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Salesforce with Zoom

Integrate Salesforce and Zoom to streamline your workflows. Use Bardeen's AI Agent to automate repetitive tasks with simple natural language commands. No coding required.

How to integrate Salesforce with Zoom?

We're Bardeen, we build an AI Agent that does your repetitive work tasks. Companies like Deel and Casafari, use Bardeen connect apps like Salesforce and Zoom together to save time and increase productivity.

Salesforce and Zoom are two of the most widely used business tools, with over 150,000 companies using Salesforce and millions relying on Zoom for virtual meetings. Integrating these platforms can save your team hours each week by automating tedious tasks like scheduling meetings and syncing data. But how exactly do you connect Salesforce and Zoom, and what are the key benefits? In this comprehensive guide, we'll walk you through the integration process step-by-step and show you how to leverage AI tools like Bardeen to make it even easier. Get ready to supercharge your sales productivity!

Prerequisites for Integrating Salesforce and Zoom

Before you can integrate Salesforce and Zoom, there are a few key requirements you'll need to meet in both platforms. This includes having a supported Salesforce edition, the necessary user permissions set up, and a Zoom account on a plan that enables integrations.

Connecting Salesforce and Zoom offers several benefits that can help streamline your workflows. It allows automating the scheduling of Zoom meetings from within Salesforce, syncing data on meeting attendees back to Salesforce, and ultimately enabling more personalized engagement with customers and prospects.

At a high level, the integration process involves configuring settings in both Salesforce and Zoom, mapping fields for syncing data between the two systems, and then setting up automation to streamline meeting scheduling and management. The specific steps are covered in detail in the following sections.

1. Check Your Salesforce Edition and Permissions

To integrate Zoom, you must be using either Salesforce Enterprise, Performance, or Unlimited edition. The integration is not supported on other editions like Essentials or Professional.

You'll also need to ensure you have the necessary permissions. This includes having the "Customize Application" permission to edit page layouts and the "Manage Connected Apps" permission to configure Salesforce settings for the Zoom integration.

If you don't have the required permissions, you'll need to request them from your Salesforce admin before proceeding with setup.

2. Verify Your Zoom Account Plan Supports Integrations

Not all Zoom account plans have access to the integration features needed to connect with Salesforce. You must be on a paid Zoom plan, either Pro, Business, Education, or Enterprise.

Free Basic or Personal Meeting plans do not have access to the integration capabilities. If needed, you can always upgrade your Zoom plan to one that supports integrations.

Keep in mind you'll also need admin privileges in Zoom to configure the integration settings. Make sure you have the appropriate level of access before getting started.

3. Review the High-Level Integration Steps

Once you've confirmed you meet the prerequisites on both the Salesforce and Zoom sides, it's helpful to familiarize yourself with the integration process at a high level.

  • First you'll configure some settings in Salesforce, including updating page layouts and setting up a connected app for Zoom.
  • Next you'll shift over to Zoom, where you'll generate an API token and configure some basic field mappings.
  • Finally you'll set up automation to sync data between the two systems and streamline meeting scheduling.

The remainder of this guide will walk through each of these steps in detail.

With the right editions, permissions, and accounts in place, you're ready to connect Salesforce and Zoom to streamline scheduling, sync meeting data, and enhance customer engagement. The next section will dive into configuring the Zoom integration settings in Salesforce.

Configuring the Zoom Integration in Salesforce

Once you've met the prerequisites, you're ready to set up the Zoom integration in your Salesforce org. The process involves installing the Zoom managed package, configuring access permissions, mapping fields between the two systems, and setting up automation.

For example, let's say you work at a software company that uses Salesforce to manage sales and Zoom to host customer meetings. By integrating the two platforms, you can automatically create Zoom meetings from Salesforce records and sync data to streamline workflows.

Save time and reduce manual entry by using Bardeen to connect Excel with your Zoom and Salesforce integrations.

The key steps are installing the Zoom package, granting users the necessary permissions, customizing field mappings, and building workflows to automate common processes. Let's walk through each of these in more detail.

1. Install the Zoom Managed Package

Start by installing the Zoom managed package in your Salesforce org. You'll need admin permissions to do this.

In Salesforce Setup, navigate to the AppExchange Marketplace and search for the Zoom integration. Click Get It Now, then follow the prompts to install in your production or sandbox environment.

During installation, you'll be asked to approve third-party access. Review the permissions and click Allow to proceed. The package will then be installed, which may take a few minutes.

2. Configure User Permissions and Access

Next, you need to configure which users can access the Zoom integration and what they're allowed to do. This ensures only authorized users can schedule and manage Zoom meetings from within Salesforce.

In Setup, navigate to Manage Users > Profiles. Click Edit next to the relevant user profile, such as the Sales User profile.

Under System Permissions, select "Zoom Scheduling" and "Zoom Meeting Sync". You can also enable "Zoom Admin" for users who need to configure the integration settings. Click Save.

Now, assign the Zoom permission set to authorized users. Go to Manage Users > Permission Sets, select Zoom_User, and click Manage Assignments to add users.

3. Map Salesforce and Zoom Fields

To sync data between Salesforce and Zoom, you need to map fields between the two systems. This allows information like the meeting topic, date/time, and registrants to flow seamlessly.

Go to the Zoom Settings tab in Salesforce. Under the Field Mappings section, map the Salesforce Lead and Contact fields to their corresponding Zoom registration fields.

For instance, map the Salesforce Email field to the Zoom Registrant Email field so the email addresses sync between platforms. Map other key fields like First Name, Last Name, Company, etc.

By mapping these fields, when a lead or contact registers for a Zoom webinar via Salesforce, their information will automatically be added to the Zoom registration.

