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Salesforce with WordPress

Connect Salesforce and WordPress to automate your workflows. Use natural language to instruct Bardeen's AI Agent to handle repetitive tasks. No coding required.

How to integrate Salesforce with WordPress?

We're Bardeen, we build an AI Agent that does your repetitive work tasks. Companies like Deel and Casafari, use Bardeen connect apps like Salesforce and WordPress together to save time and increase productivity.

Integrating Salesforce and WordPress can skyrocket your lead generation and customer management. In fact, 83% of Fortune 500 companies use Salesforce. But how do you connect these two powerful platforms seamlessly?

In this step-by-step guide, we'll walk you through both the classic manual integration process and introduce game-changing AI automation tools like Bardeen. By the end, you'll have the skills to sync data effortlessly, close more deals, and save hours of manual work each week. Ready to take your Salesforce-WordPress integration to the next level?

Setting Up the Salesforce to WordPress Integration

To connect Salesforce with your WordPress site, you'll need accounts on both platforms. Then follow these steps:

  1. Install a WordPress Plugin for Salesforce Integration

    Choose a plugin like the "Salesforce Integration for WordPress" or "Brilliant Web-to-Lead for Salesforce" plugin. Install and activate it on your WordPress site. These plugins provide a user-friendly interface to map Salesforce fields to your WordPress forms without coding.

  2. Connect the Plugin to Your Salesforce Account

    In your WordPress admin dashboard, go to the settings page for the Salesforce plugin. Enter your Salesforce username, password, and security token. The plugin will then authenticate the connection between WordPress and Salesforce.

  3. Map Salesforce Fields to Your WordPress Form

    Create a new form or edit an existing one in WordPress. The Salesforce plugin will add a new section to map each form field to a corresponding Salesforce field. Common fields to map include name, email, phone, company. For each, select the matching Salesforce field from the dropdown.

With the integration set up, when a visitor submits a form on your WordPress site, their info will automatically flow into Salesforce. You're now capturing leads from your website directly in your CRM.

In the next section, we'll cover how to configure your WordPress forms to work seamlessly with Salesforce.

Configuring WordPress Forms to Work with Salesforce

To send data from your WordPress forms directly to Salesforce, you'll need a form plugin that supports Salesforce integration. Popular options include Gravity Forms, Ninja Forms, and WPForms, which all offer Salesforce add-ons. Here's how to set it up:

  1. 1. Create a New WordPress Form

    In your form plugin, create a new form to capture leads. Add fields like name, email, phone, and company. For a contact form, you might also include a message field. Be sure to mark required fields that must be mapped to Salesforce.

  2. 2. Map Your Form Fields to Salesforce

    With your Salesforce add-on activated, go to your form's settings. Map each form field to the corresponding Salesforce field. For example, map the email field to the Lead Email field in Salesforce. This ensures the data syncs to the right place.

  3. 3. Troubleshoot Common Form Errors

    If you run into issues with your Salesforce WordPress integration, double check your API settings and field mapping. Ensure required fields in Salesforce are set as required in your form. If you get an error when connecting your site to Salesforce, wait a few minutes and try again as it can take some time for the API connection to be established.

With your form created and mapped to Salesforce, each time a visitor submits it, their info will flow automatically into Salesforce as a new lead or contact that your sales team can follow up with. For more advanced techniques on syncing data, check out integrating Google Sheets with your Salesforce setup.

Save time by organizing your data more efficiently. Learn how to connect Google Docs with Salesforce.

Next up, we'll explore some advanced techniques to get even more out of your Salesforce WordPress integration, like syncing users and displaying Salesforce data on your site.

Advanced Salesforce WordPress Integration Techniques

Once you have the basic Salesforce WordPress integration set up with forms sending data between the two systems, you can implement more advanced techniques. Syncing WordPress user profiles to Salesforce contacts, displaying Salesforce data on your WordPress site, and integrating Salesforce with WooCommerce are powerful ways to further connect the two platforms.

  1. 1. Sync WordPress Users to Salesforce Contacts

    Keep your WordPress user data in sync with Salesforce by mapping user fields to contact fields. Plugins like the Salesforce Suite or Object Sync for Salesforce can handle this. When a user registers or updates their profile on your site, their contact record in Salesforce will be automatically created or updated.

    For example, a membership site could sync new user registrations to Salesforce, so the sales team has up-to-date info on members. This saves manually importing user data and keeps both systems in sync, so you have a complete view of your audience.

  2. 2. Display Salesforce Data in WordPress

    You can also bring Salesforce data into WordPress to display dynamic content from Salesforce on your site. This could be a list of upcoming events, a directory of locations or chapters, or custom data from Salesforce.

    To show Salesforce data in WordPress, you'll query the Salesforce API to retrieve the records you want to display. Then, use a plugin or custom code to output that data in WordPress, styling it to match your theme. With this approach, you can automate sales prospecting and create content in Salesforce that automatically syncs to display on your WordPress site.

  3. 3. Integrate Salesforce and WooCommerce

    If you're using WooCommerce to sell products or collect payments on your WordPress site, you can sync that ecommerce data to Salesforce too. Integrating WooCommerce and Salesforce lets you automatically send new orders to Salesforce as sales records.

    You can map WooCommerce customers to contacts or leads in Salesforce, and WooCommerce orders to opportunities. This gives your sales team visibility into ecommerce activity and keeps Salesforce updated with your latest sales data from WordPress. Plugins like WooCommerce Salesforce Integration or Brilliant Web-to-Lead for WooCommerce can help set up this integration.

With these advanced techniques, you can sync key data bidirectionally between the two systems and display Salesforce content in WordPress.

Thanks for sticking with us this far! Integrating Salesforce and WordPress at a deeper level takes some work, but the payoff in time savings and improved data flow is huge. Next let's review some key takeaways from this guide.


Integrating Salesforce with WordPress is crucial for businesses that want to sync data between these two powerful platforms.

This guide walked you through:

  • Setting up the integration by connecting your accounts and installing the necessary plugins
  • Configuring WordPress forms to map fields and send entries to Salesforce
  • Implementing advanced techniques like syncing users, displaying Salesforce data, and integrating with WooCommerce

Don't miss out on the benefits of integrating Salesforce and WordPress. Your leads and efficiency will vanish into thin air! Learn how to automate sales prospecting to enhance your workflow.

Automate repetitive tasks across apps and tabs in your browser. Use Bardeen's integrations to save time and focus on important work.

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How can I integrate Salesforce with WordPress using Bardeen?

With Bardeen, you can automate the connection between Salesforce and WordPress. Use playbooks to transfer data, like copying Salesforce contacts to a WordPress form or exporting leads from WordPress to Salesforce. Check out our [Salesforce integrations]( and [WordPress integrations]( for more details.

Can I automate lead generation from WordPress to Salesforce?

Yes, you can automate lead generation from WordPress to Salesforce using Bardeen. For example, you can create a playbook to export form submissions from WordPress directly into Salesforce as new leads. This helps ensure your leads are captured and managed effectively.

What are some specific automations for Salesforce and WordPress?

Some specific automations include saving a HubSpot contact as a new Salesforce contact, copying all Salesforce opportunities to Google Sheets, and creating Salesforce leads from LinkedIn post commenters. Explore more in our [Salesforce and WordPress playbooks](

How much does it cost to integrate Salesforce with WordPress using Bardeen?

Bardeen offers a free plan for individuals and small teams, which includes non-premium automations. For premium features like always-on automations, the paid plan costs $20/month. Learn more about our pricing on our [pricing page](