5 Steps to Find Job Seekers on LinkedIn in 2024

June 23, 2024
Jason Gong

Use LinkedIn's search tools and 'Open to Work' features to find job seekers.

By the way, we're Bardeen, we build a free AI Agent for doing repetitive tasks.

If you're recruiting, check out our LinkedIn Data Scraper. It automates finding and connecting with job seekers, saving you time.

Finding job seekers on LinkedIn can be a game-changer for recruiters and hiring managers looking to fill open positions with top talent. In this step-by-step guide, we'll show you how to leverage LinkedIn's powerful search tools, engagement features, and AI-driven technologies to locate and connect with job seekers in 2024. By following these proven strategies, you'll be able to tap into LinkedIn's vast network of professionals and find the perfect candidates for your organization.


LinkedIn has become an indispensable tool for recruiters and hiring managers looking to find top talent in today's competitive job market. With over 900 million users worldwide, LinkedIn offers a vast pool of potential candidates, including active job seekers and passive candidates open to new opportunities. However, navigating this extensive network and identifying the right candidates can be challenging without the proper strategies and tools.

In this comprehensive guide, we'll walk you through a step-by-step process to effectively locate job seekers on LinkedIn in 2024. You'll learn how to:

  • Leverage advanced search filters to refine your candidate search
  • Utilize LinkedIn's 'Open to Work' features to identify active job seekers
  • Engage with relevant LinkedIn groups to expand your network and reach potential candidates
  • Craft compelling InMail campaigns that encourage responses from job seekers
  • Analyze competitor connections and employees to find potential candidates
  • Implement AI tools to automate and streamline your recruitment process on LinkedIn
  • Monitor job change alerts to identify individuals open to new opportunities

By mastering these techniques and staying up-to-date with LinkedIn's latest features and best practices, you'll be well-equipped to find the perfect candidates for your organization's hiring needs in 2024 and beyond. Let's dive in and explore each step in detail.

Leveraging Advanced Search Filters

LinkedIn's advanced search capabilities are a powerful tool for recruiters and hiring managers looking to refine their search for job seekers. By utilizing specific criteria such as location, industry, and current job titles, you can narrow down your search results to find the most relevant candidates. Learn how to connect LinkedIn with other tools for more efficient searches.

To access LinkedIn's advanced search filters:

  1. Enter your search terms in the search bar at the top of the page
  2. Click on "All Filters" to view the available search criteria
  3. Select the desired filters to refine your search results
Click on "All Filters" to view the available search criteria

Some of the most useful advanced search filters for locating job seekers include:

  • Location: Specify the geographic area where you're looking for candidates
  • Industry: Filter by the candidate's current or past industry experience
  • Current Company: Search for candidates working at specific companies
  • Past Company: Find candidates who have worked at particular companies in the past
  • Profile Language: Locate candidates who speak specific languages

In addition to using LinkedIn's built-in filters, Boolean search techniques can help you uncover even more precise results. Boolean search allows you to combine keywords with operators like AND, OR, and NOT to create targeted search queries. For example:

  • "software engineer" AND "python" finds candidates with both terms in their profile
  • "marketing manager" NOT "sales" excludes profiles containing the term "sales"
  • "UI designer" OR "UX designer" returns profiles that mention either term

By leveraging LinkedIn's advanced search filters and Boolean search techniques, you can efficiently locate the most qualified job seekers for your open positions, saving time and resources in your recruitment process. For enhanced productivity, consider using tools to enrich LinkedIn profiles within Google Sheets.

Enhance your hiring process by using sales prospecting tools that automate tedious tasks and save time.

Utilizing 'Open to Work' Features

LinkedIn's 'Open to Work' feature is a powerful tool for job seekers to signal their availability to potential employers and recruiters. By enabling this feature, candidates can increase their visibility and attract more job opportunities that align with their skills and experience. Use tools like the LinkedIn profile scraper to efficiently gather data from profiles.

