Zoominfo vs Hunter.io: Best Sales Tools Compared 2024

Last Updated on
May 23, 2024
Jason Gong
App automation expert

This article compares Zoominfo and Hunter.io as sales intelligence tools, aiming to help you choose the best option by breaking down their features. Although both tools offer broader functionalities, our focus here is strictly on their capabilities as sales intelligence tools. Bardeen, a task copilot powered by AI, supports this comparison to assist in selecting top tools that save time on repetitive tasks. Learn more about Bardeen.

Available Data PointsProvides enriched lead data, buyer intent signals, LinkedIn data, and financial data.Unique insights like fundings and job openings data.
Enrichment IntegrationsIntegrates with cloud providers but lacks direct CRM integrations.Direct integrations with popular CRMs like HubSpot and Salesforce.
Data Quality & AccuracyEmploys FuZion system for data accuracy and privacy compliance.Extensive web crawling ensures up-to-date and accurate data.
ProspectingComprehensive APIs for data search, enrichment, and export.Advanced filtering options and multiple list creation for targeted prospecting.
Pricing TransparencyPricing not listed, contact sales for details. Free trial available.Transparent monthly/yearly plans with a free option and annual discount.

Available Data Points - Targeting Leads with Precision

Zoominfo provides a robust enrichment service by offering buyer's intent data primarily sourced from LinkedIn, which is valuable for precise targeting in sales strategies.

Zoominfo features showing integration with LinkedIn for buyer's intent

Hunter.io, in contrast, not only offers buyer intent but also includes unique data points such as funding information, which can be crucial for identifying growth-stage companies likely to invest in new solutions.

Hunter.io signals for fundings and acquisitions data

While both platforms offer valuable insights, Hunter.io provides a slight edge with its additional information on company funding, which can be pivotal for businesses focusing on B2B sales to rapidly growing companies.

To further enhance your outreach strategy, consider using Bardeen to automate and enrich lead data seamlessly, ensuring you always have the most relevant and actionable information.


ZoomInfo provides enriched data on leads, including buyer intent signals.

ZoomInfo offers a comprehensive set of data points to enrich lead profiles, going beyond standard contact information. In addition to basic details like email addresses and phone numbers, ZoomInfo provides valuable insights to help sales teams prioritize and engage with the most promising prospects.

  • Buyer Intent Data: ZoomInfo leverages data from various sources to surface buyer intent signals, indicating which leads are more likely to be in-market for a product or service. This allows sales reps to focus their efforts on the most receptive prospects.
  • LinkedIn Data: By integrating with LinkedIn, ZoomInfo enriches lead profiles with additional professional data points, such as job titles, work history, and education. This provides a more complete picture of each prospect.
  • Actionable Analytics: ZoomInfo's intelligent recommendations engine analyzes lead data to suggest the best person to engage with at a target account. This helps sales teams optimize their outreach efforts.
  • Funding and Financial Data: For B2B sales, ZoomInfo provides valuable company data like funding rounds, revenue estimates, and financial health indicators. This empowers reps to tailor their messaging and prioritize high-value accounts.


Hunter.io offers unique signals like fundings and job openings data.

Hunter.io provides a range of data points to enrich lead profiles, going beyond standard information like email addresses and phone numbers. The platform stands out by offering unique insights that can help identify high-potential prospects.

  • Fundings and acquisitions data: Hunter.io provides information on a company's funding rounds and acquisitions, which can be a strong indicator of growth and potential for sales opportunities.
  • Job openings data: The platform also offers data on a company's current job openings, allowing sales teams to identify businesses that are actively expanding and may have specific needs that their product or service can address.

By leveraging these unique data points, sales professionals can gain a more comprehensive understanding of their leads and tailor their outreach accordingly. The fundings and job openings insights can help prioritize prospects based on their growth trajectory and current needs, enabling more targeted and effective sales efforts.

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Enrichment Integrations - Simplifying CRM connectivity and data management

Hunter.io presents a more direct advantage for CRM integration compared to Zoominfo.

Hunter.io CRM integration options

Hunter.io directly integrates with leading CRMs like HubSpot, Salesforce, and Pipedrive, facilitating the synchronization of lead data without additional tools. On the other hand, Zoominfo lacks direct CRM integrations but offers API access and connections with major cloud services like AWS and Google Cloud, which may require more technical setup.

For businesses looking for straightforward CRM connectivity with minimal technical intervention, Hunter.io is the better choice. However, if your organization benefits from extensive cloud infrastructure and has the capability to handle API integrations, Zoominfo's approach could be more flexible.

Streamlining CRM updates with enriched data without manual input can dramatically save time; consider using Bardeen's playbook to enrich and update CRM records for seamless data management.


