App Tutorial

Import Data from Images to Google Sheets: A Step-by-Step Guide

Jason Gong
App automation expert
Apps used
Google Sheets
April 15, 2024

Importing data from an image into Google Sheets involves using OCR technology to extract text and data, then importing it via methods like Microsoft Excel's mobile app feature, online OCR tools, or Google Workspace Marketplace add-ons. This process saves time and reduces manual entry errors.

Discover how to streamline this process and enhance efficiency with Bardeen's automation capabilities.

Learn how to automate your Google Sheets tasks with Bardeen.

How to Import Data from Image to Google Sheets

Importing data from an image into Google Sheets can be a powerful way to quickly convert printed or digital tables into editable spreadsheet data. This process involves extracting text and data from images using Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology and then importing this data into Google Sheets. While Google Sheets does not directly support importing data from images, there are several methods and tools that can be used to accomplish this task.

Automate the process of importing data from images into Google Sheets with Bardeen. Save time and enhance accuracy with our automation playbooks.

Using Microsoft Excel's "Insert Data from Picture" Feature

One indirect method involves using Microsoft Excel's "Insert Data from Picture" feature available on its mobile apps for Android and iOS. This feature allows you to take a photo of a data table and convert it into an editable Excel spreadsheet. Once the data is in Excel, you can then easily import the Excel file into Google Sheets.

  1. Open the Excel mobile app and create a new workbook.
  2. Tap the "Data from Picture" icon and take a photo of your data table.
  3. Review and edit the captured data if necessary, then insert it into your workbook.
  4. Save the Excel file and import it into Google Sheets.

Using Online OCR Tools

Several online OCR tools and services can convert images to text or spreadsheet formats, which you can then import into Google Sheets. Nanonets and ExtractTable are examples of such services that offer specialized OCR capabilities to extract table data from images and convert it into Google Sheets-compatible formats.

  1. Upload your image to an online OCR tool like Nanonets or ExtractTable.
  2. Use the tool's interface to convert the image to a Google Sheets-compatible format (usually CSV or Excel).
  3. Download the converted file and import it into Google Sheets.

These tools may require you to sign up for an account or purchase credits to use their services. They also offer APIs for integrating OCR capabilities into custom applications.

Using Google Workspace Marketplace Add-ons

Google Workspace Marketplace offers add-ons like ExtractTable - Image to Spreadsheet, which can directly import data from images into Google Sheets. These add-ons typically require you to provide an API key from the service provider and may offer limited free trials or paid plans.

  1. Install the add-on from the Google Workspace Marketplace.
  2. Follow the add-on's instructions to upload your image and extract the data.
  3. The add-on will automatically insert the extracted data into your Google Sheets document.
Explore the best addons for Google Sheets, learn how to automate Google Sheets, and discover a collection of Google Sheets automations to elevate your productivity.

Regardless of the method you choose, importing data from images into Google Sheets can save time and reduce manual data entry errors. Always review the imported data for accuracy and make any necessary corrections.

Automate Google Sheets with Bardeen: Examples Unveiled

While importing data from images into Google Sheets can be done manually through various methods such as using OCR tools or Excel's data-from-picture feature, automating this process can significantly enhance efficiency, accuracy, and speed. Bardeen offers powerful automation capabilities that can streamline the process of importing data from images or other sources directly into Google Sheets.

Discover how Bardeen can transform your data importation workflow with these examples:

  1. Scrape Google Images and Save to Google Sheets: Automate the collection of images from Google for research or projects, and directly save them into Google Sheets. This playbook simplifies the process of gathering visual data, making it ideal for creating visual databases or enhancing presentations.
  2. Copy all Github issues to Google Sheets: Streamline your project management by automatically transferring all issues from a GitHub repository into a Google Sheets document. This playbook ensures that your issue tracking is up-to-date and easily accessible.
  3. Enrich email contacts and save to Google Sheets: Enhance your email marketing by enriching contact lists with detailed information and saving them directly to Google Sheets for further analysis and segmentation.

Maximize your productivity by automating your Google Sheets tasks. Get started with these automations by downloading the Bardeen app at

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