Export Salesforce Reports to Excel & Google Sheets in 4 Steps

June 6, 2024
Jason Gong
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Go to Salesforce Reports, open the report, and click Export.

By the way, we're Bardeen, we build a free AI Agent for doing repetitive tasks.

If you export Salesforce reports often, try our AI Agent. It automates report exports to Excel and Google Sheets, saving you time.

Exporting reports from Salesforce is a crucial skill for businesses looking to analyze and share data effectively. In this step-by-step guide, we'll walk you through the process of exporting reports from Salesforce with ease, covering everything from understanding report types and formats to automating exports for recurring needs. By the end of this guide, you'll be equipped with the knowledge and tools to efficiently export reports and enhance your data management capabilities.

Understanding Salesforce Report Types and Formats

Salesforce offers a variety of report types and formats to cater to different data analysis needs. The main report types include:

  1. Tabular reports: Simple, spreadsheet-like reports displaying records in rows, ideal for data export.
  2. Summary reports: Group records based on specific criteria, providing subtotals and charts, perfect for dashboards.
  3. Matrix reports: Group records by both rows and columns, offering a detailed view of data, supporting dashboards, charts, and formulas.
  4. Joined reports: Combine multiple report types (up to 5 blocks) with customizable data based on filter conditions, providing a comprehensive view.

Salesforce supports various export formats, with CSV and Excel being the most commonly used. These formats serve different purposes:

  • CSV (Comma-Separated Values): A plain-text format that is easily readable by most spreadsheet applications, ideal for data import and export.
  • Excel: A Microsoft proprietary format offering advanced formatting, formulas, and data manipulation features, perfect for further analysis and reporting. You can also connect Excel to other tools to improve workflow efficiency.

Understanding the strengths and limitations of each report type and format is crucial for effective data analysis and sharing in Salesforce. If you need to build a robust prospect list, our guide on sales prospect list building can help you get started.

Preparing Your Salesforce Report for Export

Setting up and customizing your Salesforce report is crucial to ensure the exported data meets your requirements. Follow these steps:

  1. Select the appropriate report type based on your data analysis needs (tabular, summary, matrix, or joined).
  2. Choose the fields to include in your report by dragging and dropping them from the Fields pane.
  3. Apply filters to narrow down the data and focus on specific records that match your criteria.
  4. Group and summarize data by adding groupings and summary fields to organize the information effectively.

Before exporting your report, it's essential to preview it and use Salesforce's report run feature to validate the accuracy of the data. This allows you to catch any errors or inconsistencies and make necessary adjustments before sharing the report with others or using it for further analysis.

Want to save even more time? Use automation tools to integrate Google Sheets with your Salesforce reports seamlessly. This way, you can update your sheets with the latest data with a single click.

For more efficiency, consider learning about lead enrichment tools that can enhance your data quality. By taking the time to properly set up and customize your Salesforce report, you'll ensure that the exported data is relevant, accurate, and meets your specific business requirements.

Exporting Reports Directly from Salesforce

To export a report from Salesforce, follow these steps:

Salesforce Classic:

  1. Navigate to the Reports tab and locate the desired report.
  2. Click on the report name to open it.
  3. Click the "Export" button located above the report results.
  4. Select the desired export format (e.g., CSV, Excel) and click "Export."

Salesforce Lightning Experience:

  1. Click on the Reports tab in the navigation menu.
  2. Find the report you want to export and click on its name to open it.
  3. Click on the "Export" button in the top-right corner of the report.
  4. Choose the export format and click "Export."

When exporting large reports, keep in mind Salesforce's limitations:

  • Salesforce limits the number of records that can be exported in a single report (e.g., 2,000 records for summary and matrix reports).
  • If your report exceeds the record limit, consider filtering the data or breaking it into smaller reports.
  • Be aware of file size limitations, as exporting large reports may result in longer processing times and potential timeouts.

For more efficient data management, you can scrape data from websites and integrate it directly into your Salesforce reports.

Automating Report Exports in Salesforce

Salesforce offers a feature called scheduled reports, which allows users to automate the export process and receive reports at defined intervals without manual intervention. Here's how to set up scheduled reports:

  1. Open the report you want to schedule and click on the "Schedule Future Runs" button.
  2. Set the frequency, start and end dates, and specify the email recipients for the exported report.
  3. Choose the export file format (e.g., CSV, Excel) and click "Save."

Salesforce will now automatically export and send the report to the designated recipients at the scheduled intervals.

In addition to scheduled reports, there are third-party tools that can enhance the automation capabilities of Salesforce report exports, such as:

  • Coupler.io: Automatically export Salesforce data to Excel or Google Sheets on a schedule, allowing you to create custom reports and dashboards that update automatically.
  • Salesforce AppExchange: Explore apps like CloudAnswers Report Sender, which offers advanced scheduling and distribution options for exported reports.
Save time and effort by using AI sales automation tools to further automate and optimize your report exports.

Best Practices and Troubleshooting for Salesforce Report Exports

When managing and organizing exported data from Salesforce, it's essential to follow best practices to ensure data security and compliance with data handling policies. Here are some tips:

  • Establish clear guidelines for data access and sharing, restricting access to exported reports only to authorized personnel.
  • Encrypt sensitive data in exported files and use secure file transfer methods when sharing reports.
  • Regularly review and update access permissions to exported data, revoking access for individuals who no longer require it.
  • Ensure exported data is stored in compliance with your organization's data retention policies and any applicable industry regulations.

If you encounter issues during the report export process, consider the following troubleshooting tips:

  1. Incomplete data exports: Check if your report exceeds Salesforce's record limit or file size restrictions. Split larger reports into smaller, more manageable exports.
  2. Formatting issues: Verify that your report's columns and data types are compatible with the chosen export format. Modify the report layout or use a different export format if needed.
  3. Permission errors: Ensure you have the necessary permissions to export reports. Contact your Salesforce administrator if you lack the required access.
  4. Delayed exports: Allow ample time for the export process to complete, especially for larger reports. Salesforce may take up to 48 hours to generate the export file in some cases.

By following these best practices and troubleshooting tips, you can ensure the smooth and secure export of Salesforce reports, enabling effective data management and analysis. For more detailed insights on sales intelligence, visit our guide.

Automate Your Salesforce Workflows with Bardeen

Exporting a report from Salesforce can be a manual task requiring several steps, but with Bardeen, you can automate this process to save time and enhance productivity. Automating report exports not only streamlines your workflow but also ensures that your data is consistently up-to-date and readily available for analysis. For instance, automating the export of sales data to a Google Sheet for real-time analysis can provide invaluable insights for quick decision-making. Let Bardeen take care of the routine tasks, so you can focus on what matters most. Start automating by downloading the Bardeen app.

  1. Send an email to a Salesforce contact: This playbook automates the process of sending emails to Salesforce contacts, streamlining communication and follow-up processes.
  2. Save a Salesforce account to HubSpot as new company: Seamlessly transfer Salesforce account details to HubSpot, ensuring that your sales and marketing teams are always aligned.
  3. Import Salesforce Company Records from Pitchbook Data: Automate the enrichment of Salesforce records with comprehensive company data from Pitchbook, enhancing your sales prospecting efforts.
Automate Salesforce Reports with Bardeen

Bardeen's AI Agent automates Salesforce report exports to Excel and Google Sheets, saving time and effort.

Get Bardeen free

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