Zoominfo integrates with leading cloud providers for data management.

While Zoominfo does not have direct integrations with CRMs, it does offer integrations with leading cloud providers AWS and Google Cloud. This allows users to ingest Zoominfo data into their cloud environments and combine it with their existing first- and third-party data for a comprehensive view of their customers and prospects.

Key points about Zoominfo's enrichment integrations:

  • API-based integration: Zoominfo's API enables integration with any CRM system, providing flexibility for users to enrich their existing data.
  • Cloud provider partnerships: Integrations with AWS, Google Cloud, Snowflake, and Databricks allow users to manage their enriched data directly in their preferred cloud environment.
  • Combine data sources: By integrating Zoominfo data with existing data in the cloud, users can gain a more comprehensive understanding of their customers and prospects.

While the lack of direct CRM integrations may require additional setup compared to other enrichment providers, Zoominfo's API and cloud partnerships still enable effective data enrichment workflows. The ability to manage enriched data directly in the user's cloud environment can streamline data management processes.


Hunter.io offers integrations with popular CRMs like HubSpot, Pipedrive, Salesforce, and Zoho CRM.

Hunter.io makes it easy to connect the enriched lead data to your existing CRM and emailing tools. The direct integrations allow for automatic syncing of leads saved in Hunter.io to the connected platforms.

Key integration features:

  • CRM integrations: Sync leads to HubSpot, Pipedrive, Salesforce, and Zoho CRM
  • Emailing integrations: Connect with Gmail and Outlook for seamless outreach
  • Simple setup: Connecting an integration is a straightforward process
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Data Quality & Accuracy - Sourcing and Verifying Business Data

ZoomInfo and Hunter.io both excel in data enrichment, but ZoomInfo has a slight edge due to its multifaceted data sourcing strategy.

ZoomInfo sources data from various channels for comprehensive accuracy

ZoomInfo utilizes advanced technologies, niche third-party providers, community contributions, and a robust research team to ensure the data remains current and comprehensive. Hunter.io, while also maintaining high data quality, primarily focuses on web crawling to update its dataset continuously.

For businesses needing detailed and diverse data points, ZoomInfo’s broad approach to data collection and regular updates might provide the most benefit. To further enhance your data sets, consider using Bardeen to automate data extraction from various online sources.


ZoomInfo gathers business data from multiple sources and curates it through their FuZion data collection system.

ZoomInfo takes data quality and accuracy seriously, employing a sophisticated data collection and curation process called FuZion. This system ensures that the business information in their database is accurate, actionable, and compliant with data privacy regulations.

  • Broad data sourcing: ZoomInfo gathers and organizes business information and buying signals from multiple sources across the web, including advanced technologies, niche third-party providers, community contributors, and a dedicated research team.
  • Continuous updates: The data in ZoomInfo's platform is regularly updated to maintain its accuracy and relevance. As new information is detected, records are updated and new records are added to the database.
  • Data curation: Every data point that enters ZoomInfo's database goes through the FuZion data collection system, which employs advanced algorithms and human verification to ensure data accuracy and compliance with privacy standards.


Hunter.io crawls millions of web pages daily to maintain an up-to-date database.

Hunter.io maintains a comprehensive and up-to-date database of contact information by continuously crawling the web. This ensures that users have access to accurate and reliable data for their outreach efforts.

  • Extensive web crawling: Hunter.io visits millions of web pages every day to find contact information for businesses of all types and sizes.
  • Massive data sources: The platform sources data from over 76M websites, providing a wide breadth of information.
  • Regularly updated: The web crawling process runs constantly, ensuring that the database is always current and relevant.
  • Verified email addresses: Hunter.io has indexed over 107M professional email addresses, all of which are verified for accuracy.

By syncing with the entire web, Hunter.io provides users with a powerful tool for finding the right contacts and fueling their email outreach campaigns. The platform's commitment to data quality and freshness sets it apart as a reliable source of contact information.

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Prospecting - Identify and Target Relevant Leads

Zoominfo provides a more comprehensive set of tools for lead prospecting and data enrichment compared to Hunter.io.

Zoominfo's API offers extensive data enrichment capabilities

While both platforms allow for the creation of multiple lists and offer powerful filtering options, Zoominfo's ability to integrate data enrichment through APIs provides a significant edge, enabling more dynamic and scalable prospecting strategies.

Hunter.io, although offering basic filters and CRM integration for data export, does not seem to match the level of integration and real-time data access provided by Zoominfo.

For users looking to enrich contacts using names and company information in Google Sheets, consider using Bardeen to enhance your prospecting workflow further by integrating real-time information from multiple sources.

