vs Apollo - Sales Intelligence Tools Compared

Last Updated on
June 7, 2024
Jason Gong
App automation expert

This article compares and Apollo as sales intelligence tools, aiming to help you select the best tool by offering a detailed review of each. While these platforms offer more than just sales intelligence, this comparison focuses specifically on that aspect. The motivation behind this comparison is to assist in choosing tools that save time on repetitive tasks, a core mission of Bardeen, your AI-powered task copilot.

Available Data PointsProvides basic contact and company data from web scrapingOffers detailed work history and unique company insights
Enrichment IntegrationsIntegrates with CRMs and tools like HubSpot, SalesforceLimited direct integrations, offers API for custom connections
Data Quality & AccuracyClaims 98% email accuracy, lacks update frequency detailsUses data crawling and contributor network for high accuracy
ProspectingBasic filtering options for list building, easy to useAdvanced filtering and direct outreach capabilities
Pricing PlansDirect purchase available, offers free trialFree plan requires domain verification, offers 14-day trial

Available Data Points - Enriching Understanding of Potential Leads

When comparing and Apollo for data enrichment, Apollo stands out due to its broader range of unique data points such as buying signals, tech stack, and announcement triggers.

Apollo offers detailed work history and buying signals provides solid support with email, social profile URL, and domain enrichment, primarily sourcing data from websites and LinkedIn. However, it lacks the advanced insights like buyer's intent that can significantly enhance targeting and personalization.

For teams focusing on in-depth analysis and tailored outreach, Apollo's additional layers of information provide a more comprehensive understanding of potential leads. If your strategy relies on advanced insights for precision targeting, Apollo is the preferable tool.

To further enhance your data enrichment capabilities, consider using Bardeen, which can automatically enrich contact lists with live data from various platforms.

__wf_reserved_inherit provides company data points including industry, size, and social media links. offers a range of data points for lead enrichment, focusing primarily on basic contact information and company details. While it may not provide more advanced insights like buyer intent data, does offer a solid foundation for building prospect profiles.

  • Email enrichment: can find email addresses associated with specific prospects, helping to build targeted contact lists.
  • Company data: Users can access key company details like industry, size, founding date, and website.
  • Social media links: provides links to company social media profiles on platforms like LinkedIn, enabling further research and outreach opportunities.

One of's main data sources is web scraping, allowing it to gather publicly available information from company websites and professional platforms like LinkedIn. This approach ensures a broad coverage of companies and contacts, but may not always provide the most in-depth or up-to-date insights compared to other data providers.

Overall,'s enrichment capabilities are well-suited for teams looking to build comprehensive prospect lists with essential contact and company information. While it may lack some of the more advanced data points offered by other platforms, its focus on core details and wide coverage make it a reliable choice for many outreach and sales intelligence use cases.


Apollo provides detailed work history and company insights.

Apollo offers a wide range of data points on potential leads, with a focus on comprehensive work history and company details. While it may not have as much data from social platforms compared to some competitors, the breadth of Apollo's database is impressive, capturing a large number of contacts and companies.

  • Detailed work history: Apollo provides an extensive overview of a lead's employment history, including job titles, company names, and tenure.
  • Company insights: Apollo stands out by offering unique company data points such as buying signals, tech stack, and announcement triggers. These insights can be valuable for personalizing outreach, although the level of detail may vary.
  • Broad coverage: The platform boasts a vast database, ensuring a high likelihood of finding the desired contacts and companies.
  • Contact information: Standard data points like email addresses and phone numbers are readily available for most leads.

While Apollo's unique company insights are a differentiating factor, it's important to note that the usefulness of these data points may be hit or miss. Some insights may not provide the granularity needed to truly personalize outreach effectively. However, the platform's extensive coverage and detailed work history make it a strong choice for sales intelligence and prospecting.

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Enrichment Integrations - Expanding CRM Connectivity Options provides a broader range of integration options with popular CRM and productivity platforms, making it the better choice for teams needing versatile connectivity.

__wf_reserved_inherit's integration page showing multiple CRM and tool connections

Apollo, while offering solid native integrations with key platforms like HubSpot and Salesforce, limits users with fewer direct connections and requires more effort and technical knowledge to harness its API for additional integrations.

For users seeking an easier setup without deep technical involvement,'s straightforward integrations would be more beneficial. If your team frequently uses platforms like LinkedIn or requires a no-account setup for data enrichment, Bardeen offers solutions that integrate seamlessly with products like Clearbit and Apollo to enhance your data workflow.

__wf_reserved_inherit offers integrations with popular CRMs, sales, and marketing tools. provides seamless integrations with a wide range of popular CRM, sales, and marketing platforms, making it easy to sync enriched lead data across your tech stack. With just a few clicks, you can connect to tools like HubSpot, Pipedrive, Salesforce, Calendly, Make (formerly Integromat), and Hyperise.

