Bardeen - Playbook / Autobooks: Is it possible to create a Playbook that scrapes data from a website and sends it as an email attachment?

You can create a Bardeen Playbook to scrape data from a website and then send that data as an email attachment.

Here's how:

1. Use the 'Scrape data from active tab' action to extract the desired data from the website. Configure the scraper to target the specific elements or information you want to scrape.

2. Turn the scraped data into a CSV file or save into Google Sheets.

3. Use the 'Send email with attachment' action. Fill in the recipient's email address, subject, and email body as needed.For the attachment, you can use the data you scraped earlier, by inputting the CSV or adding the link to the Google Sheets.

4. Configure any other email settings you require, such as sender details or CC/BCC recipients.

5. Finally, run the playbook, and it will automatically scrape the data, create an email, attach the scraped data, and send it to the specified recipient.

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