Bardeen App connector

Integrate & connect
ClickUp with Glassdoor

Integrate ClickUp and Glassdoor to automate your hiring process. Use Bardeen's AI Agent to simplify task creation and data management with natural language commands. No coding required.

How to integrate ClickUp with Glassdoor?

We're Bardeen, we build an AI Agent that does your repetitive work tasks. Companies like Deel and Casafari, use Bardeen connect apps like ClickUp and Glassdoor together to save time and increase productivity.

Looking to streamline your recruiting process by connecting ClickUp and Glassdoor? You're in the right place. In this guide, we'll walk you through integrating these two powerful tools step-by-step, so you can manage candidate data effortlessly and collaborate with your team more efficiently.

Discover how this integration can save you hours each week and help you find top talent faster. Plus, we'll introduce you to Bardeen, an AI automation platform that makes setting up the ClickUp-Glassdoor integration a breeze. Ready to take your hiring game to the next level?

Why Integrate ClickUp and Glassdoor

Integrating ClickUp and Glassdoor can help streamline your recruiting and hiring processes by bringing candidate data from Glassdoor directly into ClickUp where your team collaborates. Some key benefits:

  1. Streamline Recruiting and Hiring

    By integrating ClickUp and Glassdoor, you can bring candidate data from Glassdoor directly into ClickUp. This allows you to easily track and manage candidates through your hiring pipeline without having to switch between tools. For example, when a promising resume comes in through Glassdoor, you can instantly create a task in ClickUp to review the candidate and decide next steps.

  2. Collaborate on Candidate Data

    With candidate information from Glassdoor synced to ClickUp, your entire hiring team can collaborate in one central place. Recruiters, hiring managers, and interviewers can all review resumes, leave comments, and make decisions together. Instead of candidate data being siloed in Glassdoor, it's accessible to everyone involved in the hiring process which enables better teamwork.

  3. Create Tasks from Glassdoor Profiles

    The ClickUp-Glassdoor integration allows you to easily create tasks in ClickUp directly from Glassdoor candidate profiles. When you find a candidate you want to move forward with, simply turn their Glassdoor profile into a task in ClickUp with one click. You can then assign it to the appropriate team member to take action, such as scheduling an interview. This saves time copying and pasting candidate info between tools.

Integrating these two powerful platforms enables a more efficient and collaborative hiring workflow. In the next section, we'll walk through how to set up the integration step-by-step.

Setting up the ClickUp-Glassdoor Integration with Bardeen

Integrating ClickUp and Glassdoor with Bardeen is a straightforward process that can be completed in just a few steps. By connecting your ClickUp and Glassdoor accounts to Bardeen, you can start building powerful automations using Bardeen's intuitive AI workflow builder.

  1. Download Bardeen Browser Extension

    The first step is to download the Bardeen browser extension, available for Chrome. This will add Bardeen to your browser toolbar, making it easily accessible while you work in ClickUp and Glassdoor. With the extension installed, you're ready to connect your accounts and start building automations.

  2. Connect ClickUp and Glassdoor Accounts

    Next, open the Bardeen extension and navigate to the Accounts section. Here you'll see options to connect various apps, including ClickUp and Glassdoor. Click on each one and follow the prompts to securely link your accounts to Bardeen. This will allow Bardeen to access data from both platforms, which is necessary for building automations.

  3. Use AI Workflow Builder

    With your accounts connected, you can now use Bardeen's AI-powered workflow builder to create automations between ClickUp and Glassdoor. The workflow builder uses natural language processing, so you can describe the automation you want to create in plain English. For example, you could type "Create a ClickUp task when a new job is posted on Glassdoor" and Bardeen will generate the necessary workflow steps. You can then customize and refine the automation as needed before activating it.

Screenshot of Bardeen's ClickUp-Glassdoor integration setup
Setting up the ClickUp-Glassdoor integration in Bardeen

By following these simple steps, you can quickly integrate ClickUp and Glassdoor using Bardeen, enabling you to streamline your recruitment workflows. In the next section, we'll explore some specific workflow examples to inspire your own automations.