  • CRM Integrations: integrates with leading CRMs such as HubSpot, Pipedrive, and Salesforce, allowing you to automatically sync enriched lead data and keep your sales pipeline up to date.
  • Scheduling Tools: By connecting with Calendly, you can streamline your appointment scheduling process and avoid double-booking.
  • Automation Platforms:'s integration with Make (formerly Integromat) enables you to create complex workflows that automate repetitive tasks and save time.
  • Personalization Software: Integrating with Hyperise allows you to automatically personalize your email campaigns based on the enriched data, increasing conversion rates and revenue.

These integrations are designed to be user-friendly and require no coding experience, making it simple for users to connect their favorite tools and start leveraging's enriched data across their sales and marketing efforts.


Apollo offers native CRM integrations, video conferencing connections, and an API.

Apollo provides a range of integration options to ensure that enriched data can be seamlessly synced with your existing tools and workflows. While the number of native integrations is limited compared to some competitors, the available connections cover key CRM and outreach platforms, and the API allows for custom integrations as needed.

  • CRM integrations: Apollo offers direct integrations with HubSpot and Salesforce, two of the most widely used CRM platforms. This allows for bi-directional syncing of contact data, eliminating manual data entry and ensuring consistent, up-to-date information across systems.
  • Outreach platform integrations: Apollo integrates with Outreach and Salesloft, enabling users to incorporate enriched contact data into their outreach campaigns. However, some other popular outreach tools are not natively supported.
  • Video conferencing integrations: Apollo connects with Zoom, Google Meet, and Microsoft Teams, allowing users to access meeting insights and analytics directly within Apollo.
  • API access: For platforms without a native Apollo integration, the well-documented API enables developers to build custom integrations to fit their specific needs and tech stack.
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Data Quality & Accuracy - Enhancing Outreach with Reliable Information

Apollo holds a clear advantage in terms of data quality and accuracy for enrichment purposes, backed by extensive documentation and positive user feedback.

Apollo features an extensive data contributor network enhancing data reliability

While provides an extensive database sourced primarily from LinkedIn and websites, it lacks transparency about update frequencies and data sources, which could lead to static or outdated information.

Apollo actively incorporates data from a growing network of contributors and third-party providers, ensuring a dynamic and up-to-date database. This approach not only supports better email deliverability but also enhances the quality of outreach efforts.

For businesses that prioritize accurate and frequently updated data for effective outreach, Apollo's proactive data enrichment strategy proves superior. Additionally, utilizing Bardeen can further enrich company information dynamically, keeping your data current and actionable.

__wf_reserved_inherit's Email Verifier claims 98% accuracy for email data.

While does not provide specific details on the frequency of data updates, their Email Verifier feature boasts a 98% accuracy rate, indicating a commitment to data quality. The main sources of data appear to be LinkedIn and company websites, suggesting that much of the information is relatively static.

Key points about's data quality and accuracy:

  • 98% accuracy for email verification:'s Email Verifier tool claims to reduce bounce rates and maintain a clean database with an impressive 98% accuracy rate.
  • Primary data sources: The platform seems to rely primarily on LinkedIn and company websites for its data, which may not always reflect the most current information.
  • Lack of specifics on update frequency: does not provide clear details on how often their database is refreshed, making it difficult to assess the recency of the information.


Apollo's data contributor network and data crawling capabilities.

Apollo places a strong emphasis on data quality and accuracy, which is critical for effective sales outreach. The platform leverages a combination of public data crawling, third-party data providers, and a vast contributor network to ensure its database is comprehensive and up-to-date.

  • Contributor network: Apollo's 1.6M+ contributor network helps maintain accurate and current information.
  • Public data crawling: The platform continuously crawls public data sources to gather relevant information.
  • Third-party data providers: Apollo integrates with reputable third-party data providers to supplement its database.
  • Regular updates: The database is updated with 73M new companies and 270M new contacts monthly.

According to Apollo's documentation, the platform employs a multi-step verification process to ensure data accuracy, including both automated and manual checks. This approach helps maintain a high level of data quality, which is essential for effective sales engagement and outreach.

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Prospecting - Find and Organize Leads Efficiently

When comparing the prospecting features of and Apollo, Apollo seems to offer a more robust experience. provides basic filtering options and the ability to export data via an API, which is useful for straightforward prospecting needs.

Apollo's interface showing detailed filtering and list management

Apollo, on the other hand, not only allows for the creation of multiple lead lists but also integrates advanced functionality such as setting alerts for job changes to trigger outreach. This adds a layer of automation and responsiveness that does not provide.

For users needing deeper insights and automation within their prospecting process, Apollo's enriched feature set and user-friendly interface make it the superior choice. Additionally, to further enhance your prospecting efforts, consider using Bardeen to enrich contact lists with up-to-date information from a variety of sources.

__wf_reserved_inherit prospecting feature with filters by position and ability to add prospects to lists.'s prospecting feature enables users to build targeted lists of leads for outreach campaigns. The interface provides a straightforward way to filter contacts and companies based on various criteria.

  • Multiple lists: Users can create and manage multiple prospect lists within the platform.
  • Basic filters: A set of essential filters, such as job titles for leads, helps narrow down the prospect pool.
  • Add to list: Relevant prospects can be easily added to lists for future outreach with a single click.
  • Data export: Prospect data can be exported using the provided API, allowing for integration with other tools and workflows.

