no technical expertise needed.

Here's how Bardeen streamlines the Dropbox Google Sheets integration process:

  1. The visual workflow builder allows you to easily map Dropbox files to specific Google Sheets.
  2. You can schedule import frequencies to keep your Sheets always up-to-date with the latest Dropbox data.
  3. Customize field mappings to ensure the Dropbox data populates the correct Sheets columns.
  4. Bardeen handles all the complex integration work behind the scenes, so you can focus on using your data.

To get started, simply install the Bardeen browser extension, connect your Dropbox and Google accounts, and configure your desired automation workflows. With Bardeen, integrating Dropbox and Google Sheets is a straightforward process that anyone can set up in minutes. For added convenience, you can also connect Microsoft Excel to streamline your workflows further.

Get Started by Installing Bardeen and Connecting Dropbox and Google Sheets

To begin integrating Dropbox and Google Sheets, you'll first need to install the Bardeen browser extension. It's a quick and easy process:

  1. Download the Bardeen browser extension from the official website.
  2. Once installed, log in to your Bardeen account or create a new one if you don't have an existing account.
  3. Navigate to the Integrations page within the Bardeen dashboard.
  4. From there, connect both your Dropbox and Google accounts to grant Bardeen secure access to the apps.

Bardeen uses industry-standard OAuth authentication to ensure your data remains safe and private. The integration process is straightforward and only takes a few minutes to set up. With Dropbox and Google Sheets connected, you're ready to start building automations to sync data between the two platforms.

Bardeen's AI Web Scraper lets you easily extract data from websites and sync it directly with Google Sheets. Save time and effort by automating data entry tasks.

Set Up Your Dropbox to Google Sheets Automation in Minutes

With Bardeen connected to your Dropbox and Google Sheets accounts, you're ready to create a custom automation that seamlessly syncs files between the two apps. Bardeen's intuitive workflow builder makes it easy to set up a Dropbox to Google Sheets integration:

  1. Open Bardeen's workflow builder and select Dropbox as the trigger app.
  2. Choose "New File in Folder" as the trigger event and specify the Dropbox folder you want to sync.
  3. Select Google Sheets as the action app and choose the "Add Row(s) to Sheet" action.
  4. Map the data fields from your Dropbox CSV file to the appropriate columns in your Google Sheet.

Bardeen's visual editor allows you to customize your Dropbox Google Sheets integration to fit your specific needs. You can automate lead management tasks, add filters, set up conditional logic, and even incorporate additional apps into your workflow. With just a few clicks, you can automate the process of importing Dropbox files into Google Sheets, saving you time and effort.

Follow These Guidelines for a Smooth Dropbox Google Sheets Integration

To ensure your Dropbox Google Sheets integration runs smoothly, it's important to adhere to some best practices:

  1. Keep your Dropbox folders well-organized and use clear naming conventions for files you plan to import into Google Sheets. This helps prevent errors during the syncing process.
  2. Create separate Google Sheets specifically for data imported from Dropbox. Give the worksheets and columns descriptive labels that match the Dropbox file contents.
  3. Utilize Bardeen to set up automated backups of critical Dropbox files and Google Sheets. Configure error logging to alert you of any import issues that arise.

By structuring your Dropbox folders logically, designating Sheets for Dropbox data, and automating key tasks, you'll be able to seamlessly integrate Dropbox with Google Sheets. Regularly monitoring and auditing your integration helps catch any problems early.

Save time with Bardeen's automation tools. Learn how to enrich LinkedIn profile data in Google Sheets effortlessly.

Keep Your Dropbox Folders Tidy for Seamless Google Sheets Integration

When integrating Dropbox with Google Sheets, organizing your Dropbox files and folders is crucial for smooth data syncing. Follow these tips to keep everything tidy:

  • Set up clearly labeled Dropbox folders for each data category you plan to import into Google Sheets. This makes it easy to locate specific files and prevents confusion.
  • Use consistent naming conventions for the files you want to sync with Sheets. Include relevant details like dates or project names to keep track of what's what.
  • Periodically clean out old or unneeded files from your Dropbox integration folders. This helps optimize the syncing process and avoids importing outdated data.

By maintaining an organized Dropbox structure, you'll pave the way for a smooth data integration. A little tidying goes a long way in keeping your data flows running efficiently.

