Google Drive
Bardeen App connector

Integrate & connect
Google Drive with Salesforce

Integrate Google Drive with Salesforce to automate any workflow. Use Bardeen's AI Agent to handle repetitive tasks with simple language commands. No coding needed.

How to integrate Google Drive with Salesforce?

We're Bardeen, we build an AI Agent that does your repetitive work tasks. Companies like Deel and Casafari, use Bardeen connect apps like Google Drive and Salesforce together to save time and increase productivity.

Tired of constantly switching between Google Drive and Salesforce? Integrating the two can save your team hours each week. In fact, sales reps spend up to 66% of their day on non-revenue generating tasks like data entry. Yikes! But fear not, this guide will show you how to connect Google Drive and Salesforce, step-by-step. We'll cover the traditional manual approach, plus introduce how AI automation tools like Bardeen make it a breeze. Ready to work smarter, close more deals, and finally have time for that office ping pong tournament? Let's do this!


Integrating Google Drive with Salesforce can streamline your workflow and improve productivity. By connecting these two powerful platforms, you can easily access and manage your Google Drive files directly within Salesforce. In this article, we'll show you how to set up the integration and start leveraging the benefits of having your Google Drive and other apps work together seamlessly.

Benefits of Connecting Google Drive and Salesforce

Integrating Google Drive with Salesforce offers several advantages that can improve productivity and collaboration for sales and service teams:

  • Access Google Drive files like Docs, Sheets, and Slides directly within Salesforce records, eliminating the need to switch between apps. You can easily connect Google Docs to Salesforce for better document management.
  • Attach relevant documents such as meeting notes to Salesforce Accounts or sync marketing assets from Drive to Salesforce Campaigns.
  • View, edit, and share Google Drive files without leaving the Salesforce interface.
  • Sync data fields between the two systems, such as linking an Opportunity to its associated Drive folder or mapping Google contacts to Salesforce Leads.
  • Automatically generate documents like invoices and contracts from Salesforce data and save them to Drive folders. For more complex data tasks, you can also integrate Google Sheets.

By connecting Google Drive and Salesforce, teams can save time, keep information centralized, and automate manual tasks. Integrating these two platforms provides a more efficient way to manage files and data related to sales and customer interactions.

Save even more time by automating repetitive tasks. Check out how to automate sales prospecting with Bardeen.

Access and Edit Google Drive Files Directly in Salesforce

Integrating Google Drive with Salesforce allows your team to access, view, and edit Drive files without ever leaving Salesforce. This means users can open relevant Google Docs, Sheets, Slides, and other file types directly within Salesforce records.

For example, when working on an opportunity, a sales rep can open the associated Google Slides pitch deck right from the Opportunity record in Salesforce. They can review the slides, make edits, and share the presentation with others, all without switching to a separate app. To further enhance your productivity, consider how you can connect Microsoft Excel to streamline other tasks.

Connecting Google Drive and Salesforce in this way saves time by putting important files at your team's fingertips. It also helps keep all deal-related documents and data in one central location for easy reference and collaboration.

Keep Salesforce and Google Drive Data in Sync

Integrating Google Drive with Salesforce goes beyond just accessing files. It also allows you to sync key information between the two platforms, so your data stays consistent and up-to-date. Learn more about data extraction tools that can help with this process.

For example, you can link a Salesforce opportunity to its associated folder in Google Drive. This way, any time a file is added or updated in that Drive folder, the change is automatically reflected on the Salesforce Opportunity record.

Other common data sync scenarios include:

  • Linking Google contacts to Salesforce leads for unified contact management
  • Mapping Google Calendar events to Salesforce tasks and activities
  • Syncing Salesforce custom fields with metadata in Google Drive files and folders
Save time and avoid manual updates by using integrate Dropbox with other apps to automate your data syncing needs.

By configuring these data syncs as part of your Google Drive Salesforce integration, you ensure that important information is always aligned between the two systems. This saves your team from manually updating records in multiple places.

To further streamline your workflow, consider using automation tools to keep your data updated.

Generate Salesforce Documents in Google Drive Automatically

Another powerful benefit of integrating Google Drive and Salesforce is the ability to automate document creation. You can set up your integration to instantly generate things like:

  • Invoices and quotes populated with Salesforce opportunity data
  • Contracts and agreements filled in with Salesforce account details
  • Proposals and presentations merged with Salesforce contact information

Here's how it works: first, you create templates in Google Docs, Sheets or Slides with placeholder tags for the Salesforce fields you want to pull in. Then, using a tool like Bardeen, you can map those tags to the corresponding Salesforce data.

Anytime your team needs that document, they just click a button and the integration automatically copies the template, merges in the latest Salesforce data, and saves it to the right folder in Google Drive. No more manual copy-pasting or out-of-date documents.

