How to Web Scrape with Excel: Step-by-Step Guide

July 21, 2024
Jason Gong

Open Excel, go to Data tab, and select From Web.

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Web scraping is a powerful technique that allows you to extract data from websites and import it into Excel for analysis and reporting. Excel offers built-in features that enable you to scrape web data without the need for complex coding or external tools. In this step-by-step guide, we'll walk you through the process of setting up Excel for web scraping, identifying and selecting the desired data, and importing it into your spreadsheet for further manipulation and analysis.

Introduction to Web Scraping with Excel

Web scraping is the process of extracting data from websites for analysis and automation. It allows you to quickly gather information from online sources and import it into Excel, saving time and effort compared to manual data entry. Excel has built-in features that enable you to scrape web data without the need for complex coding or external tools.

With Excel's web scraping capabilities, you can:

  • Import data from static web pages containing tables
  • Automate data collection from regularly updated websites
  • Combine data from multiple online sources for comprehensive analysis

Excel's web scraping functionality is accessible through the "Get Data" feature, which allows you to connect to external data sources, including web pages. By following a few simple steps, you can quickly import web data into your spreadsheet and start analyzing it alongside your existing data.

Setting Up Excel for Web Scraping

To start web scraping with Excel, you need to have a compatible version of the software. Excel 2016 and later versions, including Excel for Microsoft 365, have built-in web scraping features. Ensure that you have the latest updates installed for optimal performance and compatibility.

Follow these steps to access the web scraping features in Excel:

  1. Open Excel and create a new workbook or open an existing one where you want to import the web data.
  2. Navigate to the "Data" tab in the Excel ribbon.
  3. Look for the "Get & Transform Data" section and click on the "From Web" option.

The "From Web" option opens a dialog box where you can enter the URL of the web page you want to scrape. Excel will then establish a connection to the specified web page and allow you to select the data you want to import.

Keep in mind that some websites may have restrictions or preventive measures in place that can hinder web scraping. In such cases, you may need to explore alternative methods or tools to extract the desired data.

Bardeen helps automate your data scraping process without needing code. Save time and focus on what matters. Try our Excel web scraper.

Identifying Data for Extraction

When using Excel's built-in web scraping features, it's essential to identify the relevant data you want to extract from the web page. After entering the URL in the "From Web" dialog box, Excel will display a preview of the web page, highlighting the data it can automatically detect and import.

To select the appropriate data for extraction:

  1. Review the preview pane carefully, looking for the specific data tables or sections you want to import.
  2. Click on the yellow arrows next to each detected table to select or deselect them for import.
  3. If the desired data is not automatically detected, you can manually select it by clicking on the web page preview and dragging the cursor to highlight the specific area.

When selecting data, consider the following tips:

  • Be specific in your selection to avoid importing unnecessary data that may slow down the process or clutter your worksheet.
  • Look for well-structured tables or sections that contain the relevant information you need.
  • If the web page has multiple pages or a pagination system, you may need to repeat the process for each page or explore advanced scraping techniques to automate the extraction of data from multiple pages.

Importing Web Data into Excel

After identifying and selecting the desired data from the web page preview, you can proceed with importing the data into Excel. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. In the "Navigator" dialog box, ensure that the correct table or tables are selected for import.
  2. Choose the desired import option from the "Load" drop-down menu:
  • "Load": This option will import the data directly into a new worksheet as an Excel table.
  • "Load to": This option allows you to specify the destination for the imported data, such as an existing worksheet or a new worksheet.
  • "Load to Data Model": This option loads the data into Excel's Data Model, which is useful for creating relationships between multiple tables and using them in PivotTables or Power Pivot.

Additionally, you can choose "Transform Data" to open the Query Editor, where you can perform advanced data transformations and cleaning before loading the data into Excel.

After selecting the desired import option, click "Load" or "OK" to import the web data into Excel. The data will appear in the specified location, either as a table in a worksheet or as a connection in the Workbook Queries pane, depending on your chosen import option.

Bardeen helps automate your data scraping process without needing code. Save time and focus on what matters. Try our Excel web scraper.

Managing Data Connections in Excel

After importing web data into Excel, it's essential to manage the data connections to ensure the information remains up-to-date and accurate. Here's how to manage your data connections:

  1. Access the "Queries & Connections" pane by clicking on the "Data" tab and then "Queries & Connections".
  2. In the "Connections" tab, you'll see a list of all the connections in your workbook.
  3. Right-click on a connection to access various options, such as "Refresh", "Edit", "Duplicate", and "Delete".

To refresh the data, simply click "Refresh" or right-click the connection and select "Refresh". This will update the data in your workbook with the latest information from the web source.

