App Tutorial

Extract Numbers from Strings in Google Sheets: A Guide

Jason Gong
App automation expert
Apps used
Google Sheets
April 15, 2024

Use REGEXEXTRACT and REGEXREPLACE functions in Google Sheets to efficiently extract numbers from cells containing mixed data types. These methods allow for the extraction of integers, decimals, and even negative numbers, streamlining data analysis tasks.

Learn how to automate these tasks and more with Bardeen to save time and enhance data accuracy.

How to Extract Numbers from a Cell in Google Sheets

Extracting numbers from a cell in Google Sheets can be accomplished through various methods, including using built-in functions and formulas. This guide covers several approaches to help you efficiently extract numeric values from strings in your Google Sheets.

Discover how automation can simplify data extraction in Google Sheets, enhancing efficiency and accuracy. Check out Google Sheets automations for more.

Extract Numbers from String Google Sheets

Google Sheets provides powerful functions to extract numbers from strings, which can be particularly useful when dealing with data that includes a mix of text and numbers.

Google Sheets REGEX Extract

The REGEXEXTRACT function is a versatile tool in Google Sheets that allows you to extract parts of a string that match a specified pattern, defined by a regular expression. To extract numbers from a string, you can use the following formula:

'=REGEXEXTRACT(A1, "\d+")'

This formula will extract the first sequence of digits found in the string located in cell A1. If you have numbers scattered throughout the text and want to extract all of them, you might consider using the REGEXREPLACE function instead to remove non-numeric characters.

Google Sheets Extract Number from String

Another approach to extract numbers from a string is by using the REGEXREPLACE function. This function replaces specified text in a string using regular expressions. To extract all numbers from a string and remove all non-numeric characters, use the following formula:

'=REGEXREPLACE(A1, "[^\d]", "")'

This formula will replace any character that is not a digit with an empty string, effectively leaving only the numbers in the cell.

How to Extract Numbers from a Cell in Google Sheets

When dealing with cells that contain both text and numbers, and you wish to extract only the numbers, you can use either the REGEXEXTRACT or REGEXREPLACE functions as shown above. These methods are effective for extracting numbers regardless of their position within the string.

For more intricate data handling, explore Google Sheet automations and streamline your workflows.

Google Sheets Extract Number from String

For more complex scenarios where numbers are embedded within strings and you need to extract specific numerical patterns (e.g., decimals, negative numbers), you can refine your regular expressions within the REGEXEXTRACT or REGEXREPLACE functions. For example, to extract numbers including decimals and negative signs, use:

'=REGEXEXTRACT(A1, "-?\d*\.?\d+")'

This formula is capable of extracting integers, decimals, and negative numbers from a string, making it a versatile solution for various data extraction needs.

By leveraging these functions and formulas, you can efficiently extract numeric values from mixed data types in Google Sheets, simplifying data analysis and manipulation tasks.

Learn about the best Google Sheets Addons to further enhance your data manipulation capabilities.

Automate Google Sheets Tasks with Bardeen

Extracting numbers from cells in Google Sheets can be streamlined using automation, enhancing efficiency and accuracy. While the manual methods outlined above are effective, automation with Bardeen can save significant time, particularly when dealing with large datasets or when this task needs to be performed regularly.

  1. Scrape Redfin Listings Contact Numbers to Google Sheets: Automates the extraction of contact numbers from Redfin listings directly into Google Sheets. Ideal for real estate professionals needing quick access to a vast amount of contact information.
  2. Copy Google News for a keyword and save results to Google Sheets: This playbook simplifies the process of gathering news related data by keyword and organizing it in Google Sheets, perfect for research and monitoring mentions.
  3. Extract Emails from Google Search Results to Google Sheets: Streamlines the collection of email addresses from search results into Google Sheets, facilitating outreach or lead generation efforts.

These examples showcase how Bardeen can automate various tasks involving Google Sheets, saving time and improving data handling processes. To explore more and start automating, visit

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