Automating document generation with your Google Drive Salesforce integration saves hours of busywork and keeps everyone using the most current, accurate information. It's a major productivity booster for any team that frequently creates account- or opportunity-related documents. For more on this, check out our guide on AI-powered automation tools.

How to Integrate Google Drive and Salesforce: 3 Methods

When it comes to integrating Google Drive with Salesforce, you have a few options depending on your technical skills and customization needs. Let's break down the three main methods to connect these powerful platforms:

  1. No-code automation with Bardeen
  2. Salesforce's native Files Connect feature
  3. Custom integration using the Google Drive and Salesforce APIs

The easiest route for most teams is using a no-code tool like Bardeen. You simply connect your Google and Salesforce accounts, then use the visual builder to define what data to sync - no programming required.

If you want a native Salesforce solution and don't mind a more technical setup, Files Connect is a good option. It lets you integrate Google Drive as an external data source, but involves several configuration steps that Salesforce outlines in their documentation.

For the most flexibility and customization, developers can build their own integration using the Google Drive API and Salesforce APIs. This requires coding expertise but allows fine-tuned control over what and how data is synced.

Whichever method you choose, integrating Google Drive and Salesforce will give your team a productivity boost by centralizing documents and data. Pick the approach that fits your resources and use case, then follow the setup steps to start syncing.

Save time by using Bardeen's automated lead generation to streamline your sales processes and reduce manual work.

Connect Google Drive and Salesforce Without Code Using Bardeen

Want to integrate Google Drive with Salesforce without dealing with complex setup steps or code? Bardeen makes it simple with our no-code automation platform.

Just download Bardeen, log in to your Google and Salesforce accounts, and our visual builder walks you through defining the data you want to sync. Pick the files, folders, or fields to connect, and Bardeen handles the integration automatically.

With a few clicks, you can set up two-way syncing, access Google Drive files right in Salesforce, and automate document workflows - no programming or technical skills required. Bardeen's drag-and-drop interface makes it easy to link your Google Drive and Salesforce data.

So if you want to integrate Google Drive and Salesforce without the hassle, give Bardeen a try. Our AI-powered automation does the heavy lifting for you, so you can focus on putting the integration to work boosting your team's productivity.

Set Up Google Drive Integration in Salesforce with Files Connect

If you prefer to integrate Google Drive and Salesforce using only Salesforce functionality, the Files Connect feature is the way to go. It allows you to access Google Drive files directly within your Salesforce org.

Setting up Files Connect does require more configuration compared to a no-code tool like Bardeen. You'll need to:

  1. Enable Files Connect in your Salesforce settings
  2. Define Google Drive as an external data source
  3. Create an authentication provider to connect the two systems
  4. Set up sharing settings to control Salesforce user access to Google Drive

Salesforce provides step-by-step documentation to walk you through the Files Connect setup process. It's a good option if you want to build your Google Drive Salesforce integration using only native Salesforce capabilities. For a simpler approach, you can bring AI into your spreadsheet with Bardeen.

Save time by using Bardeen's integration capabilities to automate your workflows easily.

Build a Tailored Google Drive Salesforce Integration with APIs

For the ultimate customization and control, you can integrate Google Drive and Salesforce using their APIs. This allows you to build a bespoke solution that fits your exact business requirements.

Leveraging the APIs does require software development skills and resources. Your developers will need to:

  • Authenticate the connection between the two systems using OAuth
  • Use the Google Drive API to access and manage files and folders
  • Interact with the Salesforce API to read and write data to Salesforce objects
  • Implement logic to sync the appropriate data between the platforms

The APIs provide the building blocks, but it's up to your dev team to design and code the integration workflows. While this route involves more upfront effort compared to a no-code tool or native connector, it allows you to craft a Google Drive Salesforce integration tailored to your team's exact needs.

Best Practices for a Successful Google Drive Salesforce Integration

To get the most value from integrating Google Drive and Salesforce, it's important to plan your setup and usage. Consider what data to sync, how to structure your files and folders, and how to control access.

Some key tips:

  1. Create a standardized folder hierarchy in Drive for storing Salesforce documents. For example, a folder per Account with subfolders for different record types.
  2. Set sharing permissions to ensure the right Salesforce users can view and edit Google Drive files. Regularly audit and update these.
  3. Use automation to handle repetitive tasks, like saving email attachments from Salesforce to Drive or updating fields when changes are made.
  4. Train your users on how the integration works, your filing conventions, and best practices for collaboration.

By organizing your Google Drive content, controlling access and syncing key data with Salesforce, you'll create an integration that improves team efficiency and keeps everyone on the same page. For more tips, check out our guide on building a prospect list.

Organize Your Google Drive Folders for Salesforce Integration

When you integrate Google Drive and Salesforce, it's important to create a logical folder structure in Drive for storing your Salesforce-related files. This makes it easy to find what you need and ensures consistency across your team. To get started, you can prepare for an efficient setup.

