Zoominfo vs Snov.io: Best Sales Tools Compared 2024

Last Updated on
June 7, 2024
Jason Gong

This article aims to compare Zoominfo and Snov.io, focusing on their sales intelligence features to help you decide which tool suits your needs best. We'll break down key aspects of each tool, even though they offer more than just sales intelligence. Our goal is to save you time by helping you choose the right tool, and using Bardeen enhances this process by automating your tasks.

Available Data PointsBuyer intent, LinkedIn data, financial infoIndustry, company size, social profiles
Enrichment IntegrationsAWS, Google Cloud, Snowflake integrationsCRM integrations like Salesforce, HubSpot
Data Quality & AccuracyAdvanced data sourcing, continuous updatesEmail Finder, 98% accuracy on email verification
ProspectingAPIs for searching, enriching, exporting dataFilters for job title, data export via API
Pricing TransparencyContact sales for pricing, offers free trialPricing visible online, free trial available

Available Data Points - Informing Your Sales Strategy

Zoominfo offers a unique advantage by including Buying Intent data, which is a less common data point but highly valuable for sales targeting. This is complemented by their main data source, LinkedIn, providing a rich profile of potential leads.

Zoominfo platform highlighting unique sales targeting features

Conversely, Snov.io provides a strong set of standard data points such as email, social profile URLs, and domain information. Their data is primarily harvested from websites and LinkedIn, which is useful but lacks the strategic depth provided by Buying Intent data.

For teams focused on highly targeted sales efforts where understanding a lead's readiness to buy is crucial, Zoominfo's inclusion of Buying Intent gives it a clear edge. Additionally, using Bardeen’s playbook to enrich Salesforce CRM leads with LinkedIn data can complement Zoominfo’s capabilities, providing a more comprehensive approach to lead enrichment.


ZoomInfo provides a wide range of data points for lead enrichment, including buyer intent data.

ZoomInfo offers a comprehensive set of data points for enriching leads, going beyond the standard contact information like email and phone number. Some of the unique data points that help ZoomInfo stand out include:

  • Buyer Intent Data: ZoomInfo provides insights into a lead's purchasing intent, helping sales teams prioritize and engage with the most promising prospects.
  • LinkedIn Data: By leveraging data from LinkedIn, ZoomInfo offers a rich set of professional information, such as job titles, work history, and education.
  • Actionable Analytics: ZoomInfo's analytics engine uses AI/ML to provide intelligent recommendations on the best person to engage with within an organization.
  • Funding and Financial Data: Users can access valuable financial information about a company, such as funding rounds, investor details, and revenue estimates.
  • Technographic Data: ZoomInfo provides information on the technologies and tools used by a company, helping sales teams tailor their outreach and offerings.


Snov.io provides company data points like industry, size, and social profiles.

The enrichment feature in Snov.io allows users to gather valuable data points on potential leads and companies. While it offers some standard data like email addresses and phone numbers, Snov.io also provides unique information that can help sales teams better understand and engage with their prospects.

  • Company data points: Snov.io enriches company profiles with details like industry, company size, founding year, website, and social media profiles. This information can be useful for segmenting leads and personalizing outreach.
  • Contact data points: In addition to email addresses, Snov.io can also provide prospect names and job titles. However, more advanced data points like buyer intent are not available.
  • Data sources: Snov.io primarily gathers data from public websites and LinkedIn profiles. While this can provide a solid foundation, it may not be as comprehensive as platforms that leverage additional proprietary data sources.

One notable aspect of Snov.io's enrichment is the ability to search for contact information based on specific criteria like name, company, and job title. This can help users quickly find the most relevant prospects for their campaigns.

Overall, while Snov.io's enrichment capabilities may not be as extensive as some other platforms, it still offers a useful set of data points that can help sales teams better understand and engage with their target accounts.

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Enrichment Integrations - Simplifying CRM and Marketing Tasks

Snov.io offers superior integration capabilities, directly connecting with a wide range of CRM and marketing platforms, such as Salesforce, HubSpot, and Pipedrive.

Direct CRM integrations available in Snov.io

In contrast, Zoominfo lacks direct CRM integrations but offers connections to major data platforms like AWS and Google Cloud, which can indirectly support CRM functions via API but may require more setup.

For businesses that prioritize ease of integration with a variety of sales and marketing tools, Snov.io clearly has the advantage. If integrating data across larger, more complex cloud environments is your goal, Zoominfo's approach might still be appealing.

Remember, integration isn't just about linking systems but also about enriching and utilizing the data effectively. Bardeen can help seamlessly enrich CRM records and streamline your sales process without needing multiple tools.


ZoomInfo integrations with AWS, Google Cloud, Snowflake, and Databricks.

ZoomInfo does not have direct integrations with CRMs or outreach tools out of the box. However, it does offer integrations with popular cloud platforms like AWS and Google Cloud, as well as data warehousing solutions like Snowflake and Databricks. These integrations allow users to ingest enriched data from ZoomInfo into their existing data infrastructure.

