vs Clearbit: Best Sales Tools Compared 2024

Last Updated on
June 7, 2024
Jason Gong
App automation expert

This article offers a detailed comparison of and Clearbit, focusing on their capabilities as sales intelligence tools to help you select the best option. We provide a thorough breakdown of each tool's features and performance in sales intelligence, although both tools offer more than just this feature.

By writing this comparison, our goal is to aid you in choosing the right tools to save time on repetitive tasks, a mission shared by Bardeen, your task copilot that automates actions across your apps.

Available Data PointsProvides company and prospect data, email verification.Offers basic company data points, real-time updates.
Enrichment IntegrationsIntegrates with CRM, marketing platforms.Integrates with CRM, marketing platforms, form shortening.
Data Quality & AccuracyRelies on LinkedIn, website data; 98% email accuracy.High accuracy, data refreshed every 30 days.
ProspectingBasic filters, multiple lists, data export via API.Advanced search, multiple filters, list management.
PricingTransparent pricing, free trial available.Custom pricing, contact sales for details.

Available Data Points - Ensuring Up-to-date Lead Information

When comparing and Clearbit for data enrichment, Clearbit offers a slight edge due to its real-time updating feature.

Clearbit interface showcasing real-time data enrichment provides a solid range of data points including email, social profiles, and domain information, primarily sourced from websites and LinkedIn. However, it lacks the dynamic updating capability that Clearbit claims, potentially leading to less current data.

To maximize the relevance and effectiveness of your data enrichment efforts, consider using Bardeen to further enrich lists with up-to-date live information from various online sources.

For businesses where the most current data is critical for decision-making, Clearbit's real-time data capability makes it a preferable choice.

__wf_reserved_inherit provides company and prospect data for enrichment. offers data enrichment for both companies and individual prospects, focusing on essential contact information rather than advanced data points like buyer intent. The platform pulls data from websites and LinkedIn to provide users with the details needed to connect with their leads.

  • Company data: can enrich company profiles with information such as industry, size, location, and social media profiles.
  • Prospect data: For individual leads, provides data points like email addresses, phone numbers, and job titles sourced from LinkedIn and other websites.
  • Email verification: offers email verification to ensure the accuracy of the contact information provided.

While's data enrichment capabilities cover the essentials, the platform does not offer more advanced insights like buyer intent or proprietary data sources. The focus is on providing accurate contact information to facilitate outreach rather than in-depth lead intelligence.


Clearbit provides basic company data points from websites and LinkedIn.

Clearbit's Enrichment feature provides essential company data points gathered from various online sources, including company websites and LinkedIn profiles. While the data points offered are relatively standard, Clearbit claims that their data is updated in real-time, ensuring users have access to the most current information available.

Key data points provided by Clearbit Enrichment:

  • Basic company information: name, legal name, description, and type
  • Industry classification: tags, sector, and industry group
  • Website data: Clearbit relies on company websites as a primary data source
  • LinkedIn data: Clearbit also gathers data from LinkedIn profiles to supplement their database

Although Clearbit does not appear to provide more advanced data points like buying intent or fundraising status, their focus on delivering up-to-date, real-time information can be valuable for sales and marketing teams looking to enrich their lead data with reliable, foundational company information.

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Enrichment Integrations - Comparing and Clearbit

When comparing and Clearbit for Enrichment Integrations, offers a broader range of integrations, including popular platforms such as HubSpot, Salesforce, Pipedrive, AirTable, and Zapier.

__wf_reserved_inherit showcases a versatile array of CRM and tool integrations

Clearbit, while also supporting key CRMs like Salesforce and HubSpot, has a more limited selection. This could impact businesses looking for versatility and extensive integration capabilities.

For users needing to connect a wider array of tools and platforms seamlessly, clearly has the edge. Furthermore, for teams looking to enhance their CRM capabilities, Bardeen can automate data enrichment and integrate seamlessly with platforms like Salesforce and HubSpot, as seen in automating contact profiling in HubSpot.

__wf_reserved_inherit offers integrations with popular CRM and marketing platforms. provides a wide range of integrations with popular CRM, marketing, and sales tools, making it easy to sync enriched data across your tech stack. The platform offers native integrations with Salesforce, HubSpot, Pipedrive, Zapier, and more, allowing users to seamlessly connect with their existing workflows.

