Link HubSpot to LinkedIn: A Step-by-Step Guide

June 25, 2024
Jason Gong
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Log in to HubSpot and connect LinkedIn Sales Navigator through the Marketplace.

By the way, we're Bardeen, we build a free AI Agent for doing repetitive tasks.

If you're integrating tools, you might love Bardeen's LinkedIn integration. It syncs data between LinkedIn and HubSpot, saving you time on manual updates.

Integrating HubSpot with LinkedIn can significantly boost your sales and marketing efforts by streamlining lead management and enhancing CRM capabilities. In today's digital landscape, leveraging the power of these two platforms is crucial for businesses looking to stay competitive and drive growth. This step-by-step guide will walk you through the process of connecting HubSpot to LinkedIn, unlocking a world of opportunities for your sales and marketing teams.

Introduction to HubSpot and LinkedIn Integration

Integrating HubSpot with LinkedIn offers a wealth of benefits for businesses looking to enhance their CRM capabilities and streamline lead management. By connecting these two powerful platforms, you can:

  • Automatically sync lead and contact data between HubSpot and LinkedIn, ensuring your CRM is always up-to-date
  • Gain valuable insights into your leads' professional backgrounds and interests, helping you tailor your sales and marketing efforts
  • Leverage LinkedIn's vast network to identify and engage with potential customers, expanding your reach and increasing conversion rates

In today's digital marketing and sales landscape, integrating HubSpot with LinkedIn is more relevant than ever. With the majority of B2B decision-makers actively using LinkedIn, it's crucial to have a strong presence on the platform and the ability to effectively manage leads generated from it. By connecting HubSpot and LinkedIn, you can create a seamless workflow that allows you to capture, nurture, and convert leads more efficiently, ultimately driving business growth and success. Sales prospecting tools can further enhance this process.

Setting Up the Integration

Connecting LinkedIn to HubSpot is a straightforward process that can be completed in a few simple steps. Before you begin, ensure you have a Sales Hub Professional or Enterprise subscription and a LinkedIn Sales Navigator Advanced or Advanced Plus account. Here's how to set up the integration:

  1. Log in to your HubSpot account and click the Marketplace icon in the top navigation bar, then select App Marketplace.
  2. Use the search bar to locate and select the LinkedIn Sales Navigator integration.
  3. Click the "Install app" button in the upper right corner of the app listing page.
  4. Grant the necessary permissions for HubSpot to access your LinkedIn Sales Navigator data. This includes your account name and profile picture.
  5. Once the installation is complete, the integration will be connected to your user account. Each user in your organization will need to connect the app separately using their unique HubSpot login.
Use the search bar to locate and select the LinkedIn Sales Navigator integration

It's important to note that while the integration allows you to view LinkedIn data within HubSpot and send InMails directly from the CRM, it does not support importing contacts from LinkedIn. If you have a LinkedIn Sales Navigator Advanced Plus account, you can also connect HubSpot and LinkedIn Sales Navigator and Business Manager via CRM Sync for even more advanced functionality.

Bardeen's LinkedIn Profile Data Playbook automates scraping LinkedIn profile information. Save time on manual data entry.

Utilizing LinkedIn Sales Navigator with HubSpot

Integrating LinkedIn Sales Navigator into your HubSpot CRM environment can significantly enhance your sales team's lead targeting and engagement capabilities. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to make the most of this powerful integration:

  1. Once you've installed the LinkedIn Sales Navigator app in HubSpot, navigate to your contacts or companies.
  2. Click on a contact or company name to view their record. In the right panel, you'll find a LinkedIn Sales Navigator section displaying relevant insights such as job title, company, time in current role, location, and industry for contacts, and industry, size, and location for companies.
  3. Use the "Save in Sales Navigator" button to add the contact or company to a list in LinkedIn Sales Navigator for easy access and organization.
  4. Click "View more" to access detailed information, including shared connections, experiences, interests, and recent activity for contacts, and recommended leads, existing connections, and company news for companies.
  5. Leverage the "Send InMail" feature to directly message contacts on LinkedIn from within their HubSpot record, streamlining your outreach efforts.

By utilizing these features, your sales team can gain valuable context about their leads, personalize their outreach, and build stronger relationships with potential customers. The integration also enables you to view entire InMail conversations within HubSpot and log them to contact timelines for better tracking and collaboration among team members.

Automating Lead Capture and Management

Streamline your lead capture and management process by leveraging HubSpot's powerful automation capabilities. Here's how you can automate lead capture from LinkedIn and set up lead scoring and segmentation:

  1. Create a LinkedIn Lead Gen Form to capture leads directly from your LinkedIn ads or sponsored content. Ensure the form fields align with your HubSpot contact properties for seamless data transfer.
  2. Set up a HubSpot workflow to automatically import leads from your LinkedIn Lead Gen Form. Use the "LinkedIn Lead Gen Form" trigger and map the form fields to the corresponding HubSpot properties.
  3. Configure lead scoring rules within your workflow to assign points to leads based on their LinkedIn profile information, such as job title, company size, or industry. This helps prioritize high-quality leads for follow-up.
  4. Use branching logic in your workflow to segment leads into different lists or pipelines based on their lead score or other criteria. For example, route high-scoring leads to your sales team for immediate outreach, while nurturing lower-scoring leads with targeted content.
  5. Trigger personalized email sequences or task assignments for your sales team based on the lead's segment, ensuring timely and relevant follow-up.