You can also set up automatic refresh by editing the connection properties:

  1. Right-click the connection and select "Properties".
  2. In the "Usage" tab, choose the desired refresh settings, such as "Refresh every X minutes" or "Refresh data when opening the file".
  3. Click "OK" to save the changes.

By setting up automatic refresh, you can ensure that your workbook always contains the most current data without having to manually refresh the connections each time.

Advanced Data Manipulation with Excel Queries

Excel's Query Editor provides a powerful set of tools for advanced data manipulation. With the Query Editor, you can transform your data to meet specific analysis needs without altering the original data source. Here are some examples of what you can do:

  • Filter data to focus on specific subsets that meet certain criteria.
  • Sort data in ascending or descending order based on one or more columns.
  • Split columns to separate data into multiple columns based on delimiters or fixed widths.
  • Merge columns to combine data from multiple columns into a single column.
  • Change data types to ensure data is correctly formatted for analysis.
  • Pivot and unpivot data to reshape the structure of your data.
  • Group and aggregate data to summarize and calculate metrics.

To access the Query Editor, select "From Table/Range" or "From Other Sources" in the "Get & Transform Data" group on the Data tab, and then choose your data source. The Query Editor will open, displaying your data and providing a range of transformation options.

As you apply transformations, each step is recorded in the "Applied Steps" list in the Query Settings pane. You can modify, delete, or rearrange these steps to fine-tune your data transformation process.

By leveraging the power of Excel Queries and the Query Editor, you can efficiently manipulate and reshape your data to support your specific analysis requirements, all while maintaining the integrity of your original data sources.

Bardeen helps automate your data transformation process without needing code. Save time and focus on what matters. Try our data manipulation playbook.

Troubleshooting Common Web Scraping Issues

While web scraping with Excel is generally straightforward, you may encounter some issues along the way. Here are some common problems and their solutions:

  1. Connection errors: If Excel fails to connect to the web page, check your internet connection and ensure the URL is correct. If the issue persists, the website may be blocking Excel's access. Try using a different browser or VPN.
  2. Data not loading: If data doesn't load after establishing a connection, the website's structure may have changed. Check if the data is still present on the page and if the table structure is the same. You may need to re-select the data or update your query.
  3. Incomplete data: If some data is missing after importing, the website may be using pagination or lazy loading. Check if there are "Load more" or "Next page" buttons and click them before scraping. Alternatively, use Excel's "Web query" feature to navigate through pages automatically.
  4. Formatting issues: If the imported data has formatting problems, use Excel's data formatting tools to clean it up. You can change data types, split or merge columns, and remove unwanted characters or spaces.
  5. Slow performance: If scraping large amounts of data, Excel may slow down. Try breaking your query into smaller parts or using Excel's "Fast Data Load" option. You can also save the data to a separate workbook to avoid overburdening your main file.

To ensure smooth web scraping operations, follow these best practices:

  • Start with a small dataset to test your query before scraping large amounts of data.
  • Regularly check your queries and connections to ensure they're still working correctly.
  • Use relative cell references when setting up your queries to avoid issues if you move your data.
  • Save your workbook and queries in a secure location to avoid losing your work.

By being aware of these common issues and following best practices, you can troubleshoot problems quickly and ensure your web scraping projects run smoothly in Excel.

Automate Excel Scraping: Boost Efficiency with Bardeen

While web scraping with Excel is a valuable skill for data analysis and collection, automating these processes can significantly enhance efficiency and accuracy. With Bardeen, users can automate various web scraping tasks without the need for complex programming or manual data entry. This approach is not only time-saving but also reduces the likelihood of errors associated with manual scraping.

Here are examples of how Bardeen can automate web scraping tasks for Excel users:

  1. Get keywords and a summary from any website save it to Google Sheets: This playbook automates the extraction of key information from websites, summarizing the content and identifying essential keywords, then saving the results directly into Google Sheets. Ideal for market research and content analysis.
  2. Get data from Crunchbase links and save the results to Google Sheets: Perfect for business analysts and investors, this playbook retrieves valuable data from Crunchbase and organizes it neatly in Google Sheets, streamlining competitor analysis and market research without manual data entry.
  3. Get web page content of websites: This playbook extracts entire web page contents from a list of URLs provided in a Google Sheet, updating each row with the website content. This is particularly useful for SEO analysis, content aggregation, and competitive intelligence.

These automations demonstrate the versatility and power of Bardeen in simplifying data collection and analysis tasks, making it an indispensable tool for Excel users looking to enhance their web scraping capabilities. Start automating your web scraping tasks by downloading the Bardeen app at

Automate Excel web scraping with Bardeen

Bardeen's AI Agent automates web scraping to Excel without coding, saving you time.

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