Google Calendar
Bardeen App connector

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Asana with Google Calendar

Connect Asana and Google Calendar to automate your workflows. Use Bardeen's AI Agent to handle repetitive tasks with simple natural language commands. No coding required.

How to integrate Asana with Google Calendar?

We're Bardeen, we build an AI Agent that does your repetitive work tasks. Companies like Deel and Casafari, use Bardeen connect apps like Asana and Google Calendar together to save time and increase productivity.

Are you tired of juggling between Asana and Google Calendar, constantly updating tasks and events in both places? What if we told you there's a way to seamlessly sync your Asana tasks with your Google Calendar, saving you time and increasing productivity? In this step-by-step guide, we'll walk you through the process of integrating Asana with Google Calendar, covering both the manual setup and the new, automated approach using AI agents like Bardeen. By the end of this guide, you'll be a pro at managing your tasks and events in one place, giving you more time to focus on what matters most. Let's dive in!

Setting Up the Asana-Google Calendar Integration for Seamless Task Scheduling

Integrating Asana with Google Calendar offers several benefits, such as improved task visibility, easier scheduling, and increased productivity. By connecting these two powerful tools, you can streamline your workflow and ensure that important tasks and events are always in sync.

1. Enable the Integration in Your Asana Project

To set up the Asana-Google Calendar integration, navigate to the specific Asana project where you'd like to add the integration. Click on the "Customize" button in the top-right corner and select "Apps." Find the Google Calendar app and click "Add to project." Sign in with your Google account and grant the necessary permissions to allow the integration to function properly.

2. Create Rules for Automated Event Scheduling

One of the most powerful features of the Asana-Google Calendar integration is the ability to create rules that automatically schedule events based on task status changes. For example, you can set up a rule that creates a Google Calendar event when a task is moved to a "Scheduled" section in Asana. This rule can also invite task collaborators to the event, ensuring that everyone is aware of the upcoming meeting.

3. Attach Events to Tasks as Widgets

To further enhance the connection between tasks and events, you can add event widgets to your Asana tasks. These widgets display key details about the linked event, such as the event time and organizer. When scheduling a client meeting, for instance, you can link the meeting to a task, allowing task collaborators to see that the meeting has been scheduled without leaving Asana.

4. Configure Data Sync Settings

The data sync setting ensures that events remain updated with the tasks used to schedule them. This setting allows you to configure which Asana task fields should stay synchronized with the calendar event. If a rule is used to automatically schedule an event, the event organizer can edit the due date and time from the task, and the change will be reflected in the calendar event.

Keep in mind that the data sync setting only syncs up to one personal work calendar, so choose the most relevant calendar for your needs. For more advanced features, consider how to connect Google Sheets for a more robust integration.

By following these steps and leveraging the various features of the Asana-Google Calendar integration, you can create a seamless task scheduling experience that keeps your team informed and on track.

In the next section of this guide, we'll explore how to sync Asana tasks to Google Calendar, ensuring that your daily tasks and project milestones are always visible in your calendar view.

Syncing Asana Tasks to Google Calendar for Streamlined Scheduling

Integrating Asana with Google Calendar allows you to sync individual tasks or entire projects, ensuring that important deadlines and milestones are always visible in your calendar view. By connecting these two powerful tools, you can streamline your scheduling process and keep your team informed about upcoming events and due dates.

1. Link Individual Tasks to Calendar Events

When you sync an individual Asana task to Google Calendar, it appears as an all-day event on the date specified in the task's due date field. To set this up, simply open the task in Asana and click the "Add to Google Calendar" button. You can then set the event details, such as the time, attendees, and location, directly in Google Calendar.

This feature is particularly useful for tasks that require collaboration or meetings, as it allows you to easily schedule and share the event with your team members. You can also integrate Google Drive to keep all related files organized.

2. Sync Entire Projects for a Bird's-Eye View

In addition to syncing individual tasks, you can also sync entire Asana projects to Google Calendar. This provides a high-level overview of the project's timeline, making it easy to track progress and identify potential scheduling conflicts.

To sync a project, navigate to the project's settings in Asana and select the "Sync to Calendar" option. Choose the Google Calendar you want to sync the project to, and Asana will create a new calendar feed containing all the tasks with due dates from that project.

Streamline your outreach with Bardeen. Learn how to automate outreach and follow-up to save time and stay organized.

3. Manage Synced Tasks and Events Effectively

To ensure that your synced tasks and events remain accurate and up-to-date, it's important to follow best practices for managing them. One key recommendation is to make any necessary changes to task details, such as due dates or assignees, directly in Asana rather than in Google Calendar.