  • CRM Integrations: integrates with leading CRM platforms like Salesforce, HubSpot, and Pipedrive, enabling users to sync enriched lead data directly into their CRM.
  • Marketing Automation: Integrations with tools like Mailchimp, Calendly, and Hyperise allow users to streamline their marketing efforts and personalize outreach at scale.
  • Zapier Integration:'s Zapier integration enables connections with thousands of apps, giving users flexibility to automate data syncing and workflows.
  • Easy Setup: Connecting with third-party tools is straightforward, often requiring just a few clicks to establish the integration.

By offering a broad range of integration options, ensures that enriched data can be easily accessed and utilized across a variety of platforms, enhancing productivity and efficiency for sales and marketing teams.


Clearbit integrates with popular CRMs like Salesforce, HubSpot, Marketo and Pardot.

Clearbit simplifies data management by offering seamless integrations with popular CRMs and marketing automation platforms. These native integrations allow users to enrich leads, contacts, and accounts within their existing workflow, without the need for complex setup or maintenance.

  • Salesforce integration: Clearbit syncs data directly into Salesforce, providing real-time updates and enrichment for leads and contacts.
  • HubSpot integration: Users can manage their HubSpot integration directly from the Clearbit dashboard, ensuring a smooth data flow between the two platforms.
  • Marketo and Pardot integrations: Clearbit also connects with leading marketing automation tools, allowing users to enhance their lead scoring and segmentation capabilities.
  • Form shortening: Clearbit's form shortening feature uses real-time data enrichment to increase form conversion rates without compromising on data quality.
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Data Quality & Accuracy - Ensuring Reliable Lead Information

Clearbit appears to have the edge in data quality and accuracy for enrichment services. Their comprehensive metrics for data integrity and transparency about their update frequency set a high standard.

Clearbit refreshes data every 30 days to ensure accuracy

In contrast, relies on LinkedIn and other static sources for data, which may not be updated as frequently or thoroughly as Clearbit's proactive 30-day refresh cycle.

For maintaining high-quality, accurate data, Clearbit's robust approach makes it a preferable choice for businesses that need reliable and current information. Enhance your data enrichment processes further with Bardeen’s automation solutions to keep your datasets continuously updated and accurate.

__wf_reserved_inherit's Email Verifier claims 98% accuracy in reducing bounce rates.

While does not provide specific details about the source or frequency of their data updates, we can infer some insights based on the information available:

  • LinkedIn and website data: likely relies on relatively static data from LinkedIn profiles and company websites for their database. This suggests the information may not be updated in real-time.
  • Email verification accuracy: The Email Verifier feature claims 98% accuracy in reducing bounce rates and keeping databases clean. This high accuracy rate implies a robust verification process, though the specifics of how often data is refreshed are not mentioned.
  • Extensive database: advertises an extensive database as a key feature of their Email Finder tool. The size of the database can be an indicator of comprehensive coverage, but does not necessarily speak to the recency of the data.

Without more transparent documentation from, it's difficult to definitively assess the quality and update frequency of their data. Users will likely need to test the tool themselves to gauge the accuracy and freshness of the information provided for their specific use cases.


Clearbit highlights the accuracy and freshness of their data.

Clearbit places a strong emphasis on data quality and accuracy, ensuring that users have access to the most up-to-date and reliable information for their sales and marketing efforts. The company measures its data against six key performance indicators: coverage, completeness, timeliness, accuracy, integrity, and relevance.

  • High accuracy rate: From day one, Clearbit has strived to have the freshest, most accurate data in B2B. Over the past six years, they have positioned themselves as the proven industry leader in data quality. Their data and solutions now power the world's fastest-growing B2B companies, with a 94% email deliverability rate.
  • Constant data refresh: Companies and contacts are constantly changing. At any given moment, a dataset, even the very best one, has a finite lifespan. Days or weeks later, things have changed and a percentage of that dataset is no longer valid. To combat this, Clearbit proactively rebuilds every single record every 30 days to ensure that users have the most up-to-date data possible.
  • Continuous data expansion: Clearbit is committed to expanding their dataset on a regular basis. Every 30 days, they will be registering 30,000 companies, adding 60,000 companies to a new address, and providing 122,400 executives with new job titles.
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Prospecting - Building Targeted Lead Lists with and Clearbit

When comparing the prospecting features of and Clearbit, Clearbit has the upper hand due to its deeper HubSpot integration and advanced filtering capabilities.

Clearbit's extensive filters for targeted prospecting provides some basic filters and the ability to export data via API, but it lacks the robust integration features that Clearbit offers. Clearbit not only allows filtering by numerous non-standard fields but also enriches this with its ability to integrate seamlessly with HubSpot, enhancing CRM and prospecting workflows.