4. Set Up Salesforce Workflows

To automate Zoom meeting creation and management, set up workflows in Salesforce. Workflows allow you to automatically trigger actions based on certain criteria.

A common use case is automatically creating a new Zoom meeting when an Opportunity record reaches a particular stage. For example, create a workflow rule that triggers when an Opp stage changes to "Demo Scheduled".

The workflow can auto-populate the meeting details based on the Opportunity fields, add the relevant Salesforce contacts as meeting invitees, and even send an email notification with the Zoom meeting link.

By automating these repetitive tasks with workflows, you save your sales reps time and reduce errors from manual entry.

With the managed package installed, user permissions set, field mappings configured, and workflows activated, your Salesforce Zoom integration is ready to go. Sales reps can now seamlessly schedule and manage customer Zoom meetings without leaving Salesforce.

The integration makes your reps more productive while providing visibility into Zoom activity. In the next section, we'll explore how to use the powerful features the integration enables in more depth.

Unlocking the Power of the Salesforce Zoom Integration

With the Salesforce Zoom integration configured, you can now take advantage of seamless meeting scheduling, syncing of meeting data, and enhanced reporting to improve sales productivity and customer engagement.

For example, sales reps can schedule Zoom meetings directly from Salesforce opportunities, leads, or contacts. The meeting details are automatically added to the record, and the Zoom link is included in the calendar invite sent to attendees. After the meeting, the activity history, recording, transcript, and chat log are synced back to Salesforce for easy reference and follow-up.

Let's explore some of the key features and benefits of using Zoom within Salesforce.

1. One-Click Zoom Meeting Scheduling

Users can instantly schedule a Zoom meeting from any Salesforce record page with just a click. The "Schedule a Zoom Meeting" button is added to the record layout for easy access.

Clicking the button opens a pop-up where users can set the meeting topic, date/time, duration, and other options. The meeting details are then saved to the Salesforce record and a calendar invite with the Zoom link is sent to invitees.

This saves sales reps time from manually creating meetings and copying the details into Salesforce. Everything is handled in one seamless workflow.

2. Automatic Zoom Meeting History Syncing

When a Zoom meeting is completed, the activity history is automatically logged in Salesforce. This includes the meeting topic, date/time, duration, attendees, recording, transcript, and chat log.

Having this data synced to Salesforce provides sales reps and managers with a 360-degree view of all customer interactions. They can easily see which contacts or opportunities have had Zoom meetings, review the discussion points, and take appropriate follow-up actions.

Check out our lead enrichment guide to see how Bardeen can help you enrich lead data automatically.

3. Zoom Webinar and Meeting Registration Syncing

When someone registers for a Zoom webinar or meeting via a Salesforce campaign or lead form, their contact information is automatically synced between the two systems.

New leads are created in Salesforce for webinar and meeting registrants who don't already exist in the CRM. For existing leads and contacts, the registration details are added to their record.

After the webinar or meeting, the attendance information is synced back to Salesforce. This allows sales and marketing teams to segment leads based on their engagement level and prioritize the hottest prospects for immediate follow-up.

4. Powerful Zoom Reporting in Salesforce

With Zoom data flowing into Salesforce, you can build custom reports and dashboards to analyze meeting and webinar activity at scale.

For example, create a report showing all Zoom meetings by opportunity stage, allowing managers to see how many meetings it takes on average to move a deal forward. Or build a dashboard that tracks key Zoom metrics like registrations, attendance rate, and average meeting duration by campaign or sales rep.

These Zoom insights, when combined with Salesforce data, provide a powerful way to measure the impact of virtual selling activities on pipeline and revenue generation.

The Salesforce Zoom integration empowers sales teams to be more productive and effective in today's virtual selling environment. From one-click meeting scheduling to powerful Zoom reporting, the combined platform enables seamless customer engagement at scale.

Thanks for sticking with us this far! We know you're well on your way to becoming a Salesforce Zoom integration pro. Just don't stay up all night playing with the features - your boss might start to wonder why you're scheduling 2am customer meetings!


Integrating Salesforce with Zoom is crucial for businesses looking to improve sales productivity and customer engagement in a virtual environment.

Here's a recap of the key points covered in this guide:

  • Prerequisites for integrating Salesforce and Zoom, including technical requirements and benefits of connecting the two platforms
  • Step-by-step instructions for configuring the Zoom integration in Salesforce, from installing the managed package to setting up workflows
  • How to use the Salesforce Zoom integration features, such as one-click meeting scheduling, automatic activity syncing, and custom reporting

By mastering the Salesforce Zoom integration, you'll be well-equipped to prepare for sales calls and crush your sales goals - just don't let the power go to your head!

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How can I use Bardeen to integrate Salesforce with Zoom?

Bardeen allows you to automate tasks between Salesforce and Zoom easily. For example, you can create a Google Calendar meeting with a Zoom link directly from Salesforce, or copy Salesforce opportunities to a Google Sheet. These automations save you time and reduce manual data entry.

Can I track Zoom meetings in Salesforce using Bardeen?

Yes, you can use Bardeen to track your Zoom meetings in Salesforce. One useful playbook is 'Summarize Zoom meeting to Salesforce as a new note', which captures the details of your Zoom calls and logs them into Salesforce automatically.

Is it possible to create recurring Zoom meetings with Salesforce contacts?

Yes, with Bardeen you can set up recurring Zoom meetings and connect them to your Salesforce contacts. Use the playbook 'Create a recurring Google Calendar meeting with a Zoom link' to set up these meetings effortlessly.

How much does it cost to use Bardeen for Salesforce and Zoom integrations?

Bardeen offers a free plan that includes unlimited non-premium automations. For more advanced features and premium automations, such as 'always-on' cloud services, the paid plan costs $20/month. You can start with the free plan to see if it meets your needs before committing to a subscription.