To identify candidates using the 'Open to Work' feature, follow these steps:

  1. Use LinkedIn's search bar to find profiles relevant to your hiring needs
  2. Filter your search results by selecting the 'Open to Work' option under the 'All Filters' menu
  3. Browse through the profiles of candidates who have indicated they are actively seeking new job opportunities

When approaching candidates who have enabled the 'Open to Work' feature, it's essential to respect their privacy settings and current employment status. Keep in mind that:

  • Some candidates may have chosen to share their job-seeking status with recruiters only, so their 'Open to Work' status may not be visible to all LinkedIn members
  • Be discreet when reaching out to candidates, especially if they are currently employed, to avoid compromising their current job security
  • Personalize your messages to demonstrate genuine interest in the candidate's skills and experience, rather than sending generic mass messages

By leveraging the 'Open to Work' feature and approaching candidates with tact and professionalism, recruiters can effectively connect with job seekers who are actively looking for new opportunities, automate sales prospecting, and increase the chances of finding the perfect fit for their open positions.

Engaging with LinkedIn Groups

LinkedIn groups provide an excellent platform for recruiters to connect with job seekers, industry professionals, and thought leaders. By actively participating in relevant groups, you can increase your visibility, expand your network, and tap into a pool of potential candidates.

To find the right groups, start by searching for keywords related to your industry, such as "software engineering" or "marketing professionals." You can also look for groups specific to job seekers, like "Job Openings, Job Leads and Job Connections!"

Once you've joined a few relevant groups, engage in discussions by:

  • Sharing your insights and expertise on industry trends and best practices
  • Asking thought-provoking questions to spark conversations
  • Providing helpful advice to job seekers and other professionals
  • Sharing relevant job postings and career opportunities

Remember to maintain a professional tone and avoid self-promotion. Focus on adding value to the group and building genuine connections. Tools like LinkedIn phone number extractors can help manage contacts efficiently.

Save time and improve your network connections by using Bardeen to scrape LinkedIn profiles. Automate the process and focus on building relationships.

By consistently engaging in LinkedIn groups, you'll establish yourself as a knowledgeable and approachable recruiter, attracting job seekers and potential candidates to your network. This can lead to more successful placements and a stronger talent pipeline for your organization.

Crafting Effective InMail Campaigns

InMail campaigns are a powerful tool for reaching out to potential job seekers on LinkedIn. To create compelling messages that encourage responses, follow these step-by-step tips:

  1. Start with a strong subject line that grabs the candidate's attention and entices them to open your message. Keep it concise and personalized.
  2. Personalize the message by mentioning something specific from the candidate's profile, such as a shared connection, past experience, or unique skill set. This shows that you've taken the time to research them and aren't simply sending a generic message.
  3. Highlight what makes the candidate special and why you believe they would be a good fit for the role. Be specific and sincere in your compliments.
  4. Briefly explain the opportunity and what's in it for the candidate, such as competitive compensation, work-life balance, or growth potential.
  5. Keep your message concise, ideally under 400 characters. Provide just enough information to pique their interest and encourage them to respond for more details.
  6. End with a clear call-to-action, such as asking for a quick phone call or providing your availability for a chat. Make it easy for the candidate to take the next step.

To further increase your InMail response rates:

  • Send messages between Sunday and Thursday, as these days tend to have higher engagement rates.
  • Test different messaging templates and track your results to see what resonates best with your target candidates.
  • Prioritize reaching out to candidates who follow your company, are connected to current employees, or have indicated they are open to new opportunities, as they are more likely to respond.

By crafting personalized, compelling InMail messages and targeting the right candidates, you can effectively engage with potential job seekers and build stronger connections that lead to successful hires. Consider using AI to generate emails to save time and enhance your outreach.

Analyzing Competitor Connections and Employees

Exploring your competitors' networks on LinkedIn can uncover potential candidates who may be open to new opportunities. Follow these steps to effectively analyze and approach these candidates:

  1. Identify your top competitors and search for their company profiles on LinkedIn.
  2. Browse through their employee list, focusing on roles similar to the positions you're looking to fill.
  3. Look for employees who have been with the company for a significant time or have recently received promotions, as they may be more receptive to new opportunities.
  4. Check if any employees have recently left the competitor, as they might be actively seeking new roles.
  5. Analyze the profiles of potential candidates, looking for skills, experience, and accomplishments that align with your job requirements. Use tools like LinkedIn to Notion to streamline this process.

When approaching candidates from competitor companies, it's crucial to consider the ethical implications and best practices:

  • Avoid targeting employees who are bound by non-compete agreements or have access to confidential information.
  • Be transparent about your company and the role you're offering, highlighting the unique benefits and growth opportunities.
  • Personalize your outreach, demonstrating genuine interest in the candidate's experience and skills.
  • Respect the candidate's privacy and avoid pressuring them to leave their current employer.
  • Focus on building a relationship and establishing trust, rather than making a hard sell.
Bardeen can help you quickly find and export LinkedIn profiles into Notion, saving time and reducing manual effort. Check out our LinkedIn to Notion playbook.

