Google Sheets
playbook Template

Get tweets for a keyword and save them to Google Sheets

This playbook will extract tweets for a given keyword and save the data to Google Sheets.

This is a Bardeen playbook. It's a pre-built automation template you can run in one-click to perform a repetitive task. Get started with our free Chrome extension.

How does this automation work?

Scrape data in the background
Add data to sheet tab

Bardeen connects Twitter and Google Sheets to help you monitor keywords and trends in real-time. The "Get tweets for a keyword and save them to Google Sheets" playbook allows you to scrape Twitter for specific keywords and save the gathered data directly to Google Sheets. This can help your marketing or research team keep track of customer sentiment, trending topics, or even competitor activity in real-time.

Here is how this workflow works:

  1. Merge Text: Bardeen first constructs the URL for the Twitter search page by merging the base Twitter search URL with your specified keyword.
  2. Scrape Data: Using the Scraper integration, Bardeen visits the constructed Twitter URL in the background and scrapes the tweet data. The Scraper integration allows Bardeen to extract data from almost any website and send it directly to your applications.
  3. Add Data to Google Sheets: The extracted tweet data is then added to a Google Sheets document of your choice. Google Sheets is a spreadsheet program that lets you create, edit, and share spreadsheets, making it easier for you to analyze the tweet data.
Run this Google Sheets automation with Bardeen in minutes.

How to run the playbook

Combine Twitter with this automation, and you can do some powerful research and get deep insight into any topic you want.

Twitter users post more than 350,000 tweets per minute, and it’s not all just celebrity gossip.

Almost half of Twitter’s audience consumes news regularly on the platform, and many polls suggest that the platform has helped them to understand world events. So, Twitter offers much more depth than you may think.

You can easily tap into that data with this automation.

To make the automation work, enter the Google Sheet name, the keywords you want to search for, and the maximum number of tweets you want to be pulled. 💥 BOOOM!

The automation will extract the tweets and save the data to Google Sheets along with information like handle, number of retweets, likes, comments, and tweet URL.

That means you can use Google Sheets to group together, visualize and analyze data based on different metrics.

You can group the data by comments and likes to see what’s getting engagement, filter the tweets by the source to see who is tweeting the most about your keyword, and even use retweets to see what type of tweets are getting the most shares.

If you work in marketing, you can discover what your target audience is talking about and periodically update your Google Sheets file to track trends.

If you are a product owner, you can do social listening by typing keywords related to your company’s offerings. For example, if your company is offering courses for Spanish learners, you can search for “Common problems learning Spanish” and get a ton of fresh content ideas.

The possibilities are endless, and this automation is your gateway. Click the “Try it” button above and give it a shot!

Look for additional integration choices for Google Sheets automation, Twitter integrations, and Twitter and Google Sheets combined, or edit the playbook to better match your specific workflow needs.

Discover more about the awesome marketing automation available.

Run this Google Sheets automation with Bardeen in minutes.

Available actions & triggers

Get tweets for a keyword and save them to Google Sheets
Get tweets for a keyword and save them to Google Sheets
Get tweets for a keyword and save them to Google Sheets
Add data to sheet
Add data to sheet
Get table from Google Sheet
Get table from Google Sheet
When row changes
When row changes
When user tweets
When user tweets
Add text to Google Sheet
Add text to Google Sheet
When Twitter user follows a new user
When Twitter user follows a new user
Find Google Sheets
Find Google Sheets
Create new spreadsheet tab
Create new spreadsheet tab
When row is added to Google Sheet
When row is added to Google Sheet
Clear Google Sheet
Clear Google Sheet
how does bardeen work?

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Integrate your apps and websites

Use data and events in one app to automate another. Bardeen supports an increasing library of powerful integrations.

Perform tasks & actions

Bardeen completes tasks in apps and websites you use for work, so you don't have to - filling forms, sending messages, or even crafting detailed reports.

Combine it all to create workflows

Workflows are a series of actions triggered by you or a change in a connected app. They automate repetitive tasks you normally perform manually - saving you time.

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Bardeen - Playbook / Autobooks: Is it possible to create a Playbook that scrapes data from a website and sends it as an email attachment?

You can create a Bardeen Playbook to scrape data from a website and then send that data as an email attachment.

Youtube: Can I download a Youtube video to my computer using Bardeen?

Unfortunately, Bardeen is not able to download videos to your computer.

Google Sheets: What is the best way to export data to Google Sheets?

Exporting data (ex: scraped data or app data) from Bardeen to Google Sheets is possible with our action to “Add Rows to Google Sheets”.

Meetings: Is there a playbook to record and summarize meetings?

There isn't a specific AI use case available for automatically recording and summarizing meetings at the moment

Playbooks/Autobooks: How do I edit an action in a Playbook or Autobook?

Please follow the following steps to edit an action in a Playbook or Autobook.

Scraper: How can I get data from multiple sections of a profile (Eg: getting the experience section on a linkedin profile)?

Cases like this require you to scrape the links to the sections and use the background scraper to get details from every section.

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