Bardeen App connector

Integrate & connect
Asana with Jira

Integrate Asana and Jira to automate your workflows. Use natural language prompts to Bardeen's AI Agent for repetitive tasks. No coding required.

How to integrate Asana with Jira?

We're Bardeen, we build an AI Agent that does your repetitive work tasks. Companies like Deel and Casafari, use Bardeen connect apps like Asana and Jira together to save time and increase productivity.

Aligning business and technical teams is crucial for success, but it's often easier said than done. What if there was a way to seamlessly connect the tools each team uses, like Asana and Jira, without endless manual updates and miscommunication? In this step-by-step guide, you'll learn how to set up an integration between these two powerhouse platforms, both the classic way and with the help of AI automation. Say goodbye to duplicate data entry and missed deadlines, and hello to cross-functional collaboration. By the end, you'll wonder how you ever managed projects without this integration. Let's dive in!

Benefits of Integrating Asana and Jira

Connecting Asana and Jira allows business and technical teams to work together smoothly while using their preferred tools. Integrating the two platforms offers several advantages:

  1. Improved Cross-Team Visibility: When you integrate Asana with Jira, project managers in Asana can easily view the status of development work happening in Jira without having to manually check. Developers can also see the bigger picture context of their Jira issues from Asana. This real-time visibility keeps everyone on the same page.
  2. Reduced Manual Work: Syncing data between Asana and Jira eliminates duplicate data entry. When a Jira issue is updated, those changes are automatically reflected in Asana, and vice versa. This automation saves time and reduces errors from copying information back and forth manually.
  3. Centralized Communication: With an Asana-Jira integration, comments made in one tool are synced to the other. Business and technical stakeholders can communicate in their native platform without missing important discussions. Instead of constantly checking both tools for updates, all task-related communication is unified.

The main benefit of connecting Asana and Jira is enabling smoother cross-functional workflows. Next, we'll cover the basic approaches for integrating the two platforms.

Asana and Jira Integration Methods

There are several ways to integrate Asana and Jira, each with its own advantages. The right approach depends on your team's needs and technical resources. Here are the most common Asana-Jira integration options:

  1. Native Integrations: Both Asana and Jira offer built-in integrations that allow you to connect the two platforms. These are best for basic use cases like creating Jira issues from Asana tasks or viewing Jira status in Asana. Native integrations are easy to set up but have limited customization options.
  2. Automation Platforms: Tools like Zapier and provide more flexibility for integrating Asana with Jira. You can set up custom automation rules and sync a wider range of fields between the two platforms. Automation platforms require a bit more setup than native integrations but let you tailor your Asana-Jira integration to your team's specific workflows.
  3. Dedicated iPaaS Solutions: For organizations with complex Asana and Jira environments, a dedicated integration-platform-as-a-service (iPaaS) tool may be the best choice. Solutions like Unito and Exalate specialize in syncing Asana and Jira, providing the deepest integrations. However, iPaaS tools also come with higher costs.
For tailored automations between Asana and Jira and other apps, download Bardeen and save time by integrating them seamlessly.

The best Asana-Jira integration option for your team depends on your budget, technical skills, and workflow requirements. In the next section, we'll walk through the steps for setting up an integration between Asana and Jira.

Setting Up Your Asana-Jira Integration: A Step-by-Step Guide

Once you've chosen an integration approach, the basic process for connecting Asana and Jira is similar across tools. Here's a step-by-step guide to setting up your Asana-Jira integration:

  1. Choose Asana and Jira projects to sync: Start by identifying the specific Asana project(s) and Jira project(s) you want to connect. Integrations are configured at the project level.
  2. Configure your field mappings: Next, define how fields should map between Asana and Jira. Common mappings include task/issue names, descriptions, custom fields, and attachments.
  3. Set up automation rules: Most Asana-Jira integrations support automation rules that trigger actions when certain conditions are met. For example, you could automatically create a Jira issue when an Asana task is added to a specific section. This can simplify lead management automation.
  4. Test and adjust your integration: Before rolling out your integration to the whole team, thoroughly test it by creating sample tasks and issues. Adjust your field mappings and automation rules as needed based on your testing.