For users who need a detailed, integrated approach to lead generation and have HubSpot as part of their workflow, Clearbit’s enriched functionality is likely the better choice. Users of Bardeen can automate enriching contacts directly in their digital tools like Notion, leveraging Clearbit’s capabilities to enhance lead management.

Filtering leads by job title in's prospecting tool.'s prospecting feature enables users to build targeted lists of leads for outreach campaigns. The tool provides a straightforward interface for filtering contacts and companies based on various criteria.

Key features of's prospecting tool:

  • Multiple lists: Users can create and manage multiple lead lists for different campaigns or segments.
  • Basic filters: offers a set of essential filters, such as job titles, for refining lead searches.
  • Data export: Prospect data can be exported using the provided API, allowing for integration with other tools and workflows.

While's prospecting tool covers the basics, it may lack some of the more advanced filtering options and non-standard fields found in other sales intelligence platforms. However, the ability to create multiple lists and export data via API still makes it a useful tool for building targeted outreach campaigns.


Clearbit Enrichment offers powerful filtering options to find relevant leads.

Clearbit Enrichment provides a robust set of features for building targeted lists of leads for outreach. The prospecting interface allows you to filter contacts and companies using a variety of criteria to find the most relevant prospects for your campaigns.

  • Multiple filters: Filter leads by field, timeframe, target market, intent criteria, and more to zero in on your ideal prospects.
  • Advanced search: Search for specific fields beyond standard contact info, leveraging Clearbit's extensive data.
  • List management: Easily create and manage multiple lead lists for different campaigns or segments.
  • Export options: Export lead lists to integrate with your CRM or other tools in your workflow.
  • HubSpot integration: Enrich existing HubSpot contacts with additional data fields for deeper insights.

While Clearbit Enrichment provides powerful tools for building lead lists, it requires integration with third-party platforms to actually send outreach emails. However, the advanced filtering and enrichment capabilities make it a valuable tool for sales teams looking to identify high-quality prospects at scale.

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Pricing Models - Versus Clearbit provides a more transparent and flexible pricing structure compared to Clearbit, clearly outlining various plans and allowing direct purchases from their website.

Overview of's pricing tiers including a free trial option offers both monthly and yearly billing options, a free trial, and several paid tiers that include key features like unlimited mailbox warm-ups and mailbox rotation. In contrast, Clearbit requires potential customers to contact their sales team to get pricing details, which might delay the decision-making process for some businesses.

If you're looking for immediate setup and straightforward pricing, is likely the better choice. For those considering complex, potentially higher-budget solutions that might require customization, Clearbit’s approach could be more suitable.

__wf_reserved_inherit pricing plans with monthly and annual billing options. offers a range of pricing plans to suit different needs and budgets, with both monthly and annual billing options available. Users can purchase plans directly from the website without needing to involve a sales agent. A free trial is also available for those who want to test out the platform before committing to a paid plan.

  • Billing model: Monthly and annual billing options
  • Free trial: Available
  • Pricing structure: Based on credits and features, with higher-tier plans offering more credits and advanced features
  • Enterprise features: The Managed Service plan, starting at $3,999/mo, includes custom lead gen & outreach campaigns, support for 1,000+ SOM companies, 1,000+ ICP contacts, 1,000+ UVP messages, AI playbook, and 20-40 meetings per quarter
  • Sales interaction: Not required, plans can be purchased directly from the website


Clearbit's pricing page requires contacting sales for a custom quote.

Clearbit does not provide transparent pricing information on their website. To get pricing details, you need to contact their sales team.

Key aspects of Clearbit's pricing model:

  • Custom pricing: Pricing is tailored to each customer's specific needs and scale.
  • Sales contact required: You must speak with a sales representative to get a quote.
  • Lack of public pricing: No information on pricing tiers, per-seat costs, or usage-based fees is publicly available.
  • No free trial mentioned: There is no mention of a free trial on the pricing page.
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The Verdict: Which is Best for Sales Lead Enrichment? and Clearbit both offer valuable features for sales lead enrichment, but they shine in different scenarios. is great for straightforward data enrichment, offering essential contact information and integration with various CRM and marketing tools. It's ideal if you need a solid base of contact data and frequent integration capabilities.

Clearbit, on the other hand, excels with its real-time data updates and extensive data points. This makes it suitable for businesses that rely on the most current data to make quick, informed decisions. If your focus is on having the latest information at all times, Clearbit is the better choice.

Both tools offer significant advantages, but your choice should depend on your specific needs regarding data freshness and integration capabilities.

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