Google Sheets
Bardeen App connector

Integrate & connect
Facebook with Google Sheets

Integrate Facebook data with Google Sheets to automate your workflows. Use natural language prompts to instruct Bardeen's AI Agent. No coding skills required.

How to integrate Facebook with Google Sheets?

We're Bardeen, we build an AI Agent that does your repetitive work tasks. Companies like Deel and Casafari, use Bardeen connect apps like Facebook and Google Sheets together to save time and increase productivity.

Are you tired of manually exporting Facebook Lead Ads data and importing it into Google Sheets? This guide will show you how to save hours of time by integrating these two powerful tools. We'll cover three methods: the classic manual export/import, using third-party automation tools, and building custom integrations with APIs.

By the end of this step-by-step guide, you'll be able to effortlessly sync your Facebook Leads with Google Sheets, eliminating tedious data entry tasks. Imagine closing more deals and growing your business faster, all while saving precious time. Let's dive in and discover the secrets to seamless Facebook-Google Sheets integration!

3 Ways to Connect Facebook Lead Ads to Google Sheets

Integrating Facebook Lead Ads with Google Sheets lets you automatically add new leads to a spreadsheet. This keeps all your lead data organized in one place without manual CSV exports and uploads. Here are three methods to sync Facebook leads to Google Sheets:

1. Manual Export and Import

The simplest way is to periodically export leads from Facebook as a CSV file, then import that file into Google Sheets. Pros: Free and easy to set up. Cons: Requires remembering to do manual exports/imports, leads not added in real-time.

2. Zapier or Similar Integration Tool

Zapier and other tools can automate the integration. When a new lead comes in, the tool copies the info to a new row in Google Sheets. Pros: Automatic real-time sync. Cons: Costs a monthly fee, some technical setup. You can also integrate Google Sheets with other apps to streamline your workflow.

3. Custom API Integration

For the most control and flexibility, developers can integrate the Facebook API with the Google Sheets API. Pros: Customizable, real-time. Cons: Requires significant development time and expertise.

The right approach depends on your lead volume, budget, and technical skills. Manual export/import works for a few leads per week. Tools like Zapier handle dozens of daily leads. Custom API integration makes sense for hundreds or more leads per day.

Next up, learn step-by-step how to export Facebook leads to Google Sheets manually - no coding or paid tools required. See how to get your lead data flowing into a spreadsheet in minutes. For more advanced needs, explore how to automate lead generation and management.

Step-by-Step Guide: Export Facebook Leads to Google Sheets

Manually exporting Facebook Lead Ads data to Google Sheets is a simple process, but it does have some limitations. Here's a walkthrough of how to download your leads from Facebook and upload them into a Google spreadsheet, along with tips on when this method makes sense to use.

1. Export Leads from Facebook Ads Manager

In the Facebook Ads Manager, go to your Leads report. Select the date range and ad account, then click the download button to export leads as a CSV file. You can also access lead downloads from your Facebook Page publishing tools under Lead Ad Forms.

2. Import CSV into Google Sheets

Create a new blank spreadsheet in Google Sheets. Go to File > Import, choose the CSV file you exported from Facebook, and select "Replace spreadsheet" to overwrite the blank sheet with your lead data. Map the imported columns to match your desired headers.

3. Manual Process Has Some Drawbacks

Exporting and importing lead data manually works, but has downsides. Leads only get added when you remember to download the latest CSV, not automatically in real-time. Manual steps also introduce potential for error or data loss.

4. When to Use Manual Exports

Despite the limitations, manual export to Sheets can still be a good fit in some cases - if you only need lead data for a one-off project or analysis versus ongoing use, or if your Facebook lead ads have very low volume (less than 10 per week).

The manual approach works to get Facebook lead data into Google Sheets, but lacks real-time sync and requires remembering to regularly export/import. Next, see how third-party integration tools can automate the process and eliminate manual effort entirely.

Automate exporting Facebook leads to Google Sheets and save time with automation tools.

Automate Facebook Lead Ads to Google Sheets Integration

Manually exporting and importing Facebook leads to Google Sheets works, but is time-consuming and error-prone. Third-party integration tools offer a better solution, with pre-built connectors, real-time sync, and codeless setup. Tools like Automate.io, Integromat, and Tray.io make it simple to automatically add new leads to Google Sheets, while also enabling more advanced workflows to route leads to a CRM or trigger follow-up tasks.

