Bardeen App connector

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LinkedIn with Salesforce

Integrate LinkedIn and Salesforce to automate your workflows. Use natural language prompts with Bardeen's AI Agent to save time on repetitive tasks. No coding required.

How to integrate LinkedIn with Salesforce?

We're Bardeen, we build an AI Agent that does your repetitive work tasks. Companies like Deel and Casafari, use Bardeen connect apps like LinkedIn and Salesforce together to save time and increase productivity.

Connecting LinkedIn and Salesforce can be a game-changer for sales and marketing teams. By integrating these two powerful platforms, you can sync valuable prospect data, personalize outreach, and track engagement across the sales cycle. In fact, companies that integrate LinkedIn Sales Navigator with Salesforce see a 15% lift in win rates on average.

But how exactly do you set up this integration and make the most of it? Don't worry, we've got you covered with this complete, step-by-step guide. We'll walk you through the classic manual integration process, as well as introduce you to new AI-powered automation tools like Bardeen that can save you hours of repetitive data entry. Ready to supercharge your LinkedIn and Salesforce ROI?

Benefits of Integrating LinkedIn and Salesforce

Integrating LinkedIn and Salesforce offers several advantages for sales and marketing teams:

  1. Sync prospect and customer data: Automatically import LinkedIn leads, contacts, and accounts into Salesforce, ensuring your CRM has the most up-to-date details.
  2. Personalize sales outreach: View LinkedIn profiles directly within Salesforce to craft more relevant and compelling outreach based on a prospect's background, interests, and shared connections.
  3. Track engagement across the sales cycle: Monitor prospect activity on LinkedIn (profile views, InMail replies, content engagement) within Salesforce to gauge interest level and timing for outreach.

By connecting these two powerful platforms, you can eliminate manual data entry, centralize valuable context for your team, and prioritize the most engaged prospects. This integration provides a strong foundation for more targeted, effective sales and marketing efforts.

Step-by-Step Guide to Integrating LinkedIn and Salesforce

Integrating LinkedIn and Salesforce is a straightforward process that can be completed in a few steps. The specific setup depends on your integration method, such as using LinkedIn Sales Navigator, Salesforce for LinkedIn Lead Gen Forms, or a third-party tool like Bardeen. Here's how to connect LinkedIn and Salesforce:

  1. Install the integration app: For LinkedIn Sales Navigator, search for the app on the Salesforce AppExchange and click "Get It Now." If using Bardeen, download the app and select LinkedIn and Salesforce as the apps to integrate.
  2. Authenticate your accounts: Log in to your LinkedIn and Salesforce accounts within the integration app and grant necessary permissions.
  3. Map your data fields: Choose which data to sync between LinkedIn and Salesforce, such as leads or contacts. Map fields like Name, Company, and Title to their corresponding Salesforce fields.
  4. Configure sync settings: Select sync direction (one-way or bidirectional), frequency (real-time or scheduled), and filters (which records to sync). Set parameters like only syncing contacts with email addresses or from accounts with 100+ employees.

By following these core steps, you can set up the LinkedIn Salesforce integration and start leveraging the benefits of connecting these two powerful platforms. The process is designed to be user-friendly, whether you're using native integrations or third-party tools to sync LinkedIn and Salesforce data.

Streamline your LinkedIn and Salesforce integration with Bardeen's LinkedIn integration. Save time and eliminate manual data entry by automating tasks with a single click.

Boost Sales Productivity by Integrating LinkedIn and Salesforce

Integrating LinkedIn and Salesforce can significantly increase sales productivity by streamlining prospecting, enabling personalized outreach, and providing actionable insights. Connecting these two platforms allows sales reps to work more efficiently and effectively to find and engage their target buyers. Here's how:

  1. Streamline prospecting with automated lead syncing: Sales reps can use LinkedIn Sales Navigator to identify high-quality leads and automate sales prospecting by syncing that data into Salesforce. This eliminates manual data entry and ensures Salesforce always has the most up-to-date prospect information.
  2. Engage buyers with personalized outreach: Reps can view a prospect's complete LinkedIn profile alongside their Salesforce record to automate personalized outreach and find common ground. Referencing shared connections, recent posts, or professional interests demonstrates research and sparks relevant conversations.
  3. Identify promising leads with actionable insights: Syncing LinkedIn engagement data (profile views, InMail responses, etc.) into Salesforce shows which prospects are most interested. Reps can prioritize outreach to warm leads and set alerts for buying signals like job openings at target accounts.