Here are some tips for designing your folder hierarchy:

  • Create a top-level folder for all Salesforce documents, then nest subfolders for each major record type (Accounts, Opportunities, Cases, etc.)
  • Within each record type folder, add more specific subfolders as needed (like for Invoices, Contracts, Presentations)
  • Use clear, descriptive names for your folders so everyone knows what goes where
  • Consider adding a prefix or suffix to Salesforce folders to distinguish them, like "SF_Accounts"
  • Document your naming conventions and folder structure, and make sure your team understands how to use it

By setting up an organized, standardized folder system in Google Drive, you'll be able to take full advantage of your Salesforce integration. You'll save time searching for files and can automate document management between the two platforms.

Control Access to Google Drive Files Synced with Salesforce

When you integrate Google Drive and Salesforce, it's important to manage permissions for the Drive files and folders that are connected. Not every Salesforce user needs the same level of access to every document.

Here are some steps to set up granular permissions:

  1. In Google Drive, create different folders for each Salesforce record type (Accounts, Opportunities, etc.)
  2. For each folder, define which Salesforce users or roles should have view, comment, or edit access
  3. In Salesforce, set field-level security on any custom fields that link to Google Drive files to control visibility
  4. If using Salesforce Identity to manage the integration, configure permissions in Permission Sets and Profiles
  5. Periodically audit your Google Drive and Salesforce permissions to ensure they're up-to-date

By carefully controlling who can access and modify which Google Drive files from within Salesforce, you can maintain data security while still enabling collaboration. Spend time upfront defining your access rules to make permissions management easier as you scale your Google Drive Salesforce integration.

Automate Repetitive Tasks Between Google Drive and Salesforce

Once you integrate Google Drive with Salesforce, you can save even more time by automating common workflows between the two platforms. Bardeen's no-code automation tools make this easy.

Some examples of tasks you can automate:

  • Saving email attachments from Salesforce to the associated Google Drive folder
  • Creating a new Google Doc for meeting notes whenever a Salesforce Event is logged
  • Updating a custom field in Salesforce when a linked Google Sheet row is edited
  • Generating Google Slides from Salesforce data like Opportunity reports

To set up an automation, simply select the trigger event in one app and the resulting action in the other. Bardeen will handle the integration and data mapping between Google Drive and Salesforce fields.

By automating manual, repetitive tasks, you can reallocate that time to higher-value activities. Streamline your workflows to maximize productivity across your team.

Train Your Team on the Google Drive Salesforce Integration

After connecting Google Drive and Salesforce, it's important to train your users on how to take full advantage of the integration. Here are some key areas to cover:

  • How to access Google Drive files from within Salesforce records
  • The proper way to name and organize integrated files and folders
  • Which Salesforce fields are synced to Google Drive metadata
  • How changes made in one system reflect in the other
  • Who has what permissions to view and edit linked files

Provide clear documentation covering these topics, with screenshots and step-by-step instructions. Bardeen's automation platform also offers in-app guidance. Reinforce the training with live sessions where users can ask questions.

By ensuring your team understands how to properly use the Google Drive Salesforce integration, you'll maximize its benefits and avoid confusion or inconsistencies. A little training goes a long way in driving user adoption.


Connecting Google Drive with Salesforce is essential for teams looking to improve productivity and keep information synchronized.

This guide covered:

  • Why integrating Google Drive and Salesforce is beneficial
  • Methods to integrate the two platforms, including no-code tools and APIs
  • Best practices for organizing files, automating tasks, and training users

By learning how to effectively integrate Google Drive with Salesforce, you'll save countless hours searching for documents. For more tips on improving your sales process, check out automate sales prospecting. Become an expert and work more efficiently!

Automation is simple.
Just describe your task in words

Type what you want to automate in the Magic Box, then watch Bardeen create its plan - called a playbook.
No coding required.


How can I integrate Google Drive with Salesforce using Bardeen?

You can integrate Google Drive with Salesforce using Bardeen's pre-built playbooks. Some examples include copying all Salesforce accounts to Google Sheets, creating a Google Drive folder and Google doc, and sending it as a ClickUp task.

What are the benefits of this integration for my business?

Integrating Google Drive with Salesforce using Bardeen helps you manage your data more efficiently. You can automate tasks like copying Salesforce contacts to Google Sheets and sharing pages as PDFs in Google Drive, saving you time and reducing errors.

Is it secure to connect my Google Drive and Salesforce accounts with Bardeen?

Yes, Bardeen allows you to run automations locally, keeping your data within your browser's local storage. If you enable the Always-on option, automations will run in the cloud while maintaining data privacy and security.

How much does it cost to use Bardeen for this integration?

Bardeen offers a free plan that includes unlimited non-premium automations. For premium features and cloud-based automations, the paid plan costs $20/month. You can start with the free plan and upgrade as needed.