1. Integration Tools Provide Pre-Built Connectors

Instead of building your own integration from scratch using APIs, third-party tools come with ready-made connectors for popular apps like Facebook Lead Ads and Google Sheets. Just authenticate your accounts, pick your desired workflow, and the integration platform handles the rest behind the scenes.

For example, with Automate.io you can set up a simple integration to "Add new Facebook Lead Ads leads to rows on Google Sheets" in just a few clicks, without any coding required. The pre-built connector takes care of syncing new leads to Sheets in real-time.

2. Typical Setup Steps for App Integrations

While setup varies a bit between tools, the general process to integrate Facebook Lead Ads with Google Sheets looks like this:

  1. Choose your trigger (e.g. new lead from Facebook Lead Ads)
  2. Pick your action (e.g. add row to Google Sheets)
  3. Connect your Facebook and Google accounts
  4. Map Facebook lead fields to Google Sheets columns
  5. Set options like update frequency and filters
  6. Test and activate the integration

3. Comparing Popular Integration Tools

Automate.io, Integromat, Tray.io, and other integration platforms mostly work the same way, but do have differences in pricing, features, and user experience:

  • Automate.io has an easy visual builder and affordable plans
  • Integromat offers more customization and logic options
  • Tray.io is priced for enterprises and supports complex workflows
  • Zapier is one of the most popular and user-friendly options

4. Benefits of Third-Party Integration Tools

With a third-party integration tool, you can:

  • Save time by automating manual data entry
  • Eliminate human error and avoid missing leads
  • Keep lead data in sync across apps in real-time
  • Set up integrations without coding or API skills
  • Create multi-step workflows (not just one-to-one connections)

App integration and automation platforms provide an efficient way to connect Facebook Lead Ads data to Google Sheets. You can get set up quickly with pre-built connectors and templates, keep lead data in sync automatically, and extend the integration with multi-step workflows as needed. Consider automating sales prospecting for even more efficiency.

Thanks for sticking with us this far! Hopefully your brain hasn't melted from all this tech talk. But seriously, mastering Facebook to Google Sheets integration will save you hours of tedious data wrangling - that's more time for the important things, like perfecting your lead nurturing puns and memes.


Connecting Facebook Lead Ads to Google Sheets is crucial for efficiently managing and actioning your leads. This guide covered:

  • 3 ways to integrate Facebook Lead Ads with Google Sheets (manual export, third-party tools, custom API)
  • Step-by-step process to manually export Facebook leads to a Google Sheet
  • Using integration tools like Automate.io for codeless, automated syncing of Facebook leads to Sheets
Save time and increase efficiency by using AI and automation for your sales prospecting tasks with Bardeen.

Don't let manual data entry and scattered leads slow your sales hustle - master the Facebook-Google Sheets flow today!

Learn more about the apps

Available actions & triggers

Get table from Google Sheet
Find Google Sheets
Create Google Sheet
When row changes
When new row is appended
Add rows to Google Sheet
Update or add rows in/to a tab
Create new spreadsheet tab
When row is added to Google Sheet
When row is added to or changed in Google Sheet

Automation is simple.
Just describe your task in words

Type what you want to automate in the Magic Box, then watch Bardeen create its plan - called a playbook.
No coding required.


How can I integrate Facebook data with Google Sheets using Bardeen?

You can use Bardeen to automate the task of transferring Facebook data to Google Sheets. For example, you can use a playbook to save or scrape Facebook page info directly into Google Sheets. This helps you keep your data organized and accessible.

What types of Facebook data can be transferred to Google Sheets?

With Bardeen, you can transfer various types of Facebook data such as Facebook profile info and Facebook pages from search results into Google Sheets. This makes it easier to manage and analyze your data.

Do I need to know how to code to use this integration?

No, you don't need any coding skills to use Bardeen for this integration. Bardeen offers pre-built playbooks that you can easily use to connect Facebook and Google Sheets.

Is there a cost for using this integration with Bardeen?

Bardeen offers a free plan that covers non-premium automations. If you need premium features like always-on automations, you can upgrade to the paid plan for $20/month.