App Tutorial

Embed Content in Notion: A Step-by-Step Guide

Jason Gong
App automation expert
Apps used
April 15, 2024

Embedding content in Notion involves creating an embed block to integrate various types of content directly into your pages, enhancing interactivity and centralization of resources.

  • For Notion-affiliated platforms, use the '/embed' command or '+' menu, paste the URL, and press 'Enter'.
  • For external platforms, obtain an embeddable link or iframe code, and paste it into the Embed block.
  • For custom widgets, use HtmlSave to convert HTML code into a shareable link, then embed in Notion.

Automate your Notion workflow and enhance productivity with Bardeen's powerful integrations at Perfect for quickly capturing ideas, generating content, and organizing data.

How do you create an embed block in Notion?

Creating an embed block in Notion allows you to integrate a wide variety of content directly into your Notion pages, including videos, audio, documents, and even interactive widgets. This can be particularly useful for centralizing resources, enhancing project documentation, or simply making your pages more interactive and engaging. Here's how to create an embed block in Notion, covering three main methods.

Automating your Notion experience with Bardeen can significantly boost your productivity. Check out how you can start automating today!

Option 1: Embedding Content from Notion-affiliated Platforms

  1. Identify the URL of the content you wish to embed. This could be a video from YouTube, a Tweet, a Google Map, or any other content from platforms that Notion supports for direct embedding.
  2. In your Notion page, either type '/embed' or click the '+' icon to the left of a new line and select 'Embed' from the menu that appears.
  3. Paste the copied URL into the Embed block and press 'Enter'. Notion will automatically recognize the content and embed it into your page.

Option 2: Embedding External, Unrelated Platforms

  1. For content not directly supported by Notion, obtain the embeddable link or iframe code from the source website. This is often found in the 'Share' options of the content.
  2. Create an Embed block in Notion by typing '/embed' or selecting 'Embed' from the '+' menu.
  3. Paste the embed link or iframe code into the Embed block. If Notion supports embedding from the source, it will display the content within your page.

Option 3: Using HtmlSave for Widgets

  1. Find a widget and copy its HTML embed code. Visit HtmlSave and paste the code to convert it into a shareable link.
  2. Copy the generated link from HtmlSave.
  3. In Notion, create an Embed block by typing '/embed' and paste the HtmlSave link into the block. This method is particularly useful for embedding custom widgets or content that does not have direct support in Notion.

Note: Some websites may restrict their content from being embedded on third-party sites. If you encounter a 'Failed to Load' error when attempting to embed content in Notion, this may be the reason. Additionally, embeds that require login to an external site may not function within Notion's desktop or mobile apps.

Discover 12 of the most popular elements you can embed into Notion on our blog: Notion embed guide.

Automate Your Notion Workflow with Bardeen

While creating an embed block in Notion can enhance the interactivity of your workspace manually, automating your Notion experience with Bardeen can significantly boost your productivity and streamline your workflow. From generating content to organizing data, Bardeen's integration with Notion offers a multitude of possibilities for automation.

  1. Create AI-composed essay in Notion: Leverage the power of AI to generate essays on any given topic and directly incorporate them into your Notion workspace. Ideal for students, researchers, and content creators who require quick content generation.
  2. Save videos from the currently opened YouTube channel page to Notion: Archive and organize video content from YouTube directly into a Notion database. This playbook is particularly valuable for content curators, marketers, and educators.

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