With the LinkedIn Salesforce integration, sales reps can focus their time and efforts on the right prospects at the right time. Connecting these powerful platforms enables teams to build pipeline and close deals more efficiently.

Track the ROI of Your LinkedIn Salesforce Integration

Measuring the impact of integrating LinkedIn and Salesforce is essential for understanding its effectiveness and value to your sales process. By tracking key metrics related to prospect engagement, pipeline velocity, and rep productivity, you can quantify the return on investment (ROI) of connecting these two powerful platforms.

Start by monitoring prospect engagement metrics like profile views, connection requests, InMail responses, and content engagement. Syncing this LinkedIn activity data into Salesforce allows you to measure trends over time and identify which outreach and content types resonate best with your audience.

Next, analyze pipeline velocity metrics such as time to first contact, lead-to-opportunity conversion rate, sales cycle length, and win rate. Integrating LinkedIn and Salesforce can significantly impact these metrics by enabling reps to prioritize high-fit prospects and personalize outreach using LinkedIn insights.

Finally, assess sales rep productivity by tracking data points like leads synced per rep, InMails sent per week, and opportunities influenced by LinkedIn activity. Survey your team on their experience with the integration to identify opportunities for additional training or resources to drive adoption.

Regularly measuring the impact of your LinkedIn Salesforce integration is crucial for optimizing its value and empowering your sales team for success. See how you can automate sales prospecting to maximize your ROI.

Automate your workflows and save time with sales prospecting tools from Bardeen. Let us handle repetitive tasks so you can focus on closing deals.


Integrating LinkedIn and Salesforce is a game-changer for sales and marketing teams looking to drive more pipeline and revenue. By connecting these powerful platforms, you can:

  • Sync valuable prospect and customer data between LinkedIn and Salesforce
  • Personalize sales outreach using rich LinkedIn insights
  • Track engagement across the entire sales cycle

Setting up the LinkedIn Salesforce integration is straightforward and can be done in a few key steps. Whether you use LinkedIn Sales Navigator, a native AppExchange app, or a third-party tool like Bardeen, the core process involves installing the connector, authenticating your accounts, mapping data fields, and configuring sync settings.

Once integrated, LinkedIn and Salesforce can significantly boost sales productivity. Reps can automate sales prospecting with lead syncing, engage buyers with highly personalized outreach, and identify promising opportunities using actionable insights.

To maximize the value of your LinkedIn Salesforce integration, regularly measure its impact on key metrics like prospect engagement, pipeline velocity, and rep productivity. Use this data to optimize your strategy and empower your sales team for success.

Don't let competitors reap all the benefits of integrating LinkedIn and Salesforce. Put this guide into action and start maximizing your ROI today - your quota (and bonus) depends on it!

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How can I use Bardeen to integrate LinkedIn with Salesforce?

Bardeen offers various playbooks to connect LinkedIn with Salesforce. For example, you can create Salesforce leads from LinkedIn profile data or export leads from LinkedIn company searches directly to Salesforce. These automations help manage your sales pipeline more efficiently.

Do I need to enter my credit card info to sign up for Bardeen?

No, you do not need to enter your credit card details to sign up. You can start using Bardeen with a free plan, and only enter payment details if you decide to upgrade to a paid plan after your trial ends.

How secure is my data when using Bardeen for LinkedIn and Salesforce integration?

Bardeen allows you to run automations locally, keeping your data within your local browser storage and cache layers. If you opt for the 'Always-on' cloud option, Bardeen follows best practices to ensure the privacy and security of your data.

How much does Bardeen cost for LinkedIn and Salesforce integration?

Bardeen has a free plan for non-premium automations. For premium features, including automations that run 24/7 in the cloud, the cost is $20/month. This pricing gives you full access to integrations like LinkedIn and Salesforce.