This is because the sync between Asana and Google Calendar is one-way, meaning that changes made in Google Calendar will not be reflected in Asana. By updating task information in Asana, you can be sure that the changes will be synced to your calendar, keeping everything consistent and accurate.

By syncing your Asana tasks and projects to Google Calendar, you can ensure that your schedule is always up-to-date and that your team is aware of important deadlines and events. This integration helps you stay organized, boosts productivity, and keeps everyone on the same page.

In the next section of this guide, we'll explore the advanced features of the Asana-Google Calendar integration, including automated event creation and dynamic task updates. Learn how to bring AI into your spreadsheet for even more efficiency.

Automate Event Scheduling with Advanced Asana-Google Calendar Features

Asana's advanced Google Calendar integration features allow you to automate event creation based on task updates, saving time and ensuring that your calendar always reflects the latest project developments. By leveraging these powerful tools, you can streamline your workflow and keep your team informed about important meetings and deadlines.

1. Harness the Power of Asana Rules for Automated Event Creation

The "Google Calendar + Asana Rules" feature enables you to set up automated event creation based on specific task updates in Asana. For example, when a task is moved to a "Scheduled" section or assigned to a team member, Asana can automatically create a corresponding Google Calendar event.

This automation saves you the manual effort of creating events and ensures that your calendar stays up-to-date with the latest task changes. It's particularly useful for recurring tasks, such as weekly team meetings or regular project check-ins.

2. Create Custom Automation Rules to Fit Your Workflow

Asana offers a variety of preset automation rules to get you started, but you can also create custom rules tailored to your team's specific needs. For instance, you might set up a rule that creates a calendar event when a task is tagged with "Client Meeting" or when a task's due date is changed.

By customizing your automation rules, you can ensure that your calendar reflects the events and deadlines that matter most to your team, without any unnecessary clutter.

3. Keep Task Details in Sync with Calendar Events

The "Data Sync Setting" feature for event widgets ensures that task details stay updated in synced calendar events. When you enable this setting, changes made to task fields in Asana, such as the title, description, or due date, will automatically update the corresponding fields in the linked Google Calendar event.

This two-way sync eliminates the need to manually update event details in multiple places, saving you time and reducing the risk of inconsistencies between your tasks and calendar events.

By leveraging Asana's advanced Google Calendar integration features, you can automate event scheduling, customize your workflow, and keep your task details in sync with your calendar. These tools not only save you time but also ensure that your team stays informed and aligned on important events and deadlines.

Thanks for sticking with us through this in-depth guide! By now, you should be well-equipped to take your Asana-Google Calendar integration to the next level. Just remember, with great power comes great responsibility – don't let all these awesome features go to waste! If you are looking for more automation tips, check out how to automate lead management for your projects.


Integrating Asana with Google Calendar is crucial for improving task visibility, scheduling, and overall productivity.

In this guide, you discovered:

  • The benefits of integrating Asana with Google Calendar, step-by-step setup instructions, and considerations to keep in mind
  • How to sync individual tasks and entire projects to Google Calendar, along with best practices for managing synced items
  • Advanced features like automated event creation using Asana Rules and keeping task details updated in calendar events

Don't let disorganization and missed deadlines hold you back – master the Asana-Google Calendar integration today, or risk falling behind in the fast-paced world of project management! If you also use Excel, connect Microsoft Excel to automate sequences of actions and speed up your workflows.

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Available actions & triggers

Get last event
When an event is created or updated in Google Calendar
Get all events
Add participant to event
Find events
Create simple event from text
Add Google Meet link to event
Find Asana tasks
Find Slack users from Event
Get event duration

Automation is simple.
Just describe your task in words

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No coding required.


How can I integrate Asana with Google Calendar using Bardeen?

Bardeen allows you to automate tasks between Asana and Google Calendar effortlessly. For example, you can create an Asana task for the current calendar event or set reminders in Asana based on your Google Calendar events. With Bardeen, you can connect these tools without writing a single line of code.

Do I need to pay to use the Asana and Google Calendar integration?

Bardeen offers a free plan that includes unlimited non-premium automations, which can cover many basic integration needs between Asana and Google Calendar. However, if you need advanced features like always-on automations, you may consider upgrading to a paid plan.

What tasks can I automate between Asana and Google Calendar?

With Bardeen, you can automate various tasks between Asana and Google Calendar. Some examples include creating an Asana task for the current calendar event, copying Asana tasks to Google Sheets, saving labeled emails to Asana, and more. These automations can save you time and keep your tasks organized.

How much does it cost to use Bardeen for Asana and Google Calendar integration?

Bardeen offers a free plan for non-premium functionalities. For more advanced features, the paid plan costs $20/month. This plan includes premium integrations and the ability to run automations in the cloud 24/7.