If your prospecting needs demand extensive and scalable data integration, Zoominfo's enriched capabilities are likely the better choice.


Zoominfo offers APIs to search, enrich, and export data for prospecting.

Zoominfo's prospecting capabilities allow users to easily search and enrich their existing database with accurate, up-to-date information on companies and contacts. With a comprehensive set of APIs, users can efficiently build targeted lists of leads for their outreach campaigns.

Key features of Zoominfo's prospecting tools:

  • Search and Enrich: Query the entire Zoominfo database to find relevant companies and contacts, enriching existing data with complete and accurate information from Zoominfo.
  • Standard APIs: Access data through a set of standard APIs for easy integration with existing systems and workflows.
  • Identify and Personalize: Learn about website visitors to power personalization and better understand conversion metrics to optimize targeting of unconverted traffic.
  • Data Export: Export enriched data using the provided API to seamlessly incorporate it into other tools and platforms.


Prospecting interface with filters for department and seniority level.

Hunter.io's prospecting feature provides a powerful way to build targeted lists of leads for outreach campaigns. The intuitive interface allows you to filter contacts and companies based on a variety of criteria, ensuring that your outreach efforts are focused on the most relevant prospects.

  • Advanced filtering options: Filter leads by department, seniority level, and other key attributes to create highly targeted lists.
  • Multiple list creation: Build and manage multiple lead lists within the Hunter.io platform for different campaigns or segments.
  • Data export and integration: Easily export lead data or integrate with your CRM using Hunter.io's API for seamless workflow.
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Pricing Transparency - Quick Access vs Consultative Approach

Hunter.io provides a more transparent and accessible pricing structure compared to Zoominfo. Zoominfo requires you to contact a salesperson to access pricing information, which may not be preferable for those seeking quick and straightforward pricing details.

Hunter.io offers clear pricing tiers and a free trial option

Hunter.io not only provides detailed pricing tiers but also offers a free trial and discounts for annual payments. This flexibility supports different business needs and budgets, making it easier for users to make informed decisions without the need for direct sales interaction.

For businesses looking for straightforward, easily accessible pricing information without the need to engage with sales teams, Hunter.io clearly has the advantage. If you're looking to gather pricing data efficiently, consider using Bardeen to automate the process of collecting this information from various sources.


Zoominfo offers three pricing plans for Sales, Marketing, and Talent.

Zoominfo provides three different pricing plans catered to Sales, Marketing, and Talent teams, each with its own set of features. However, specific pricing details are not publicly available on their website. To get a quote, you need to contact their sales team.

Key pricing aspects:

  • Contact sales for pricing: Pricing is not transparently listed on the website. You must reach out to the Zoominfo sales team to get a customized quote based on your specific needs.
  • Free trial available: Zoominfo does offer a free trial, allowing potential customers to test out the platform before committing to a paid plan.
  • Feature differences in plans: The three plans (Sales, Marketing, Talent) each offer different feature sets. For example, the Sales plan includes accurate contact data, while the Talent plan offers candidate search capabilities.


Hunter.io offers monthly and yearly pricing plans with a 30% discount for annual billing.

Hunter.io provides a range of pricing options to suit different needs and budgets, with monthly and yearly billing available. The platform offers a free plan for users to get started, as well as paid plans that unlock additional features and higher usage limits.

  • Free plan: Hunter.io's free plan includes 25 monthly email searches and 50 monthly verifications at no cost.
  • Paid plans: Paid plans start at $34/month (or $408/year) for the Starter plan, with higher tiers offering more searches, verifications, and features like CSV exports and SMTP/IMAP accounts.
  • Annual discount: Users can save 30% by choosing annual billing instead of monthly payments.
  • Usage-based pricing: In addition to the monthly credits included in each plan, Hunter.io charges overage fees for additional searches and verifications on a per-credit basis.
  • Unlimited seats: All plans come with unlimited seats, allowing teams to easily upgrade or downgrade as needed.
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The Verdict: Which is Best for Targeting Leads with Precision?

ZoomInfo and Hunter.io both offer unique advantages for sales professionals looking to target leads with precision. ZoomInfo provides a comprehensive set of data points including buyer intent data from LinkedIn, which is particularly useful for identifying ready-to-buy prospects. Its integration with LinkedIn enriches lead profiles significantly, making it ideal for detailed, strategic outreach.

Hunter.io, however, offers unique insights such as fundings and job openings data, which are valuable for identifying growth-stage companies that might need your products or services. This makes Hunter.io suitable for targeting rapidly growing businesses.

If your focus is on depth of data and identifying buyer intent, ZoomInfo is the more suitable choice. For those targeting emerging companies and benefiting from insights into company growth and job openings, Hunter.io would be the recommended tool.

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