With your Asana-Jira integration in place, the two tools will stay in sync going forward, enabling seamless collaboration between business and technical teams. In the next section, we'll share best practices for managing your integration over time to keep it running smoothly.

Best Practices for Managing Your Asana-Jira Integration

Integrating Asana and Jira is not a set-it-and-forget-it endeavor. To keep your integration running smoothly and your teams collaborating effectively, follow these best practices:

  1. Document your syncing rules: Clearly document what does and doesn't sync between Asana and Jira. Note any default values or required fields team members should be aware of. Educate new hires on how your Asana-Jira integration works during onboarding to prevent confusion and unexpected changes from propagating across systems.
  2. Monitor your integration health: Regularly check your integration logs for errors or sync failures. Address any issues promptly to minimize data discrepancies between the two platforms. Make sure the right people are subscribed to integration alerts so nothing falls through the cracks.
  3. Evolve your integration over time: As your team's needs change, don't be afraid to modify your field mappings or add new automation rules to support workflows. Collect feedback from team members on both the Asana and Jira sides to identify areas for improvement. Use dedicated communication channels or recurring sync meetings to discuss what's working and what's not.
To save time on managing Asana and Jira, you can automate repetitive tasks using Bardeen. It can handle many of the syncs and alerts for you.

By following these practices, you'll keep your Asana and Jira integration aligned with your business goals and ensure seamless collaboration between your technical and non-technical teams. With a well-managed integration, you'll be able to leverage the strengths of both platforms to drive work forward more efficiently.


Integrating Asana and Jira is essential for aligning your business and technical teams in today's collaborative work environment. This guide walked you through:

  • The benefits of connecting Asana and Jira, such as improved cross-functional visibility and reduced manual effort
  • The main Asana-Jira integration options, from native connectors to iPaaS solutions
  • Step-by-step instructions for setting up and configuring an Asana-Jira integration
  • Best practices for successfully managing your integration over time, including documenting syncing rules, monitoring integration health, and evolving your setup as needs change

By following the advice in this article, you'll be able to implement a robust Asana-Jira workflow that saves time, keeps everyone on the same page, and enables seamless collaboration between your teams. With a well-designed integration, you can leverage the strengths of both platforms to drive work forward more efficiently and effectively. So what are you waiting for? Get out there and start connecting Asana and Jira like a pro!

Learn more about the apps

Available actions & triggers

Find Jira issue
Find Jira projects
When Jira issue is added
Update status of Jira issue
Find Asana tasks
When status of Jira issue changes
Create Jira issue
When Asana task is created
Find Asana projects
Move Asana task

Automation is simple.
Just describe your task in words

Type what you want to automate in the Magic Box, then watch Bardeen create its plan - called a playbook.
No coding required.


How can I integrate Asana and Jira using

You can integrate Asana and Jira with by using specific automations such as 'Copy all Jira issues to Asana' or 'Copy all Asana tasks in a specific project to Jira'. These automations help you keep your tasks and issues in sync between both platforms.

What are some examples of automations for Asana and Jira?

Some examples include 'Copy all Jira issues to Asana', 'Copy all Asana tasks to Jira', and 'Create Asana task'. These automations help you manage and sync tasks and issues efficiently.

Do I need to enter my credit card info to sign up for

No, you do not need to enter your credit card details to sign up and use Bardeen. After your free trial ends, you'll be prompted to enter your payment details if you choose to keep the paid plan.

How much does it cost to use for Asana and Jira integration?

Bardeen offers a free plan for non-premium automations. For full access, including premium integrations and the ability to run automations on the cloud 24/7, the paid version costs $20/month at the time of writing.