By automating lead capture and management, you can save time, reduce manual data entry, and ensure that your leads are efficiently processed and nurtured. HubSpot's workflows also provide visibility into the lead lifecycle, allowing you to track engagement and optimize your LinkedIn lead generation efforts over time.

Bardeen can help you save even more time with automated sales prospecting. Start automating tasks like lead research and list building with ease!

Optimizing LinkedIn Ads with HubSpot

Elevate your LinkedIn advertising efforts by creating and managing your ad campaigns directly through HubSpot. Here's how:

  1. Connect your LinkedIn Ads account to HubSpot by navigating to your HubSpot settings, selecting "Marketing" "Ads," and clicking "Connect account." Choose LinkedIn from the list of platforms and follow the prompts to grant necessary permissions.
  2. Once connected, create a new LinkedIn ad campaign in HubSpot by clicking "Create campaign" in the Ads dashboard. Select your LinkedIn Ads account and choose your campaign objective, such as lead generation or website visits.
  3. Set up your ad targeting criteria, including location, job title, industry, and company size. Leverage HubSpot's contact data to create matched audiences for even more precise targeting.
  4. Design your ad creative within HubSpot, ensuring it aligns with LinkedIn's best practices and ad specifications. Use HubSpot's built-in image editor and ad preview to optimize your visuals and copy.
  5. Set your budget, bid strategy, and schedule for the campaign. HubSpot allows you to control your ad spend and pacing directly from the platform.
In HubSpot settings, select "Marketing" "Ads," and clicking "Connect account"

To measure the performance and ROI of your LinkedIn ads, utilize HubSpot's robust analytics tools:

  • Track key metrics such as impressions, clicks, conversions, and cost-per-acquisition in real-time.
  • Use HubSpot's attribution reporting to understand how your LinkedIn ads contribute to the overall customer journey and revenue generation.
  • Create custom reports and dashboards to visualize your ad performance data alongside other marketing and sales metrics.
  • Leverage A/B testing to optimize your ad creative, targeting, and placement for maximum impact and efficiency.

By centralizing your LinkedIn advertising efforts within HubSpot, you can streamline campaign management, gain deeper insights into ad performance, and ultimately drive better results for your business.

Advanced Techniques and Best Practices

Maximize the benefits of your HubSpot and LinkedIn integration with these advanced strategies and best practices:

  • Use HubSpot's lead scoring feature to prioritize and segment LinkedIn leads based on their engagement level and likelihood to convert.
  • Leverage HubSpot's smart content functionality to personalize your LinkedIn ad creative and landing pages based on a lead's profile data and past interactions.
  • Implement a lead nurturing workflow in HubSpot to automatically follow up with LinkedIn leads via targeted emails, providing relevant content and offers to guide them through the buyer's journey.
  • Regularly review and clean up your LinkedIn lead data in HubSpot to maintain accurate and up-to-date records, avoiding duplicate or inactive contacts.
  • Analyze the performance of your LinkedIn ad campaigns and lead generation efforts using HubSpot's reporting tools, identifying areas for optimization and improvement.

To ensure a seamless and effective integration between HubSpot and LinkedIn, consider these best practices:

  1. Establish clear goals and KPIs for your LinkedIn marketing efforts, aligning them with your overall business objectives and HubSpot reporting.
  2. Train your sales and marketing teams on the proper use of the HubSpot-LinkedIn integration, ensuring consistent data entry and lead management processes.
  3. Regularly audit your integration settings and data sync between the two platforms, addressing any discrepancies or errors promptly.
  4. Stay up-to-date with the latest features and updates released by both HubSpot and LinkedIn, adapting your strategies and processes accordingly.

By implementing these advanced techniques and adhering to best practices, you'll be well-equipped to automate sales prospecting and harness the full potential of the HubSpot-LinkedIn integration, driving measurable results for your business.

Bardeen can help you enrich LinkedIn profile data in Google Sheets automatically, improving your sales efficiency by saving time on repetitive tasks.

Automate HubSpot & LinkedIn Integration with Bardeen

While linking HubSpot to LinkedIn manually provides a powerful way to leverage both platforms for sales and marketing, automating this process can significantly enhance efficiency and effectiveness. Automation through Bardeen not only saves time but also ensures that your HubSpot CRM is always up-to-date with the latest LinkedIn interactions, profiles, and companies. Let's explore how you can automate HubSpot with LinkedIn using Bardeen's prebuilt playbooks.

  1. Save LinkedIn profile & company to HubSpot as a new contact: This playbook automates the process of saving LinkedIn profiles and their associated companies directly into HubSpot as new contacts and companies. It streamlines lead entry and ensures accurate data collection for sales follow-ups.
  2. Qualify a LinkedIn company and save to HubSpot: Automate the qualification of companies found on LinkedIn and save them to HubSpot. This playbook helps in identifying and storing potential leads or partners directly into your CRM, making it easier to track and engage.
  3. Sync LinkedIn Social Activity to HubSpot Contact: Keep your HubSpot contacts enriched with the latest LinkedIn social activities. This automation updates contact records in HubSpot with LinkedIn posts, comments, or likes, providing deeper insights for personalized outreach.

Utilizing these automations, you can ensure your HubSpot CRM is a dynamic, up-to-date resource that reflects your LinkedIn activities and connections. Harness the power of automation to maximize your LinkedIn and HubSpot integration. Start automating today by downloading the Bardeen app.

Automate LinkedIn and HubSpot Integration

Bardeen's AI Agent automates syncing LinkedIn data with HubSpot for better lead management.

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