Bardeen App connector

Integrate & connect
Asana with Salesforce

Combine Asana and Salesforce for seamless task and project management. Use natural language to automate workflows with Bardeen's AI Agent. No coding required.

How to integrate Asana with Salesforce?

We're Bardeen, we build an AI Agent that does your repetitive work tasks. Companies like Deel and Casafari, use Bardeen connect apps like Asana and Salesforce together to save time and increase productivity.

Collaborating across teams can be challenging, but integrating Asana and Salesforce can help bridge the gap. By connecting these two powerful platforms, you can improve visibility, automate workflows, and centralize data. This step-by-step guide will show you how to set up the integration, sync opportunities and accounts, and optimize your processes. Plus, we'll introduce AI-powered tools like Bardeen that can automate repetitive tasks. Ready to take your team's collaboration to the next level? Let's dive in!

Understanding the Benefits of Integrating Asana and Salesforce for Seamless Collaboration

Integrating Asana and Salesforce can greatly improve collaboration between sales and project teams, leading to smoother workflows and better customer experiences. Here are some key benefits:

1. Increased Visibility

By connecting Asana and Salesforce, teams gain a centralized view of customer data and project progress. Sales reps can easily see the status of implementation projects, while project teams can access important customer details. This increased visibility helps everyone stay informed and aligned.

2. Automated Workflows

Integration allows you to automate crucial processes like kicking off onboarding tasks when a deal reaches a certain stage. This saves time and ensures important steps aren't missed. For example, when a customer signs a contract in Salesforce, Asana can automatically create a project with templated tasks assigned to the implementation team.

3. Centralized Data

Instead of switching between multiple tools, integration keeps all relevant information in one place. Sales reps can attach files and create Asana tasks directly from Salesforce records. Likewise, project teams can easily reference deal details while executing the work. Centralizing data improves efficiency and reduces errors caused by manual updates.

Imagine a software company that sells enterprise solutions. By integrating Asana and Salesforce, their sales team can seamlessly hand off new customers to the implementation team. Key account details and files are accessible in both tools, allowing for a smooth transition and speedy time-to-value for the customer.

In summary, integrating Asana and Salesforce breaks down silos, automates processes, and unifies important data. This enables teams to deliver amazing customer experiences from sales to onboarding and beyond.

Ready to get started? In the next section, we'll cover the prerequisites and setup steps to integrate Asana and Salesforce.

Prerequisites and Setup for Asana-Salesforce Integration

Before you can link Asana and Salesforce, there are a few requirements to meet. You'll need specific account types and permissions in both tools. Once ready, the setup process involves installing the Asana app in Salesforce and authenticating the connection. Finally, you can customize the integration with configuration options to fit your team's unique needs.

1. Asana and Salesforce Account Requirements

To integrate Asana and Salesforce, you must have an Asana Business or Enterprise account, as well as a Salesforce Enterprise or Unlimited edition. Make sure you have admin permissions in both tools to complete the setup process.

For example, if you're on the Asana Premium plan, you'll need to upgrade to Business or Enterprise to access the Salesforce integration features.

2. Installing the Asana for Salesforce App

With the right accounts and permissions, you're ready to install the Asana app in Salesforce:

  1. Visit the Salesforce AppExchange and find the Asana for Salesforce listing
  2. Click "Get It Now" to start the installation wizard
  3. Follow the prompts to configure the app settings and grant necessary permissions
  4. Add the Asana component to your desired Salesforce record pages

The installation process may take a few minutes, but the wizard guides you through each step.

3. Customizing Integration Settings

After installing the Asana app, you can fine-tune the integration to match your team's workflow:

  • Choose which Salesforce objects (like Opportunities or Accounts) to sync with Asana
  • Map Salesforce fields to Asana custom fields for seamless data flow
  • Set up rules and triggers to automate project and task creation based on Salesforce events

Customizing these settings ensures the integration aligns with your unique sales process and keeps everyone on the same page.

You can automate project and task creation with Bardeen and save hours of manual work

With the right accounts, permissions, and configuration options, you'll have Asana and Salesforce working together in no time. These foundational steps pave the way for streamlined collaboration across teams.

