Bardeen App connector

Integrate & connect
Dropbox with Slack

Integrate Dropbox and Slack to automate file management and communication. Use natural language to set up workflows with Bardeen's AI Agent, no coding required.

How to integrate Dropbox with Slack?

We're Bardeen, we build an AI Agent that does your repetitive work tasks. Companies like Deel and Casafari, use Bardeen connect apps like Dropbox and Slack together to save time and increase productivity.

Connecting Dropbox and Slack can save you hours each week by seamlessly sharing files, receiving notifications, and centralizing work. Over 60% of teams using both tools can boost productivity through integration. But setting it up isn't always straightforward.

Want to become a Dropbox Slack integration pro in under 10 minutes? This step-by-step guide covers everything from classic manual methods to automating the entire process with AI. Discover the benefits, best practices, and how you can implement it today. Ready to supercharge your workflow?


Integrating Dropbox with Slack is a great way to streamline your workflow and keep your team connected. By connecting these two powerful tools, you can easily share files, collaborate on projects, and stay up-to-date with your team's progress. In this step-by-step guide, we'll show you how to set up the integration and start using it right away.

With Dropbox and Slack working together, you'll be able to:

  • Share files directly from Dropbox to Slack channels or individual users
  • Receive notifications in Slack when files are added, changed, or deleted in Dropbox
  • Search for and preview Dropbox files within Slack
  • Create new Dropbox files and folders from Slack

Integrating Dropbox and Slack is a simple process that can be completed in just a few minutes. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you'll be able to take advantage of the many benefits of this powerful integration and start collaborating more effectively with your team. For more advanced integrations, check out how to integrate Dropbox with other apps.

Benefits of Connecting Dropbox and Slack

Integrating Dropbox with Slack offers several advantages that make collaborating more efficient. Connecting the two platforms allows you to:

  1. Easily share Dropbox files and folders directly in Slack channels or DMs, without having to switch between apps
  2. Get automatic Slack notifications about activity on your Dropbox files, such as when someone shares a file with you or comments on one
  3. Access, preview, and open Dropbox files right within your Slack interface, centralizing work

For example, a design team can instantly share the latest version of a mockup from their Dropbox into the relevant Slack channel for feedback. The integration keeps all discussions and files together. You can also integrate Google Drive with other apps for a similar experience.

Use Bardeen to connect Google Docs and automate updates. Save time by managing all your documents in one place!

Linking Dropbox and Slack creates a unified workspace that saves time and minimizes app switching. Next, we'll cover the simple steps to set up the integration. Additionally, you might find AI email management tools useful for further streamlining your workflow.

How to Link Dropbox and Slack in a Few Simple Steps

Connecting your Dropbox and Slack accounts is a quick process that will have you sharing files between the two platforms in no time. Here's how to set up the integration:

  1. Sign into your Dropbox account and go to the "Connected apps" section in your account settings. Find "Slack" in the app list and click "Connect." Allow Slack to access your Dropbox files and activity.
  2. Next, sign into your Slack workspace and add the Dropbox app from the Slack App Directory. Choose which channels Dropbox can access and authorize it to post messages.
  3. Once the integration is authorized on both ends, customize your notification settings in the Dropbox app settings in Slack. Specify which file activity you want to be notified about, such as when files are shared with you or viewed by others.

That's it! Your Dropbox and Slack accounts are now linked. You can start sharing Dropbox files and folders into Slack conversations by simply pasting the Dropbox link. Dropbox content is also accessible directly within Slack, so you can browse, preview, and open files without leaving your chat.

Integrating Dropbox with Slack keeps all your work in sync across the two platforms. If you are interested in other integrations, you can connect Google Sheets to streamline your data management.

Get the Most Out of Integrating Dropbox with Slack

Integrating your Dropbox and Slack accounts is just the first step. To really maximize the benefits of connecting the two platforms, put these best practices into action:

  1. Set up dedicated Dropbox folders for content you'll frequently share to Slack. This creates a clear link between files and relevant Slack conversations.
  2. Use descriptive names for files and folders shared between Dropbox and Slack. Include details like project name, date, version number to help team members find content fast in either app.
  3. Mirror your Dropbox folder structure with specific Slack channels for each workstream or file type. Sharing Dropbox links in the corresponding channel keeps discussions organized and focused.

For example, you might create a "Marketing Assets" Dropbox folder and a #marketing-files Slack channel. Then, your team can share the latest version of a logo in the channel and know exactly where to discuss feedback. This keeps all conversations about the logo in one place, and links it to the file itself.

With a few simple organizing tactics, your Dropbox Slack integration becomes a powerful collaboration engine. Files and conversations stay connected, so your team never misses important context or wastes time hunting things down. For more tips, check out how to connect Microsoft Excel for seamless data management.

Use the Bardeen integration with Dropbox and Slack to automate repetitive tasks and focus on what matters most. Save time and keep your team in sync.


Integrating Dropbox with Slack is essential for teams to streamline collaboration and boost productivity. Here's a quick recap of what we covered:

  • Benefits of connecting the two platforms, like seamless file sharing and centralized access
  • Step-by-step instructions to set up the Dropbox Slack integration
  • Tips to optimize your workspace, such as using dedicated folders and channels

By becoming a pro at integrating Dropbox and Slack, you'll never again waste time digging for files or missing important context. For more ways to improve your workflow, consider exploring sales prospecting automation.

Learn more about the apps

Available actions & triggers

When a folder is added or renamed in Dropbox
Send file to Slack
Get Slack user info
Send Slack message
Find Dropbox folders
When a file is added or updated in Dropbox
Update status to do not disturb
When file is added to or modified in Dropbox
Download Dropbox file
Find Dropbox files

Automation is simple.
Just describe your task in words

Type what you want to automate in the Magic Box, then watch Bardeen create its plan - called a playbook.
No coding required.


How can I integrate Dropbox with Slack using Bardeen.ai?

To integrate Dropbox with Slack using Bardeen.ai, you can use pre-built playbooks like 'Get daily summaries of your emails and send them to Slack' or 'Create a ClickUp task and share in Slack when a file is added or modified in Dropbox'. These automations help streamline your workflow by connecting your Dropbox files directly to Slack channels.

What are some examples of automations I can set up with Dropbox and Slack?

Examples of automations you can set up include 'Upload all email attachments to Dropbox', 'Save attachments into a Dropbox folder when email arrives', and 'Create a ClickUp task and share in Slack'. These automations help you manage files and communications more efficiently.

Is there a free version of Bardeen.ai for Dropbox and Slack integrations?

Yes, there is a free version of Bardeen.ai available. This plan allows you to run unlimited non-premium automations, which includes many useful integrations between Dropbox and Slack.

How much does it cost to use Bardeen.ai for Dropbox and Slack integrations?

Bardeen.ai offers a tiered pricing model. The free version includes many non-premium functionalities. The paid version, costing $20/month, provides full access to premium integrations, including the ability to run automations on the cloud 24/7. Visit our [pricing page](https://bardeen.ai/pricing) for more details.