Google Drive
Bardeen App connector

Integrate & connect
Asana with Google Drive

Integrate Asana and Google Drive for better project management. Automate tasks with simple natural language commands to Bardeen's AI Agent. No coding required.

How to integrate Asana with Google Drive?

We're Bardeen, we build an AI Agent that does your repetitive work tasks. Companies like Deel and Casafari, use Bardeen connect apps like Asana and Google Drive together to save time and increase productivity.

Struggling to keep your Asana projects organized and in sync with Google Drive? You're not alone. Did you know that the average team spends over 20 hours per month searching for and managing project files across different tools? Imagine what you could achieve with all that lost time!

In this step-by-step guide, you'll learn how to seamlessly connect Asana and Google Drive, unlocking a centralized workspace for your team. We'll cover both the manual setup process and introduce AI-powered automation with tools like Bardeen to save you even more time. Get ready to take your project management to the next level!

Why Integrate Asana and Google Drive?

Integrating Asana and Google Drive centralizes project assets, improves collaboration, avoids version control issues, and saves time. By connecting these two powerful tools, teams can work more efficiently and effectively.

1. Centralized Project Assets

When you integrate Asana and Google Drive, all of your project files are stored in one central location. This makes it easy for team members to find and access the documents, spreadsheets, and presentations they need. No more hunting through email threads or multiple folders to track down a file.

For example, if you're working on a marketing campaign, you can connect Google Docs to attach the creative brief, design mockups, and copy drafts to the relevant Asana task. Everything is organized and accessible from within Asana.

2. Seamless Collaboration

Asana and Google Drive integration enables seamless collaboration between team members. When a Google Drive file is attached to an Asana task, everyone can view, comment on, and edit the document directly from Asana.

This eliminates the need for endless email threads and ensures everyone is working off the latest version of the file. Team members can provide feedback, ask questions, and make edits in real-time, speeding up the review and approval process.

3. No More Version Control Issues

Version control can be a nightmare when multiple people are working on the same file. But with Asana and Google Drive integration, that's no longer an issue. The linked file in Asana is always the most up-to-date version, so there's no confusion about which draft to reference.

Plus, Google Drive's version history feature allows you to see previous iterations of the document and revert back if needed. This provides a safety net and peace of mind when collaborating on important files.

4. Time Savings

Integrating Asana and Google Drive saves valuable time by eliminating manual uploads and downloads. Instead of having to download a file from Google Drive, then re-upload it to Asana, the file is automatically synced and accessible from both platforms.

This may seem like a small thing, but those minutes add up over the course of a project. And when deadlines are tight, every minute counts. Integrating Google Drive with other apps streamlines file management and allows team members to focus on the actual work, rather than administrative tasks.

The integration of Asana and Google Drive is a game-changer for teams looking to optimize their workflow. By centralizing assets, enabling seamless collaboration, eliminating version control issues, and saving time, this powerful combination helps teams work smarter, not harder.

Now that you understand the benefits, let's dive into the specifics of how to set up the Asana Google Drive integration. In the next section, we'll walk through the step-by-step process to get you up and running quickly.

How to Set Up the Asana Google Drive Integration

Connecting Asana and Google Drive is a straightforward process that enables seamless collaboration and file management. By following a few simple steps, you can start attaching Google Drive files to Asana tasks, enabling Google Drive in project settings, and using the Asana for Google Drive add-on.

1. Connect Your Accounts

The first step is to connect your Asana and Google Drive accounts. In Asana, navigate to the project where you want to enable the integration. Click on the "Customize" option in the upper right corner, then scroll down to the Apps section. Select "+Add app" and choose "Google Drive". Follow the prompts to sign in to your Google account and grant Asana permission to access your Drive.

2. Enable Google Drive in Project Settings

Once you've connected your accounts, you need to enable Google Drive in your Asana project settings. This allows you to easily search for and link existing Google Drive files to Asana tasks. In the project actions dropdown, look for the option to enable Google Drive. Toggle it on, and you're ready to start attaching files.

3. Attach Files to Tasks

With the integration set up, attaching Google Drive files to Asana tasks is a breeze. Simply click the paperclip icon on the task and select "Google Drive" from the dropdown. You can then search for the file you want to attach or link an existing file. This keeps all relevant documents centralized and easily accessible from within Asana.

4. Use the Asana for Google Drive Add-On

To take the integration even further, install the Asana for Google Drive add-on. This allows you to create new Asana tasks directly from Google Drive, without having to switch between apps. Simply open the file in Drive, click on the Asana icon in the add-ons menu, and fill out the task details. The file will automatically be attached to the new task in Asana.