Key points about ZoomInfo's enrichment integrations:

  • Cloud platform integrations: ZoomInfo integrates with AWS and Google Cloud, enabling users to access enriched data within their cloud environments.
  • Data warehousing integrations: Snowflake and Databricks integrations allow for seamless data ingestion and analysis of ZoomInfo data alongside other first- and third-party data sources.
  • API access: ZoomInfo provides an API that enables custom integrations with any CRM or other platform, giving users flexibility to use enriched data where they need it most.

While the lack of direct CRM integrations may be a drawback for some users, ZoomInfo's API and cloud platform integrations provide a solid foundation for getting enriched data into the systems where it can be most effectively used. The ability to combine ZoomInfo data with other data sources in a data warehouse also opens up powerful analysis and segmentation opportunities.


Snov.io integrates with popular CRM, sales, and marketing platforms.

Snov.io makes it easy to connect your enriched lead data to the tools where you need it most. With a wide range of integrations, you can seamlessly sync Snov.io with your existing sales and marketing tech stack.

  • CRM Integrations: Connect Snov.io to popular CRM platforms like Salesforce, Pipedrive, and HubSpot. This allows you to automatically update lead records with enriched data.
  • Marketing Automation: Integrate with tools like Mailchimp, Calendly, and Hyperise to enhance your email campaigns and booking flows with personalized data.
  • Sales Engagement: Use Snov.io data in sales engagement platforms like Zapier and Make (formerly Integromat) to automate outreach and follow-ups.

Setting up integrations is straightforward, with most connections requiring just a few clicks. This ease of use makes it simple to leverage Snov.io's enriched data across your entire sales and marketing operation.

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Data Quality & Accuracy - Ensuring Valid, Up-To-Date Information

ZoomInfo has a clear advantage in terms of data quality and accuracy, as it utilizes a sophisticated data collection system involving multiple sources, including advanced technologies, niche third-party providers, and a robust research team, ensuring regular updates.

ZoomInfo's sophisticated multi-source data collection process

In contrast, Snov.io relies primarily on LinkedIn and static website data, without explicit details on their data update frequency or source verification methods.

For businesses prioritizing up-to-date and diversified data sources for better accuracy, ZoomInfo's methodical approach and transparency about their data sourcing and updating process make it the more reliable choice.

If enriching your contact lists with real-time data is crucial, consider using Bardeen to further enrich lists with live information from various platforms and directories.


ZoomInfo's FuZion data collection system ensures accurate, actionable data.

ZoomInfo is dedicated to providing high-quality, accurate, and up-to-date business data to support go-to-market success. Their sophisticated data collection system, FuZion, ensures that every data point entering their database is rigorously vetted and regularly updated.

  • Advanced data sourcing: ZoomInfo gathers and organizes broad business information and buying signals from multiple sources across the web, including advanced technologies, niche third-party providers, community contributors, and a robust research team.
  • Continuous updates: The platform employs a multi-step process to source, curate, and refresh data. Records are continuously scanned for changes, updated when new information is detected, and enriched with additional data points.
  • Data privacy compliance: ZoomInfo is committed to maintaining data-privacy compliance, ensuring that their data collection and processing methods adhere to relevant security and privacy standards.


Snov.io's Email Finder feature claims an extensive database and 98% accuracy for email verification.

Snov.io's data quality and accuracy depend on the sources it uses to gather information, primarily LinkedIn and company websites. This suggests that much of the data is static and may not reflect the most current changes in a prospect's role or contact information.

  • Extensive database for Email Finder: Snov.io claims to have an extensive database for its Email Finder tool, which collects pre-verified leads according to the ideal customer profile.
  • 98% accuracy for Email Verifier: The Email Verifier feature, which reduces bounce rate by verifying database clean with easy 7-tier verification, boasts a 98% accuracy rate. However, no specifics are provided on how this accuracy is determined or maintained.

While Snov.io highlights the size of its database and high accuracy rates, the lack of detailed information about data freshness and the reliance on relatively static sources suggest that users should independently verify the quality and timeliness of the data provided.

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Prospecting - Solutions for Lead Generation and Data Enrichment

ZoomInfo stands out for its robust API capabilities that facilitate extensive data enrichment and prospecting features, making it highly suitable for users needing detailed, up-to-date information across a wide range of data points.

ZoomInfo API features for advanced data enrichment and prospecting

On the other hand, Snov.io provides a simpler interface with basic filtering options, which may be easier to use for users with straightforward prospecting needs.

Basic filters in Snov.io for straightforward prospecting

For businesses looking to scale and require comprehensive data updates, ZoomInfo's advanced features provide a clear advantage. Meanwhile, for those who value simplicity and perhaps have smaller-scale needs, Snov.io might be the better choice.

Additionally, if enriching your prospect lists with dynamic, real-time data is crucial, consider using Bardeen to enrich contacts using names and company information directly from your browser.