Try Bardeen to automate lead management and save time by automating repetitive tasks.

Example Workflows and Automations with ClickUp + Glassdoor

Integrating ClickUp and Glassdoor opens up powerful automation possibilities to streamline your recruiting workflows. By leveraging the data and features of both platforms, you can create custom workflows that save time, improve collaboration, and ensure no candidates fall through the cracks.

  1. Automatically Create ClickUp Tasks from New Glassdoor Candidates

    One of the most useful automations is to automatically create a new task in ClickUp whenever a promising candidate applies or is sourced on Glassdoor. The automation can pull key details from the Glassdoor candidate profile, such as name, resume, position, and populate the ClickUp task fields.

    This saves your recruiting team the manual effort of data entry and ensures every candidate is tracked in your project management tool. You can also set the automation to assign the new candidate task to the appropriate hiring manager or recruiter for follow-up.

  2. Update Candidate Status in Glassdoor when ClickUp Task Moves

    As candidates progress through your hiring process, keep Glassdoor in sync by automating status updates. For example, when a candidate's ClickUp task is moved to the "Phone Screen" list, the automation can update their status in Glassdoor to "Interviewing".

    This two-way sync keeps both platforms up-to-date, providing visibility to hiring managers and interviewers. It also saves recruiters time from manually updating candidate records in multiple systems. You can automate enrichment to enhance your workflow.

  3. Send Automated Emails at Key Stages

    Combine the power of ClickUp automations with email integrations like Gmail to send personalized emails when candidates hit certain milestones. For instance, when a ClickUp task moves to the "Offer" stage, automatically send the candidate a congratulatory email with next steps.

    Or if a candidate task has been idle in the "Applied" stage for too long, ping the assigned recruiter to follow-up. This automation improves candidate experience, keeping them informed and engaged throughout the process.

These examples demonstrate the potential of ClickUp and Glassdoor working together to optimize your recruiting operations. Of course, every organization's hiring process is unique - the key is customizing these automations to align with your specific workflows and needs.

By integrating ClickUp and Glassdoor, the possibilities are endless to automate time-consuming recruiting tasks and keep everyone in sync. Thanks for following along this far - you're well on your way to becoming a ClickUp automation master! Next up, we'll summarize the key points you've learned.


Integrating ClickUp and Glassdoor is crucial for optimizing your recruiting process and collaborating effectively on hiring.

This guide covered:

  • The benefits of connecting ClickUp and Glassdoor, like streamlining workflows and centralizing candidate data
  • How to set up the integration in just a few clicks using Bardeen's automation platform
  • Examples of powerful automations you can create, such as syncing candidate statuses and sending emails
Boost your productivity by integrating Google Drive with other apps using Bardeen to automate your processes effortlessly.

By mastering ClickUp-Glassdoor integration, you'll become a recruiting automation pro. Don't miss out on these efficiency gains!

Automation is simple.
Just describe your task in words

Type what you want to automate in the Magic Box, then watch Bardeen create its plan - called a playbook.
No coding required.


How can I use Bardeen to integrate ClickUp and Glassdoor?

With Bardeen, you can automate tasks between ClickUp and Glassdoor. For example, you can create a ClickUp task from a Glassdoor job post or save job posts to Google Sheets. This helps you manage your recruitment process more effectively.

Do I need to enter my credit card info to sign up for an account?

No, you do not have to enter your credit card details to sign up and use Bardeen. You'll only need to provide payment details if you decide to continue with a paid plan after your free trial ends.

What happens if I exceed my plan’s credit limit?

If you exceed your credit limit, your premium automations will pause until the credit resets at the start of the next billing period. There will be no overage fees. Your non-premium playbooks will continue to run normally.

How much does Bardeen cost?

Bardeen offers a free plan for individuals and small teams. The paid version, which costs $20/month, provides full access to premium integrations and 24/7 cloud automations. Visit our pricing page for more details.