By connecting your accounts, enabling Google Drive in project settings, attaching files to tasks, and using the add-on, you can seamlessly integrate Asana and Google Drive for more efficient collaboration and file management.

Next up, we'll dive into some advanced tips and tricks for getting the most out of the Asana Google Drive integration. From automating workflows to collaborating on linked files, there's even more you can do to supercharge your productivity.

Automate your workflow by integrating Google Sheets with Asana using Bardeen's integration. Save time and focus on what matters most.

Advanced Tips for Using Asana and Google Drive Together

Integrating Asana and Google Drive allows teams to automate workflows, collaborate on linked files, and streamline project management. By using tools like Bardeen to set up automations, organizing Google Drive folders strategically, and leveraging features like comment notifications, teams can work more efficiently and stay on top of important updates.

1. Automate Workflows with Bardeen

Bardeen is an AI automation platform that enables users to create powerful workflows between Asana and Google Drive. For example, you can automatically create new tasks in Asana when a file is added to a specific Google Drive folder, or update task statuses based on changes made to linked documents.

By automating repetitive tasks and keeping information in sync across both platforms, teams can save time and reduce the risk of errors or missed updates. Learn more about automating repetitive tasks with Bardeen.

2. Organize Google Drive Folders for Asana Projects

To keep linked files organized and easily accessible, it's important to establish a clear folder structure in Google Drive that aligns with your Asana projects. Create a top-level folder for each major initiative, then use subfolders to mirror the structure of your Asana projects and tasks. This makes it easy for team members to find the files they need without having to search through multiple locations or wonder where a document should be saved.

3. Collaborate on Linked Google Docs in Asana

When you link a Google Doc, Sheet, or Slide to an Asana task, team members can view and edit the file directly from within Asana. This eliminates the need to switch between apps and keeps all relevant information and discussions in one place.

Encourage team members to use Asana's comment feature to provide feedback and ask questions related to the linked file. This keeps communication centralized and ensures that important details don't get lost in email or chat threads.

4. Get Comment Notifications for Linked Files

To stay on top of important updates and feedback, enable comment notifications for linked Google Drive files in Asana. This way, when someone leaves a comment on a document, you'll receive a notification directly in Asana, allowing you to respond quickly and keep projects moving forward.

You can also use Asana's mentioning feature to bring specific team members into the conversation and ensure that everyone is aware of critical changes or decisions.

By leveraging automations, organizing folders strategically, collaborating on linked files, and staying on top of comment notifications, teams can make the most of the Asana Google Drive integration and work more efficiently together. Thanks for sticking with us through this in-depth guide! While we can't promise that mastering these tips will make you an overnight success, we can confidently say that your Asana and Google Drive skills will be the envy of your colleagues.


Integrating Asana and Google Drive is crucial for streamlining project management and collaboration.

In this guide, you discovered:

  • The benefits of connecting Asana and Google Drive, such as centralizing assets and improving collaboration.
  • A step-by-step process for setting up the integration, including enabling Google Drive in Asana and attaching files to tasks.
  • Advanced tips for making the most of the integration, like automating workflows with Bardeen's tools and organizing folders strategically.

Don't let disorganization and inefficiency hold your team back - master the Asana Google Drive integration today and consider how you can connect Microsoft Excel for even better workflow efficiency.

Save time and focus on high-value work with Bardeen. Learn how to integrate Dropbox with other apps to streamline your tasks.

Automation is simple.
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No coding required.


How can I integrate Asana with Google Drive using Bardeen?

Bardeen makes it easy to connect Asana with Google Drive. You can automate tasks such as saving labeled emails to Asana with attachments stored on Google Drive, creating a Google Drive folder and Google Doc and sending it as an Asana task, and creating an Asana task from a screenshot of a web page via Google Drive. For detailed steps, visit our [Asana & Google Drive Integration Guide 2024](

Can I create Asana tasks automatically from Google Drive?

Yes, you can. Bardeen allows you to create Asana tasks automatically when a file is modified in Google Drive. This helps keep your projects updated without manual intervention. Check out more ways to automate tasks between these tools on our [integration page](

What types of tasks can I automate between Asana and Google Drive?

You can automate various tasks such as saving labeled emails to Asana, creating Google Drive folders and documents as Asana tasks, and copying Asana tasks to Google Sheets. Explore more automation ideas on our [integration guide](

Is there a free version of Bardeen for this integration?

Yes, Bardeen offers a free plan that covers unlimited non-premium automations, including those between Asana and Google Drive. You can start using Bardeen without entering your credit card details. For more details, visit our [pricing page](