ZoomInfo provides APIs for searching, enriching, and exporting data.

ZoomInfo offers a comprehensive set of APIs that allow users to search their extensive database, enrich existing lead data, and export the results for use in sales and marketing campaigns. These APIs provide a powerful way to prospect for new leads and ensure your existing data is up-to-date.

  • Search and Enrich: Query the entire ZoomInfo database to find relevant companies and contacts, and enrich your existing database with complete and accurate data from ZoomInfo.
  • Identify and Personalize: Learn about the visitors engaging with your website to power personalization, better understand conversion metrics, and target unconverted website traffic.
  • Scale and Subscribe: Easily and quickly search, redeem and enrich millions of records at scale, and keep that data fresh across systems with real-time updates on the millions of changes that take place in the ZoomInfo database every day.
  • Stay Secure and Compliant: Request and return data related to data privacy and opt-out compliance for contacts stored in the ZoomInfo database.


Snov.io provides filters to prospect for leads based on job title.

Snov.io's Prospecting feature enables users to build targeted lists of leads for outreach campaigns. The tool offers a user-friendly interface for filtering contacts and companies based on various criteria.

  • Multiple lists: Users can create and manage multiple lead lists within the platform.
  • Basic filters: Snov.io provides a set of basic filters, such as job titles, for refining lead searches.
  • Data export: Prospect data can be exported using the Snov.io API, allowing for integration with other tools and workflows.

While Snov.io's Prospecting feature offers essential functionality for building lead lists, it may lack some of the more advanced filtering options found in other sales intelligence platforms. However, the ability to export data via API can be beneficial for users looking to incorporate Snov.io into their existing sales tech stack.

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Pricing Transparency - Quick, Informed Decisions with Snov.io and Zoominfo

Snov.io offers more transparent pricing and flexibility than Zoominfo, with clearly displayed pricing tiers directly on their website. This allows potential customers to make informed decisions without the need to contact a sales representative.

Clear and detailed pricing options available on Snov.io

In contrast, Zoominfo necessitates contacting a salesperson to obtain pricing details, which can add a layer of complexity and potential delay for businesses looking to quickly implement solutions. Zoominfo's approach may benefit larger enterprises seeking customized solutions, but it could be a barrier for smaller companies or those requiring immediate pricing information.

If you're looking to extract and compare pricing data efficiently from websites like Zoominfo, consider using Bardeen's playbook to streamline this process.

Overall, Snov.io is more user-friendly for those who prefer straightforward, no-hassle access to pricing information.


Pricing information is not provided directly on ZoomInfo's website.

ZoomInfo does not provide transparent pricing information on their website. To get pricing details, you must contact their sales team. They offer a free trial, but the trial duration is not specified.

Key points about ZoomInfo's pricing model:

  • Contact sales required: You cannot view pricing online and must speak with a sales representative to get a quote.
  • Free trial available: A free trial is offered, but the length of the trial period is not mentioned.
  • Solution-based packaging: ZoomInfo offers different product packages focused on Sales, Marketing, and Talent solutions, each with its own set of features and pricing.

While the lack of upfront pricing can be inconvenient, this sales-driven model allows ZoomInfo to provide customized packages and pricing based on each client's specific needs and scale. The solution-based packaging aims to align the product offering with the key objectives of different teams, be it sales acceleration, marketing ROI, or talent acquisition.


Snov.io offers flexible pricing plans, including a free trial and discounts for annual billing.

Snov.io provides transparent pricing information directly on their website, with plans to suit a range of needs and budgets. Users can choose between monthly and annual billing, with a discount of up to 25% for annual subscriptions.

  • Free trial: A free trial is available for users to test out the platform before committing to a paid plan.
  • Pricing tiers: Snov.io offers four pricing tiers - Trial, Starter, Pro, and Managed Service. Each tier includes an increasing number of credits, email recipients, and features.
  • Pay per usage: Plans are priced based on the number of credits and email recipients included, rather than per user seat.
  • Enterprise features: The higher-tier Pro and Managed Service plans include advanced features like unlimited mailbox warm-ups, rotation, and follow-ups, as well as dedicated support.
  • No sales interaction required: Users can sign up for a plan and get started directly from the website without needing to contact a sales representative.
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The Verdict: Which is Best for Data-Driven Sales?

ZoomInfo and Snov.io offer distinct advantages for different sales scenarios. ZoomInfo excels with its in-depth buyer intent data and extensive data points, making it ideal for targeted, informed sales strategies. Snov.io, while less comprehensive in data depth, offers ease of use and good integration with sales and marketing tools.

For sales teams prioritizing deep, actionable insights and comprehensive data enrichment, ZoomInfo is the superior choice. If simplicity and integration with existing CRM and marketing platforms are more critical, Snov.io will better meet your needs.

Both tools are commendable, but your choice should align with your specific sales goals and the complexity of the data you handle.

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