Now that you're set up, let's explore how to use the integration to connect Salesforce records with Asana projects and tasks for seamless workflows.

Connecting Asana and Salesforce for Seamless Workflows

With Asana and Salesforce integrated, you can sync data between the two platforms to streamline workflows. Connecting Salesforce opportunities and accounts with Asana projects and tasks keeps everyone aligned. You can also set up automated processes using triggers and actions to save time. Customizing field mappings and filters ensures the right information flows between the tools.

1. Syncing Salesforce Records with Asana

To connect your sales process with project execution, map Salesforce opportunities and accounts to Asana projects and tasks:

  • Link a Salesforce opportunity to an Asana project to track deal progress alongside work
  • Sync account details to Asana tasks for quick reference and context
  • Attach relevant Asana tasks and projects to Salesforce records

For example, when a deal reaches a certain stage, you can automatically create an Asana project with templated tasks to kick off implementation.

2. Automating Workflows with Triggers and Actions

Save time and reduce errors by setting up automated workflows between Salesforce and Asana. Use Salesforce Process Builder to create custom triggers and actions, such as:

  • When an opportunity closes in Salesforce, create a new Asana project from a template
  • When an Asana task is completed, update a field on the linked Salesforce record
  • When an account is created in Salesforce, add a new task in Asana for the account manager

Automating repetitive steps ensures key actions aren't missed and frees up your team to focus on higher-impact work.

3. Optimizing the Integration with Field Mappings and Filters

Fine-tune your Asana-Salesforce integration by customizing field mappings and filters. Map fields between the two tools to sync the most relevant data. For example, connect the Salesforce opportunity amount to an Asana custom field to track deal size on projects.

Set up filters to control which records sync between the platforms. You might only want to link opportunities above a certain value or at a specific stage. Filters keep your Asana workspace focused and clutter-free.

By syncing the right Salesforce data with Asana, automating key workflows, and optimizing the integration, you can achieve seamless collaboration between your sales and project teams. The integration saves time, improves visibility, and helps you deliver better customer experiences. Learn more about automate sales prospecting with AI tools.

Thanks for sticking with us this far! We know you're well on your way to becoming an Asana-Salesforce integration pro. Just remember, Rome wasn't built in a day, but with this powerful integration, you might be able to get pretty close!


Integrating Asana and Salesforce is crucial for aligning your sales and project teams to work together efficiently.

In this guide, you discovered:

  • The benefits of connecting Asana and Salesforce, like improved collaboration and automated workflows
  • The prerequisites and setup steps to integrate the two platforms
  • How to sync data, automate processes, and optimize the integration for seamless workflows

Don't miss out on the power of Asana-Salesforce integration. Without it, you might be stuck in silos forever!

Bardeen helps you automate sales prospecting, making your sales and project teams more efficient.

Automation is simple.
Just describe your task in words

Type what you want to automate in the Magic Box, then watch Bardeen create its plan - called a playbook.
No coding required.


How can I integrate Asana with Salesforce using Bardeen?

You can integrate Asana with Salesforce using Bardeen by creating playbooks that automate tasks between the two apps. For instance, you can create a playbook to copy all Asana tasks to Salesforce or to create an Asana task from a new Salesforce lead. This helps you keep both platforms synchronized without manual effort.

What specific tasks can be automated between Asana and Salesforce?

With Bardeen, you can automate tasks like copying all Salesforce opportunities to Asana, creating Asana tasks from Salesforce contacts, and exporting Salesforce contacts to other tools like Coda or Notion. These automations help you maintain an organized workflow and ensure no important tasks or contacts are missed.

Is Bardeen secure for integrating Asana and Salesforce?

Yes, Bardeen is secure. You can run automations locally, keeping all your data within your browser storage and cache layers, so they don’t touch Bardeen’s servers. If you enable the Always-on option, your automations can run in the cloud, ensuring continuous operation even when your device is off.

How much does it cost to use Bardeen for integrating Asana with Salesforce?

Bardeen offers a free plan that allows you to run unlimited non-premium automations. For more advanced features and premium automations, the paid plan costs $20/month. This plan includes premium integrations and the ability to run automations on the cloud 24/7.