Bardeen App connector

Integrate & connect
Amazon with Salesforce

Integrate Amazon and Salesforce to automate any workflow. Automate tasks using natural language prompts to Bardeen's AI Agent for repetitive tasks. No coding needed.

How to integrate Amazon with Salesforce?

We're Bardeen, we build an AI Agent that does your repetitive work tasks. Companies like Deel and Casafari, use Bardeen connect apps like Amazon and Salesforce together to save time and increase productivity.

Connecting Amazon and Salesforce can be a game-changer for businesses. By integrating these two platforms, companies can automate key processes, keep customer data in sync, and gain valuable insights. In fact, a recent study found that organizations using Salesforce and Amazon together saw a 25% boost in sales productivity.

So how exactly do you integrate Amazon and Salesforce? This guide will walk you through the process step-by-step, covering both the classic manual approach and an exciting new way to automate the integration using AI. By the end, you'll have all the knowledge you need to connect these powerful platforms and start reaping the benefits. Let's dive in!


Integrating Amazon and Salesforce can help streamline your business operations by connecting two powerful platforms. By integrating Amazon with Salesforce, you can automate tasks, sync data between the two systems, and gain insights into your sales and customer data.

In this guide, we'll walk you through the step-by-step process of integrating Amazon and Salesforce, including:

  • Setting up the integration
  • Configuring the data sync
  • Automating tasks between the two platforms
  • Analyzing your sales and customer data

Whether you're an e-commerce business looking to better manage your sales and customer data or a company that uses both Amazon and Salesforce, this guide will help you get the most out of integrating these two platforms.

Additionally, for building a robust sales prospect list and other sales strategies, integrating these platforms can provide significant benefits.

Benefits of Integrating Amazon and Salesforce: Unlock Data Sync, Automation, and Customer 360

Integrating Amazon and Salesforce opens up a world of benefits for businesses looking to connect these two powerful platforms. By integrating Amazon Seller Central with Salesforce, companies can automatically sync customer data, streamline key workflows, and gain a complete view of their customers. Discover how to connect Google Sheets for additional benefits.

1. Sync Customer Data Across Platforms

One of the biggest advantages of integrating Amazon and Salesforce is the ability to keep customer records updated in both systems. When a customer makes a purchase on Amazon, their contact info and order details can be instantly added or updated in Salesforce. This ensures your CRM always has the most current customer data without manual entry.

2. Automate Sales and Service Workflows

Connecting Amazon and Salesforce also enables you to automate important processes. For example:

  • When an Amazon order ships, automatically create a task in Salesforce for a rep to follow up with the customer
  • When a case is opened in Salesforce, pull in the customer's Amazon order history to provide context for support
To save more time and improve your workflow, try to automate sales prospecting tasks using Bardeen's AI.

3. Get a 360-Degree Customer View

By combining Amazon and Salesforce data, you get a comprehensive picture of your customers. View their Amazon purchases alongside Salesforce interactions like support cases and sales activities. These insights power better decision-making across marketing, sales, and service.

Integrating Amazon Seller Central and Salesforce delivers significant benefits - from data syncing to workflow automation to a unified customer 360 view. In the next section, we'll cover how to set up the integration step-by-step.

Step-by-Step Guide: Integrate Amazon Seller Central with Salesforce in Minutes

The easiest way to integrate Amazon and Salesforce is using Bardeen's no-code automation platform. Just connect your accounts and use the visual builder to set up workflows in minutes.

Assuming you have admin access to both Amazon Seller Central and Salesforce, follow these steps to integrate the two platforms:

  1. Install the Amazon Connector in Salesforce

    In Salesforce, go to the AppExchange and search for the "Amazon Connector" app. Install it in your org and approve any required permissions. This will add the Amazon entry in your Salesforce settings where you configure the integration.

  2. Connect Your Amazon Seller Account

    Open the Amazon settings in Salesforce. Log in with your Amazon Seller Central admin username and password to authorize the connection. Once authenticated, your Amazon account will be linked to Salesforce.

  3. Map Amazon and Salesforce Fields

    In the field mapping settings, choose which data points to sync between Amazon and Salesforce. Common mappings include linking Customers to Contacts and Orders to Opportunities. You can also automate sales with AI for more detailed mappings as needed.

