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Salesforce with Slack

Integrate Salesforce and Slack to automate key workflows. Use natural language prompts to Bardeen's AI Agent for repetitive tasks. No coding required.

How to integrate Salesforce with Slack?

We're Bardeen, we build an AI Agent that does your repetitive work tasks. Companies like Deel and Casafari, use Bardeen connect apps like Salesforce and Slack together to save time and increase productivity.

Effective collaboration between sales and other teams is crucial for success. In fact, companies with strong sales and marketing alignment achieve 24% faster revenue growth. Integrating Salesforce and Slack can bridge communication gaps, streamline workflows, and boost productivity.

But how exactly do you connect these two powerful platforms? Don't worry, we've got you covered with this comprehensive, step-by-step guide. You'll learn the benefits, prerequisites, setup process, and best practices for Salesforce Slack integration. Plus, discover how AI automation tools like Bardeen can take your integration to the next level.

Ready to supercharge your sales collaboration? Let's dive in!

Benefits of Integrating Slack and Salesforce

Integrating Slack and Salesforce can significantly improve communication, collaboration, and productivity across your organization. By connecting these two powerful platforms, you can streamline workflows, access critical data, and respond to customer needs more efficiently. Let's explore the key benefits of integrating Salesforce and Slack.

1. Seamless Communication Between Sales and Other Teams

When you integrate Salesforce and Slack, you break down communication silos between your sales team and other departments. Sales reps can easily share Salesforce data, such as customer information or deal updates, with colleagues in marketing, support, or finance via Slack channels. This fosters collaboration and ensures everyone is on the same page.

For example, when a sales rep closes a major deal, they can instantly share the good news in a dedicated Slack channel. This allows other teams to congratulate them, discuss next steps, and plan for the customer's onboarding and success.

2. Access Salesforce Data Directly from Slack

With the Salesforce Slack integration, you can access critical Salesforce data without ever leaving Slack. This saves time and increases productivity by eliminating the need to switch between apps constantly.

For instance, if a colleague asks about a specific customer account, you can use Slack commands to search Salesforce and share the relevant record directly in the Slack conversation. This allows for quick information sharing and informed decision-making.

3. Real-Time Salesforce Notifications in Slack

By setting up Salesforce notifications in Slack, you can stay informed about important updates and take action faster. Whether it's a new lead, a closed opportunity, or a customer support issue, you'll receive real-time alerts in designated Slack channels.

This enables your team to respond promptly to new opportunities or customer needs, ultimately improving sales performance and customer satisfaction. For example, when a high-priority lead comes in, sales reps can be notified instantly in Slack, allowing them to follow up quickly and increase the chances of conversion.

4. Seamless Sharing of Salesforce Records

Integrating Salesforce and Slack makes it easy to share Salesforce records, such as contacts, accounts, or opportunities, within Slack conversations. This facilitates collaboration and keeps everyone informed about the latest developments.

For example, if a sales rep needs input from a colleague on a specific deal, they can share the Salesforce opportunity record directly in Slack. This allows for seamless discussion and decision-making without the need to switch between apps or send emails back and forth.

Integrating Slack and Salesforce offers numerous benefits, including improved communication, access to data, real-time notifications, and seamless record sharing. By leveraging this powerful integration, your team can work more efficiently, collaborate effectively, and drive better business results.

In the next section of this guide, we'll dive into the prerequisites and setup steps required to successfully integrate Salesforce and Slack. You'll learn everything you need to know to get started and automate sales prospecting.

Prerequisites and Setup Steps for Salesforce Slack Integration

Before you can start using Salesforce and Slack together, there are a few essential prerequisites and setup steps to complete. These include ensuring you have admin access to both platforms, installing the Salesforce app in Slack, configuring your Salesforce custom domain, granting necessary permissions, and mapping Salesforce objects and fields to display in Slack. By carefully following these steps, you'll lay the foundation for a seamless integration experience.

1. Verify Admin Access to Salesforce and Slack

To set up the Salesforce Slack integration, you must have admin privileges in both Salesforce and Slack. This level of access is necessary to install the Salesforce app, modify settings, and grant permissions to users.

If you're unsure about your admin status, check with your organization's Salesforce and Slack administrators. They can either confirm your access or grant you the required permissions to proceed with the integration setup.

2. Install the Salesforce App from Slack App Directory

The next step is to install the Salesforce app from the Slack App Directory. Navigate to the directory, search for the Salesforce app, and click "Install."

During the installation process, you'll be prompted to authorize the app and grant it access to your Slack workspace. Review the permissions carefully and click "Allow" to proceed. Once installed, the Salesforce app will be accessible to all users in your Slack workspace.

3. Set Up Your Salesforce Custom Domain

To use the Salesforce Slack integration effectively, your Salesforce org must have a custom domain set up. A custom domain allows you to access Salesforce using a unique, branded URL instead of the default Salesforce URL.

If you haven't already set up a custom domain, go to Salesforce Setup, search for "My Domain," and follow the prompts to register and deploy your custom domain. This step is crucial for ensuring a smooth integration experience.

4. Grant Necessary Permissions in Salesforce

For users to access Salesforce data and perform actions from within Slack, you must grant the necessary permissions in Salesforce. This involves assigning the appropriate permission sets to users.

