playbook Template

Scrape Twitter profile and Create HubSpot Contact

This workflow automates the collection of Twitter profile information to create new contacts in HubSpot, streamlining lead generation.
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When Twitter user gets new follower
When Twitter user gets new follower
Find email from Twitter profile
Find email from Twitter profile
Create HubSpot Contact
Create HubSpot Contact

How does this playbook work?

This workflow automates the collection of Twitter profile information to create new contacts in HubSpot, streamlining lead generation.
  • Twitter Username
  • New HubSpot Contact

This automation scrapes Twitter profile information and creates a new contact in HubSpot with the gathered data.

Firstly, it retrieves information from a specified Twitter profile, such as the user's name, username, and bio. Next, it attempts to find the email associated with the Twitter username using Finally, it creates a new contact in HubSpot, incorporating the Twitter profile information and the found email. This workflow is particularly useful for:

  • Building a contact list for marketing or sales outreach
  • Automatically updating your CRM with social media leads
Note: This workflow can be adapted to support other CRMs like Salesforce or Pipedrive, and further enriched by adding more social media sources or data points.

Using this automation, you can streamline your lead generation process, ensuring your CRM is continuously updated with relevant contacts from social media platforms.

Step 1: Install the Bardeen App

To get started, install the Bardeen app on your device.

Step 2: Navigate to the Magic Box

Open the app and go to the Magic Box. Enter the following prompt:

Scrape Twitter profile, Create HubSpot Contact

Step 3: Integrate the Workflow Integrations

Make sure to set up the necessary integrations for the workflow. This includes Twitter for scraping profiles, Snov for finding emails, and HubSpot for creating contacts.

Step 4: Run the Workflow

After setting up, execute the workflow. This process will:

  • Retrieve Twitter profile information based on the provided username.
  • Find the associated email using the Twitter username with Snov.
  • Create a new contact in HubSpot using the scraped Twitter profile information and the found email, enriching your contact database.
The #1 free AI Automation extension for Chrome

How Can Twitter Data Enhance Your HubSpot CRM?

Unlocking the Potential of Twitter Data for HubSpot Integration

Scraping Twitter profiles and integrating this valuable data into HubSpot can significantly enhance your marketing and sales strategies. This process involves extracting publicly available information from Twitter profiles and using it to create or update contacts in HubSpot. By automating this task, businesses can efficiently build a comprehensive contact list for targeted outreach, ensuring their CRM is continuously enriched with fresh leads from social media.

Discover how Bardeen's automation capabilities can streamline your Twitter data collection, making it effortless to transfer profile data directly into HubSpot for enhanced marketing and sales efforts.

Scraping Twitter: A Gateway to Rich Social Media Insights

Scraping data from Twitter allows businesses to access a treasure trove of user information, including tweets, hashtags, media, and profile details. This data can be leveraged to monitor brand mentions, track competitors, and identify new trends. Tools like Apify's Twitter Scraper offer a user-friendly way to collect this data without the need for programming knowledge, making it accessible to marketers and sales professionals alike.

Seamless HubSpot Twitter Integration for Enhanced CRM

Integrating Twitter data into HubSpot enables businesses to automate the creation of contacts based on Twitter profile information. This integration facilitates a unified view of customer interactions across social media platforms, allowing for personalized marketing campaigns and efficient lead management. By automating social media campaigns and tracking engagements directly within HubSpot, businesses can save time and improve their marketing ROI.

Effortlessly Add Contacts to HubSpot Lists

Once Twitter profile data is scraped, adding these contacts to specific lists in HubSpot is crucial for targeted marketing efforts. HubSpot allows users to create and manage both active and static lists, enabling businesses to segment their contacts based on specific criteria derived from the scraped Twitter data. This segmentation can be used to tailor marketing messages, ensuring that the right content reaches the right audience at the right time.

Leverage Bardeen's prebuilt playbooks to efficiently scrape Twitter profile data and create or update contacts in HubSpot, automating the process of building and segmenting your contact lists for maximum engagement.
The #1 free AI Automation extension for Chrome
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