Google Sheets
Bardeen App connector

Integrate & connect
Google Sheets with Reddit

Connect Google Sheets and Reddit to automate data collection and organization. Use natural language prompts with Bardeen's AI Agent to simplify repetitive tasks. No coding required.

How to integrate Google Sheets with Reddit?

We're Bardeen, we build an AI Agent that does your repetitive work tasks. Companies like Deel and Casafari, use Bardeen connect apps like Google Sheets and Reddit together to save time and increase productivity.

Did you know that 48% of businesses use spreadsheets like Google Sheets to track essential data? But manually importing Reddit metrics is a huge time sink. What if you could integrate Reddit and Sheets to automate the process?

In this step-by-step guide, you'll learn multiple methods to connect Reddit and Google Sheets, from simple exports to fully automated syncing with tools like Bardeen. By the end, you'll be able to effortlessly pull Reddit data into spreadsheets for analysis, saving hours each week. Let's dive in!

Methods to Connect Google Sheets and Reddit

There are several ways to integrate Google Sheets with Reddit, depending on your specific needs:

  1. Manual CSV export/import: The simplest method is to download a CSV file of Reddit data and upload it to Google Sheets. This works for one-time imports but is tedious for frequent updates.
  2. Custom API integrations: Developers can write scripts using the Reddit API and Google Sheets API to build custom automated connections. This offers flexibility but requires coding expertise.
  3. No-code automation tools: Platforms like Bardeen provide a visual interface to set up automated data syncing between Reddit and Google Sheets without any programming. Just a few clicks can create workflows to connect Google Sheets and Reddit.

The best approach depends on whether you need a one-off data transfer or continuous real-time syncing. Connecting Google Sheets and Reddit unlocks powerful opportunities to analyze Reddit metrics in spreadsheets or push sheet data to Reddit.

Step-by-Step Guide to Connecting Google Sheets and Reddit with Bardeen

Bardeen makes it easy to automate workflows between Google Sheets and Reddit without any coding:

  1. Install the Bardeen Chrome extension and create a free account.
  2. Connect your Reddit and Google accounts to Bardeen. This gives Bardeen secure access to integrate the two platforms.
  3. Set up your automation using Bardeen's visual drag-and-drop builder or pre-built templates.
Save time by using Bardeen's LinkedIn profile enrichment playbook to keep your leads up to date in Google Sheets.

In just a few minutes, you can configure automations to export Reddit posts, comments, and subreddit data to Google Sheets on a schedule. Bardeen acts as a bridge to connect Reddit data with Google Sheets.

For example, you could automatically pull top posts from a subreddit into a spreadsheet daily for analysis. Or continuously archive your own Reddit activity to sheets.

The key steps are: install Bardeen, link your accounts, and set up the automation. You'll be syncing data between Reddit and Google Sheets in no time!

Creative Use Cases for Integrating Google Sheets and Reddit

Once you've set up the basic Reddit to Google Sheets integration, you can build all sorts of useful automated workflows. Here are a few ideas:

  1. Track subreddit growth over time. Set up an automation to pull key stats like subscriber count into a spreadsheet daily or weekly. Use Google Sheets formulas and charts to analyze the data and spot trends.
  2. Export your saved Reddit content. Automatically export posts and comments you've saved to a Google Sheet. Categorize the data and gain insights from your Reddit activity. For enhanced analysis, consider using GPT for Google Sheets.
  3. Sync FAQs between Google Sheets and Reddit. Maintain an FAQ in a spreadsheet and use Bardeen to post updates to a Reddit wiki page or sticky post. Keep info in sync across platforms.

Connecting Reddit and Google Sheets opens up endless possibilities. Dream up a use case and you can probably automate it with a few clicks in Bardeen. The Reddit and Google Sheets integration is a powerful tool to make your life easier. Additionally, you might explore how to automate lead management for more efficient workflows.


In this guide, you learned how to integrate Google Sheets with Reddit, including:

  • Different methods for connecting Google Sheets and Reddit data
  • Step-by-step instructions to set up the integration using Bardeen
  • Creative use cases and advanced automation ideas

Linking Google Sheets and Reddit opens up powerful possibilities to better organize, analyze, and act on data from both platforms. You can automate pulling Reddit data into spreadsheets for easier analysis and reporting. Or sync content between Sheets and Reddit to keep information up-to-date everywhere.

Now that you know the basics of integrating Google Sheets with Reddit, it's time to build your own automations. Dream up a workflow to make your life easier and bring it to life with a few clicks in Bardeen. The opportunities are endless when you connect these two powerful platforms.

Save time by using Google Sheets integration with Bardeen for automated data syncing and management.

Learn more about the apps

Available actions & triggers

When row is added to or changed in Google Sheet
When row changes
Update or add rows in/to a tab
Add rows to Google Sheet
When new row is appended
Create new spreadsheet tab
Update or add rows in/to sheet
When row is added to Google Sheet
Add data to sheet
When new row is appended or changed

Automation is simple.
Just describe your task in words

Type what you want to automate in the Magic Box, then watch Bardeen create its plan - called a playbook.
No coding required.


How can I save Reddit posts to Google Sheets using Bardeen?

You can use Bardeen to automate saving Reddit posts to Google Sheets. Select the 'Save Reddit post to Google Sheets' playbook. This automation will transfer data from Reddit directly into your Google Sheets, helping you keep track of posts and comments efficiently.

Can I get a summary of a Reddit post and save it to Google Sheets?

Yes, Bardeen offers a playbook that combines OpenAI's capabilities with Google Sheets. By using the 'Get a summary of a Reddit post using OpenAI and save to Google Sheets' playbook, you can quickly summarize lengthy Reddit posts and store them in your spreadsheet for easy reference.

Is it possible to share my automation playbooks with my team?

Absolutely. Bardeen allows you to share your playbooks with others. This feature is useful when multiple team members need to use the same automation, ensuring everyone can benefit from the integration between Google Sheets and Reddit.

How much does it cost to use Bardeen for this integration?

Bardeen offers a free plan that includes unlimited non-premium automations. For access to premium features, such as always-on automations, the paid plan costs $20/month. This pricing allows you to choose the best option based on your integration needs.