Create Dedicated Google Sheets for Your Dropbox Data

When setting up your Dropbox Google Sheets integration, it's best to create separate Sheets specifically for the data being imported. This keeps everything organized and prevents your other spreadsheets from getting cluttered. Here's how:

  1. Set up new Google Sheets workbooks for each type of data you'll be syncing from Dropbox. For example, you might have one for sales data and another for marketing metrics.
  2. Within each workbook, create clearly labeled worksheets for the specific Dropbox files being imported. This makes it easy to locate the data you need later on.
  3. Use descriptive column headers in your worksheets that correspond to the data fields in the Dropbox files. This ensures everything maps correctly during the import process.

As you continue to import Dropbox data into Google Sheets, periodically archive older information into separate workbooks or sheets. This keeps your active workbooks manageable and focused on the most current data. By designating specific Sheets for your Dropbox integration, you'll have a well-organized setup that's easy to navigate and maintain. For more automation, consider using a LinkedIn profile scraper to automate data management tasks.

Automate Dropbox and Google Sheets Backups to Prevent Data Loss

When you integrate Dropbox and Google Sheets, it's crucial to set up automated backups and error logging. This ensures you don't lose any important data if something goes wrong during the syncing process. Here's how Bardeen can help:

  1. Use Bardeen's workflow builder to create an automation that regularly backs up your key Dropbox files and Google Sheets. You can set it to run daily, weekly, or on whatever schedule fits your needs.
  2. Configure a separate Bardeen automation to log any errors that occur during the Dropbox to Sheets import process. Have it send you an alert via email or Slack so you can quickly resolve any issues.
  3. Schedule periodic audits of your Dropbox Google Sheets integration using Bardeen. This automation can check for any discrepancies between the two platforms and flag them for review.

By automating backups and error logging for your Dropbox Sheets integration, you'll have peace of mind knowing your data is protected. Bardeen makes it easy to set up these safeguards without any coding required. Regularly monitoring your integration will help you catch and fix any syncing issues before they cause major problems down the line. To further optimize your processes, consider using AI sales prospecting tools to streamline your workflows.


Integrating Dropbox and Google Sheets is a powerful way to automate data syncing and streamline workflows. This guide covered:

  • The benefits of connecting Dropbox to Google Sheets, like automated data imports and centralized storage
  • Step-by-step instructions for setting up the integration using Bardeen's no-code platform
  • Best practices to ensure smooth syncing, such as organizing files and setting up backup automations

By mastering Dropbox Google Sheets integration, you'll save hours of manual data entry and always have up-to-date data at your fingertips. Don't let tedious CSV exports hold you back from unleashing your data's full potential!

Learn more about the apps

Available actions & triggers

Add data to sheet tab
Find Dropbox folders
When new row is appended or changed
Add data to sheet
Find Google Sheets
When row is added to or changed in Google Sheet
When row is added to Google Sheet
Create Google Sheet
Add text to Google Sheet
When a folder is added or renamed in Dropbox

Automation is simple.
Just describe your task in words

Type what you want to automate in the Magic Box, then watch Bardeen create its plan - called a playbook.
No coding required.


How can I export text from a PDF file in Dropbox to Google Sheets?

With Bardeen.ai, you can easily export text from a PDF file stored in Dropbox to Google Sheets. Use our pre-built playbook to automate this process. Just connect your Dropbox and Google Sheets accounts, and let Bardeen handle the data transfer.

Can I create QR codes for links in Google Sheets and save them to Dropbox?

Yes, Bardeen.ai allows you to create QR codes for a list of links in Google Sheets and save them directly to Dropbox. This integration helps you manage your links efficiently by storing their QR codes in a centralized location.

Is it possible to save screenshots of web pages from links in Google Sheets to Dropbox?

Absolutely. Bardeen.ai offers a playbook that lets you save full-page PDF screenshots to Dropbox from website links listed in Google Sheets. This automation is perfect for keeping records of web pages you need to reference later.

How much does Bardeen cost for these integrations?

Bardeen offers a free plan that includes unlimited non-premium automations. For premium features, including 'always-on' automations, the paid plan costs $20/month. Premium automations use credits, and you'll need to purchase credits based on your usage.