Bardeen App connector

Integrate & connect
Asana with Dropbox

Integrate Asana and Dropbox to automate your workflows. Use simple language commands with Bardeen's AI Agent to handle repetitive tasks. No coding required.

How to integrate Asana with Dropbox?

We're Bardeen, we build an AI Agent that does your repetitive work tasks. Companies like Deel and Casafari, use Bardeen connect apps like Asana and Dropbox together to save time and increase productivity.

Integrating Asana and Dropbox is a game-changer for teams looking to centralize their project files and communication. Did you know that 60% of employees spend up to 60 minutes per day navigating between apps? By connecting these two powerful tools, you can save time, reduce app-switching, and keep everyone on the same page. In this complete guide, we'll walk you through the step-by-step process of integrating Asana and Dropbox, both manually and with the help of AI automation. Plus, we'll reveal the key benefits that will skyrocket your team's productivity. Ready to say goodbye to scattered files and hello to streamlined collaboration? Let's dive in!


Integrating Asana with Dropbox can help you streamline your workflow and keep all your project files in one place. By connecting these two powerful tools, you can easily attach Dropbox files to Asana tasks, share folders with your team, and stay organized. You can also integrate Dropbox with other apps to further enhance your productivity.

In this guide, we'll walk you through the steps to integrate Asana and Dropbox, so you can start working more efficiently today. Whether you're new to Asana or Dropbox or just looking to get more out of these tools, this guide has everything you need to know.

Benefits of Integrating Asana and Dropbox

Connecting Asana with Dropbox brings your project files and communication together in one centralized place. This integration allows you to attach Dropbox files directly to Asana tasks, keeping everything organized and easily accessible.

When you integrate Asana and Dropbox, you can:

  • Consolidate project-related files and discussions in Asana, eliminating the need to switch between apps
  • Easily attach relevant Dropbox files to Asana tasks by browsing your Dropbox folders from within Asana
  • Ensure your team always has access to the most up-to-date file versions, as changes made in either app automatically sync

For example, a marketing team could use the Asana-Dropbox integration to collaborate on campaign assets, keeping design files, copy docs, and task assignments all in one place.

Integrating these two powerful tools helps teams work more efficiently by unifying important information and streamlining file management. Next, let's walk through the steps to set up the integration.

Use Bardeen to integrate Google Drive with other apps and manage all your files easily!

Step-by-Step Guide to Connecting Asana and Dropbox

Integrating your Asana account with Dropbox is a simple process that can be completed in just a few steps. You'll need admin access in Asana to enable the integration. Here's how to connect Asana and Dropbox:

  1. As an Asana admin, go to your profile settings and click on the "Apps" tab.
  2. Locate the Dropbox logo and click it to begin the integration process.
  3. You'll be prompted to give Asana permission to access your Dropbox account. Follow the on-screen instructions to grant access.
  4. If you're a Dropbox Business admin, you can integrate multiple Dropbox teams with your Asana organization. Manage these connections from your Asana profile.

Once the integration is enabled, all Asana users in your organization can attach Dropbox files directly to Asana tasks:

  • While viewing a task, click the paperclip icon to open the attachment options.
  • Select Dropbox from the list of available services.
  • Browse your Dropbox folders and select the desired files to attach.
  • The attached files will appear alongside other attachments in the task details.

With just a few clicks, you can set up the Asana-Dropbox integration and start streamlining your file management and collaboration processes. The integration ensures your team always has access to the most up-to-date file versions across both platforms.

Automate Asana and Dropbox Workflows with Bardeen

Bardeen is an AI-powered automation platform that enables you to create custom workflows between Asana, Dropbox, and other apps without any coding. It uses a simple trigger and action setup to automate repetitive tasks and save time.

For example, you can set up Bardeen to automatically save new Asana task attachments to a designated Dropbox folder. Or, you can have Bardeen create Asana tasks whenever new files are added to specific Dropbox locations.

To get started with Bardeen:

  1. Install the Bardeen Chrome browser extension from their website. It's free to begin automating your workflows.
  2. Open Bardeen and click "Accounts" to connect your Asana and Dropbox accounts. Grant Bardeen permission to access each app so it can automate actions for you.
  3. In the Bardeen workflow builder, choose Asana as the trigger app and Dropbox as the action app. Select the specific trigger event (e.g., "New Attachment Added to Task") and the resulting Dropbox action (e.g., "Upload File to Folder"). Map the file and folder details between the two apps.
By using Bardeen, you can automate repetitive tasks like saving Asana attachments to Dropbox in a click. Focus on important work while Bardeen handles the rest.

By leveraging Bardeen to automate workflows, you can take your Asana-Dropbox integration to new levels of efficiency and productivity. Set up automations to handle tedious file management tasks so you can focus on higher-impact work.


Connecting Asana with Dropbox is essential for teams looking to centralize their files and communication.

In this guide, you discovered:

Master the Asana-Dropbox integration to become a collaboration champion. Without it, you risk drowning in scattered files and fragmented team communication. Don't be that person!

Learn more about the apps

Available actions & triggers

Move Asana task
When a file is added or updated in Dropbox
When a folder is added or renamed in Dropbox
Find Asana tasks
Create Asana task
Find Asana projects
When file is added to or modified in Dropbox
Download Dropbox file
Find Dropbox files
Find Dropbox folders

Automation is simple.
Just describe your task in words

Type what you want to automate in the Magic Box, then watch Bardeen create its plan - called a playbook.
No coding required.


How do I integrate Asana with Dropbox using Bardeen?

Integrating Asana with Dropbox using Bardeen is simple. Install the Bardeen browser extension, and use pre-built playbooks like 'Save labeled emails to Asana, including attachments stored on Dropbox' or 'Generate an image from an Asana task and save it to Dropbox'. These playbooks automate your workflow, making task management more efficient.

Can I automate saving Asana tasks to Dropbox?

Yes, you can automate saving Asana tasks to Dropbox with Bardeen. Use playbooks such as 'Create Asana task and attach current page as PDF using Dropbox' or 'Save labeled emails to ClickUp, including attachments stored on Dropbox'. This helps keep your files organized and easily accessible.

Do I need a paid Bardeen plan to integrate Asana with Dropbox?

No, you don't need a paid Bardeen plan to integrate Asana with Dropbox. Bardeen offers a free plan that allows you to run unlimited non-premium automations. However, for always-on automations that run 24/7, you will need a paid plan.

How much does it cost to get the premium features for integrating Asana with Dropbox?

Bardeen’s paid plan costs $20/month. This plan provides full access to premium integrations, including always-on automations that run in the cloud even when your device is off. The free plan covers non-premium functionalities, making it accessible for individuals and small teams.