Guide to Adding Contacts to HubSpot Active Lists (4 Steps)

June 25, 2024
Jason Gong
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Click Contacts, then Add to List in HubSpot.

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Adding contacts to an active list in HubSpot is a crucial step in targeted marketing and customer engagement. By following this step-by-step guide, you'll learn how to effectively add contacts to your active lists, ensuring your marketing efforts reach the right audience. We'll cover the importance of active lists, preparing contacts for inclusion, and various techniques to streamline the process using HubSpot's powerful features.

Understanding the Importance of Active Lists in HubSpot

Active lists play a crucial role in targeted marketing and customer engagement within HubSpot. Unlike static lists, active lists dynamically update to reflect changes in contact properties or behaviors, ensuring your marketing efforts are always reaching the most relevant audience.

Here's why active lists are so important:

  • They automatically add or remove contacts based on the criteria you set, saving you time and effort in managing your lists manually.
  • They ensure your marketing campaigns are targeting the right people at the right time, based on their most up-to-date information and actions.
  • They help you create highly personalized experiences for your contacts, as you can segment them based on specific properties, behaviors, or engagement levels.

By leveraging active lists in HubSpot, you can automate outreach, improve the relevance and effectiveness of your campaigns, and ultimately drive better results for your business.

Preparing Contacts for Active List Inclusion

To ensure your active lists are effective, it's crucial to make sure your contact properties align with the criteria you set for each list. This means:

  • Regularly updating and maintaining accurate contact information, such as email addresses, job titles, and company details.
  • Tracking relevant behaviors and interactions, like email opens, website visits, and form submissions.
  • Using consistent naming conventions and data formats for your properties to avoid confusion and ensure smooth list segmentation.

Common criteria used for active lists include:

  • Engagement level: group contacts based on their level of interaction with your website, emails, or other marketing materials.
  • Customer lifecycle stage: segment contacts according to where they are in the buyer's journey, such as lead, MQL, SQL, or customer.
  • Demographic information: create lists based on factors like job title, industry, company size, or location.
  • Behavioral data: build lists around specific actions contacts have taken, such as attending a webinar, downloading a resource, or visiting a particular webpage.

By ensuring your contact properties are up-to-date and aligned with your active list criteria, you'll be able to create more targeted, effective lists that drive better results for your marketing efforts. Learn how to build prospect lists to enhance your contact management strategies.

Automate your contact data updates with Bardeen to save time and focus on growing your business. Check out our sales prospecting automation playbook for more details.

Techniques to Add Contacts to an Active List

There are several methods for adding contacts to an active list in HubSpot:

  1. Importing contacts through CSV files: If you have a spreadsheet of contacts, you can easily import them into HubSpot using a CSV file. This is a quick way to add a large number of contacts at once.
  2. Integrating with email platforms: HubSpot integrates with popular email platforms like Gmail and Outlook, allowing you to sync your contacts directly from your email provider.
  3. Direct manual entry: You can manually add contacts one at a time by entering their information directly into HubSpot's contact creation form.
Importing contacts through CSV files

In addition to these methods, HubSpot's APIs enable automated contact updates and synchronization with other platforms. This means you can:

  • Automatically create or update contacts in HubSpot when changes are made in another system, such as your CRM or marketing automation platform.
  • Sync contact data bidirectionally between HubSpot and other tools, ensuring your contact information stays up-to-date across all platforms.

By leveraging HubSpot's APIs, you can streamline your contact management processes and reduce manual data entry, saving time and minimizing errors.

Leveraging HubSpot's Integration Features for Contact Management

HubSpot offers powerful integration features that streamline contact management by connecting with email systems and social platforms. Here's how you can leverage these integrations:

  1. Connect HubSpot to your email provider (like Gmail or Outlook) to automatically sync contacts between the two systems. This ensures your contact database stays up-to-date without manual effort.
  2. Integrate HubSpot with social media platforms to import contacts directly from LinkedIn. This helps expand your contact database and provides valuable context about your contacts' social presence.
Connect HubSpot to your email provider

The process of syncing contacts from these platforms into HubSpot's CRM is straightforward:

  • Set up the integration between HubSpot and your email or social platform using HubSpot's built-in integration tools.
  • Map the fields from your external platform to the corresponding properties in HubSpot to ensure data is properly transferred.
  • Configure sync settings, such as sync frequency and direction (one-way or two-way), to control how contact data flows between the systems.

By leveraging HubSpot's integration features, you can centralize your contact data, reduce manual data entry, and gain a more comprehensive view of your contacts' interactions with your business.

Save time by using automated sales prospecting workflows in Bardeen to keep your contact data organized and accurate.

Utilizing Business Card and Smartphone Contact Import

HubSpot's mobile app makes it easy to add new contacts on the go using your smartphone's camera or address book. Here's how:

  1. Open the HubSpot mobile app and tap the Contacts tab.
  2. Tap the "+" button to add a new contact.
  3. Choose "Scan business card" to snap a photo of a business card, or select "Import from phone" to access your device's contacts.
  4. If scanning a card, align it within the camera frame and tap the shutter button. HubSpot will automatically extract the relevant contact details.
  5. If importing from your phone, select the desired contacts and tap "Import selected".
  6. Review and edit the imported information as needed, then tap "Create contact" to add the new records to your HubSpot database.

These mobile import features are invaluable for quickly capturing new leads and connections while networking or attending industry events, ensuring important contact data is integrated into your CRM.

Optimizing Active List Performance with HubSpot Tools

To ensure your active lists are accurately segmenting your contacts and performing optimally, it's essential to regularly review and refine your list criteria using HubSpot's list management tools. Here are some tips:

  1. Regularly audit your active lists to identify any outdated or irrelevant criteria that may be impacting list performance.
  2. Use HubSpot's list analytics to monitor key metrics such as list size, growth rate, and engagement levels to gauge the effectiveness of your segmentation.
  3. Leverage HubSpot's reporting tools to identify trends and patterns in contact behavior that can inform list criteria refinements.
  4. Experiment with different criteria combinations to optimize list segmentation and improve targeting accuracy.
  5. Implement a naming convention for your lists to keep them organized and easily identifiable as your list library grows.

By consistently monitoring and adjusting your active lists based on data-driven insights from HubSpot's analytics, you can ensure your contact segmentation remains precise and effective, ultimately driving better marketing results. For more ways to improve your workflow, see how you can automate sales prospecting with AI tools.

Boost your productivity using Bardeen's automation tools. Save time on repetitive tasks and focus on what matters most.

Automate HubSpot Lists with Bardeen Workflows

While adding contacts to an active list in HubSpot can be done based on criteria you set, automating the process can save you time and ensure your lists are always up-to-date. With Bardeen, you can automate various tasks related to managing your contacts in HubSpot, allowing you to focus on more strategic tasks.

Here are some examples of how Bardeen can automate your HubSpot workflows:

  1. Create a HubSpot contact from an email: This playbook uses Clearbit and Google Mail to automatically create a new contact in HubSpot from an email, streamlining the process of growing your contact list.
  2. Copy all HubSpot contacts to Coda: Seamlessly sync your HubSpot contacts to a Coda table, allowing for advanced data manipulation and integration with other tools.
  3. Enrich and update a HubSpot contact's record with new information: Use Clearbit to automatically enrich HubSpot contacts with additional information, keeping your database rich and up-to-date.

Automate your HubSpot tasks with Bardeen and spend more time on what matters most in your business. Get started by downloading the Bardeen app.

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