While's prospecting features cover the essentials, the filtering options are relatively basic compared to some other sales intelligence platforms. The focus seems to be on simplicity and ease of use rather than extensive customization.


Apollo's prospecting tool with powerful filters for building targeted lead lists.

Apollo's prospecting feature provides a robust set of tools for building and managing targeted lists of leads for outreach. The intuitive interface allows users to easily create and save multiple lists, ensuring organized and efficient prospecting efforts.

Key features of Apollo's prospecting tool:

  • Advanced filtering options: Users can apply a wide range of filters, including job titles, company size, location, and more, to narrow down their search and create highly targeted lead lists.
  • Saved searches: Frequently used search criteria can be saved for quick access, streamlining the prospecting process and ensuring consistency across campaigns.
  • Alerts and triggers: Apollo allows users to set up alerts for specific events, such as job changes, enabling timely and relevant outreach.
  • Direct outreach: Users can initiate outreach campaigns directly from the prospecting tool, with options to access email addresses and phone numbers for seamless communication.
  • Export functionality: Lead lists can be easily exported for use in other tools or for sharing with team members, providing flexibility and integration with existing workflows.
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Pricing Plans - Direct Purchase vs Sales Interaction offers more flexible purchasing options, allowing users to buy directly from the website without needing to interact with a sales agent, and provides a free trial.

__wf_reserved_inherit Pricing Overview

Apollo, while also offering a free membership and a 14-day trial for paid plans, requires users to verify a corporate domain to unlock all free features, which may not be ideal for all freelancers or small businesses.

Both platforms offer annual and monthly billing, but's straightforward access and no mandatory sales interaction makes it more user-friendly for quick setup and scaling. Personalized email automation can be enhanced with tools like Bardeen's playbook, which complements's outreach capabilities.

In summary, edges out Apollo for businesses looking for ease of access and direct purchasing options without the prerequisite of corporate email verification.

__wf_reserved_inherit's pricing plans: Trial, Starter, Pro, and Managed Service. offers a range of pricing options to suit different business needs, from a free trial to a full-service managed package. Users can choose between annual or monthly billing, with a 25% discount for annual commitments. All paid plans can be purchased directly through the website without needing to contact a sales representative.

  • Free trial: provides a free trial plan with 50 credits, 100 email recipients, 1 mailbox warm-up, unlimited sender accounts, and unlimited follow-ups. This allows potential customers to test out the core features of the platform before committing to a paid plan.
  • Starter plan: The Starter plan, at $39/month, includes 1,000 credits, 5,000 email recipients, 3 mailbox warm-ups, unlimited mailbox rotation, unlimited sender accounts, and unlimited follow-ups. This plan is suitable for small businesses or individuals just starting with email outreach.
  • Pro plan: The most popular plan, Pro, offers 5,000 credits, 10,000 email recipients, unlimited mailbox warm-ups and rotation, unlimited sender accounts, and unlimited follow-ups for $99/month. This plan caters to growing businesses with more extensive outreach needs.
  • Managed Service: For enterprise-level clients, provides a Managed Service package starting at $3,999/month. This includes custom lead generation and outreach campaigns, support for 1,000+ SOM companies, 1,000+ ICP contacts, 1,000+ UVP messages, AI playbook assistance, and 20-40 meetings per quarter. The Managed Service is designed for businesses that require a fully outsourced solution for their email outreach and lead generation efforts.


Apollo offers a variety of pricing plans to suit different user needs and budgets.

Apollo provides a range of pricing options to cater to different user requirements, from individuals to large organizations. The pricing model is based on a combination of user seats and usage credits, with discounts for annual billing.

  • Free plan: Apollo offers a free membership with limited credits for email and other features. Free users with a verified corporate domain receive 10,000 email credits per month, while those without are limited to 100 credits.
  • Paid plans: Basic, Professional, and Organization plans are available, with prices ranging from $49 to $119 per user per month when billed annually. These plans include unlimited email credits (subject to a 120,000/year per account fair use policy) and varying amounts of mobile and export credits.
  • 14-day trial: Basic and Professional plans come with a 14-day trial, limited to 50 lead credits per user.
  • Feature differences: Higher-tier plans include additional features such as advanced reporting, AI-assisted email writing, custom stages, and more.
  • Enterprise options: Custom plans with advanced features like single sign-on, API access, and dedicated support are available for larger organizations, requiring contact with the sales team.
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The Verdict: Which is Best for Data-Driven Sales Intelligence? and Apollo offer distinct advantages for sales intelligence. excels with its straightforward setup and solid basic data points, making it ideal for teams needing quick, reliable contact and company information. Apollo, however, provides deeper insights with unique data points like buying signals and tech stacks, suited for advanced targeting and personalization.

If your focus is on detailed work history and company insights, Apollo is the better choice. For basic data enrichment and ease of use, will serve you well. Both tools bring valuable capabilities to the table, but your specific needs will dictate the best fit.

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