  4. Configure Your Sync Settings

    Decide how often you want data synced between the platforms, such as every 15 minutes or once per day. Choose whether you want a one-way or two-way sync and set filters for which records are transferred.

  5. Activate and Test the Integration

    Once your field mappings and settings are configured, activate the integration. Place a test order on Amazon and verify that the customer and order records are correctly created or updated in Salesforce.

By following these steps, you can successfully integrate Amazon Seller Central with Salesforce. This will keep your data in sync across the two platforms and empower your team with a unified view of customer activity. For more advanced automations, you can automate sales prospecting tasks as well.

Unlock New Possibilities by Connecting Amazon and Salesforce

Integrating Amazon and Salesforce opens up a range of high-impact use cases that can transform your business. Here are some of the top ways companies are leveraging this powerful combination:

  1. Sync Customers for Targeted Marketing

    By linking Amazon customers to Salesforce contacts, you can use purchase history and preferences to create highly targeted marketing campaigns. Segment customers based on their Amazon activity and promote relevant products, upgrades, or add-ons via Salesforce. To make this process even smoother, consider using automation tools for sales prospecting.

  2. Provide Proactive Customer Service

    Connecting Amazon orders with Salesforce cases enables proactive customer service. When a customer has an issue with an Amazon order, reps can quickly access their full history in Salesforce to provide informed, context-aware support. You can also set up alerts for late shipments or negative feedback. Learn more about integrating data sources to enhance customer service.

  3. Identify Sales Opportunities

    Combining Amazon and Salesforce data surfaces valuable sales opportunities. Reps can see which customers frequently purchase certain products on Amazon and reach out with personalized upsell or cross-sell offers. You can also score leads based on Amazon activity. Utilizing sales prospecting tools can help enhance these efforts.

Save time and boost your sales by using Bardeen AI to automate your outreach and follow-up. Focus on important tasks while leaving the repetitive work to Bardeen.

From marketing to service to sales, integrating Amazon and Salesforce unlocks a wealth of possibilities. With the right automation in place, you can connect these two platforms to deliver better customer experiences and drive business results. Explore how you can automate your outreach and follow-up for maximum efficiency.


In this guide, we walked through how to integrate Amazon and Salesforce step-by-step. To recap, we covered:

  • The key benefits of connecting Amazon and Salesforce, including automatic data sync, workflow automation, and gaining a 360-degree customer view
  • Detailed instructions for setting up the integration between Amazon Seller Central and Salesforce
  • Top use cases for an Amazon Salesforce integration across marketing, sales, and service

Linking Amazon and Salesforce is a no-brainer for any business selling on the Amazon marketplace. By integrating these two powerful platforms, you can provide better customer experiences while driving operational efficiency.

Don't let your competitors get ahead - take action today to connect your Amazon and Salesforce accounts. The sooner you automate sales prospecting, the faster you'll reap the rewards of unified data and automated workflows.

Automation is simple.
Just describe your task in words

Type what you want to automate in the Magic Box, then watch Bardeen create its plan - called a playbook.
No coding required.


How can I integrate Amazon and Salesforce using Bardeen?

You can integrate Amazon and Salesforce using Bardeen by leveraging our pre-built playbooks. For example, you can save Amazon best seller products to Salesforce or export leads from LinkedIn Company Search to Salesforce. These automations help keep your data synchronized and ensure you never miss out on important information.

Can I transfer data from Salesforce to other tools using Bardeen?

Yes, Bardeen allows you to transfer data from Salesforce to other tools like Google Sheets, Coda, and Notion. For instance, you can copy all Salesforce opportunities to Google Sheets or copy all Salesforce accounts to Google Sheets. This helps you maintain a comprehensive view of your data across different platforms.

What are some specific automations Bardeen offers for Amazon and Salesforce integration?

Bardeen offers various automations for Amazon and Salesforce integration. Some examples include saving Amazon best seller products to Airtable, copying all Salesforce opportunities to Google Sheets, and exporting leads from LinkedIn Company Search to Salesforce. These playbooks help streamline your workflow and improve efficiency.

How much does it cost to use Bardeen for Amazon and Salesforce integration?

Bardeen offers a free plan that includes unlimited non-premium automations. For full access, including premium integrations and the ability to run automations 24/7 in the cloud, the paid plan costs $20/month. You can start with the free plan and upgrade as needed.