By thoughtfully analyzing competitor connections and approaching candidates with care and respect, you can tap into a valuable pool of potential hires while maintaining ethical recruitment practices. For more tips, check out our guide on building a prospect list.

Implementing AI Tools for Recruitment

Integrating AI-driven tools on LinkedIn can significantly streamline your recruitment process by automating candidate searches and initial contact. These tools can help you:

  • Identify potential candidates based on specific criteria such as skills, experience, and location
  • Craft personalized messages to engage with candidates more effectively
  • Analyze candidate data to predict their likelihood of responding to your outreach
  • Automate repetitive tasks, allowing you to focus on building relationships with top candidates

LinkedIn offers several AI-powered features for recruiters, such as:

  1. AI-Assisted Messages: This tool uses generative AI to create unique, personalized outreach messages for candidates with just one click, saving time and boosting engagement.
  2. Likelihood of Interest: This feature uses AI to aggregate and interpret real-time interest signals, identifying candidates who have a high or moderate likelihood of being interested in your job opening.

When evaluating AI tools for LinkedIn recruitment, consider the following factors:

  • Ease of integration with your existing recruitment workflow
  • Ability to customize search criteria and message templates
  • Accuracy of candidate recommendations and interest predictions
  • Data privacy and security measures
  • User reviews and case studies demonstrating the tool's effectiveness

By leveraging AI tools on LinkedIn, you can refine your recruitment process, reach out to the most relevant candidates, and ultimately make faster, more informed hiring decisions.

Monitoring Job Change Alerts

LinkedIn's job change alerts feature is a powerful tool for identifying potential candidates who might be open to new opportunities. By setting up alerts for job changes within your network, you can stay informed about individuals who have recently switched jobs or are actively seeking new roles. Here's how to set up and use LinkedIn job change alerts:

  1. Navigate to your LinkedIn homepage and click on the "Jobs" icon at the top of the page.
  2. Click on "Preferences" and then select "Job alerts" from the dropdown menu.
  3. In the "Job alerts" pop-up, click on "Create alert" to set up a new job change alert.
  4. Customize your alert by specifying the job titles, locations, and companies you want to monitor for job changes.
  5. Choose how often you want to receive alerts (daily or weekly) and your preferred notification method (email, app notifications, or both).
  6. Click "Save" to create your job change alert.

Once you have set up your job change alerts, you will receive notifications whenever someone in your network or matching your specified criteria changes jobs. When engaging with these individuals, keep the following tips in mind:

  • Congratulate them on their new role and express your interest in staying connected.
  • If appropriate, inquire about their reasons for making the job change and whether they are open to new opportunities.
  • Share relevant job openings within your organization that align with their skills and experience.
  • Offer to provide any assistance or advice they may need as they transition into their new role.

By leveraging LinkedIn's job change alerts and engaging with individuals who have recently switched jobs, you can automate sales prospecting and expand your talent pool for future hiring needs.

Using Bardeen, you can automate repetitive tasks like saving LinkedIn profiles to your CRM. Automate sales prospecting to save time and focus on more strategic work.

Automate Your LinkedIn Job Search with Bardeen

Finding people who are actively looking for jobs on LinkedIn can be streamlined using automation tools like Bardeen. Automating your search process not only saves time but also ensures you don't miss out on potential candidates who could be the perfect fit for your organization. Here are some ways Bardeen can help automate tasks related to finding job seekers on LinkedIn:

  1. Save LinkedIn jobs based on keyword and location to Notion: Automates the collection of job listings from LinkedIn based on specified keywords and locations, saving the information directly into Notion for easy access and organization.
  2. Save LinkedIn jobs based on keyword and location to Google Sheets: Similar to the Notion playbook, this automation fetches job listings from LinkedIn and organizes them in Google Sheets, simplifying the tracking of new job opportunities or potential candidates.
  3. Get listed job posts from currently opened LinkedIn Jobs page: Directly extracts job posting information from the LinkedIn Jobs page you're currently viewing, streamlining the process of gathering data on active job listings.
Automate finding job seekers on LinkedIn

Bardeen's LinkedIn Data Scraper helps you quickly find and connect with job seekers.

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