In Salesforce Setup, create a new permission set or modify an existing one to include the required permissions for the Salesforce Slack integration. Then, assign this permission set to the relevant users or profiles. This ensures that users have the appropriate access to Salesforce data and functionality within Slack.

5. Map Salesforce Objects and Fields to Display in Slack

To view Salesforce data in Slack, you need to map the relevant Salesforce objects and fields to display in Slack. This mapping determines which information from Salesforce records will be visible in Slack channels and conversations.

Automating sales prospecting can help you map key information such as account names, opportunity stages, and case details to provide context and enable effective collaboration between Salesforce users and other teams in Slack.

Using automating sales prospecting with Bardeen can simplify this process, saving you time and making mapping easier.

By completing these prerequisites and setup steps, you'll establish a strong foundation for integrating Salesforce and Slack. With admin access, the Salesforce app installed, custom domain configured, permissions granted, and objects mapped, you're well on your way to streamlining your workflow and enhancing productivity.

In the next section of this guide, you'll dive into configuring the various Salesforce and Slack integration features to tailor the experience to your organization's specific needs. Get ready to unlock the full potential of this powerful integration!

Configuring Salesforce and Slack Integration Features

Once you've completed the prerequisites and setup steps, it's time to dive into configuring the various features of the Salesforce Slack integration. By setting up custom alerts, adding Salesforce actions to Slack, creating custom message destinations, and modifying notification settings, you can tailor the integration to meet your team's specific needs and workflows. Let's explore each of these configuration options in more detail.

1. Set Up Custom Salesforce Alerts in Slack

Custom Salesforce alerts in Slack keep your team informed about important updates and changes to records. For example, you can set up an alert to notify a specific Slack channel whenever a high-priority case is created or when an opportunity reaches a certain stage.

To create a custom alert, navigate to the Slack Setup Assistant in Salesforce, click "New Alert," and define the criteria for the alert. You can choose to trigger alerts based on changes to specific fields or when certain conditions are met.

2. Add Salesforce Actions and Message Viewer to Slack

Salesforce actions in Slack allow users to perform common tasks without leaving the Slack interface. For instance, a sales representative can update an opportunity's stage or create a new lead directly from Slack.

To enable Salesforce actions, add them to your page layouts in Salesforce. You can also add the Slack Message Viewer component to pages, allowing users to view and interact with Slack messages related to a specific record. Or you might want to automate outreach and follow-up to streamline your process.

3. Create Custom Message Destinations for Targeted Notifications

Custom message destinations let you route Salesforce notifications to specific Slack channels or users. This feature is particularly useful for ensuring that the right people are notified about relevant updates.

To create a custom message destination, authenticate with Slack in the Setup Assistant, then configure the destination by selecting a workspace, channel, or direct message. You can then use the message destination ID in Process Builder or Flow to send notifications to the designated Slack conversation.

4. Modify Salesforce Settings to Manage Slack Notifications

To prevent notification overload, you can adjust Salesforce settings that control how and when notifications are sent to Slack. Two key settings to consider are the trigger record limit and the async limit.

The trigger record limit determines the maximum number of notifications sent to Slack when actions are taken in bulk. The async limit sets the maximum number of asynchronous calls the Salesforce app for Slack can make in a 24-hour period. Adjust these settings based on your team's preferences and usage patterns.

By configuring these Salesforce Slack integration features, you can create a more seamless and efficient workflow between the two platforms. Your team will stay informed, collaborate effectively, and be able to take action without constantly switching between apps.

Integrating Salesforce and Slack is a game-changer for productivity and collaboration. Thanks for sticking with us through this guide – we know it's been a journey! But trust us, the payoff is worth it. You'll wonder how you ever managed without this powerful integration.


Integrating Salesforce and Slack is crucial for improving collaboration, productivity, and customer responsiveness in today's fast-paced business environment.

In this guide, you discovered:

  • The numerous benefits of connecting Salesforce and Slack, such as improved communication, time savings, and real-time notifications
  • Essential prerequisites and setup steps, including admin access, app installation, and custom domain configuration
  • How to configure powerful integration features like custom alerts, Salesforce actions, and targeted message destinations

Don't miss out on the game-changing advantages of integrating Salesforce with Slack – your team's efficiency and customer satisfaction depend on it!

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How does the Salesforce & Slack integration benefit my team?

This integration connects Salesforce with Slack, allowing for real-time updates on sales opportunities and lead management. Automations like 'Send Salesforce opportunity information in Slack' improve communication and reduce the time spent switching between apps.

Can I create new Salesforce accounts from Slack?

Yes, you can use automations such as 'Create a Salesforce account from a LinkedIn company profile and send a Slack message' to streamline the process of adding new accounts directly from Slack.

What types of data can I share between Salesforce and Slack?

You can share various types of data like opportunities, contacts, and accounts. Automations such as 'Send Salesforce opportunity information in Slack' and 'Copy all Salesforce Contacts to Google Sheets' help keep your team updated and organized.

How much does it cost to use Bardeen for Salesforce & Slack integrations?

Bardeen offers a free plan for basic use, which includes unlimited non-premium automations. The paid plan, costing $20/month, provides full access to premium integrations and 24/7 cloud automation.