Extract Date from Timestamp in Google Sheets: A Guide

June 6, 2024
Jason Gong

Use INT or TEXT functions to extract dates from timestamps.

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If you're working with timestamps, you might love Bardeen's GPT in Spreadsheets feature. It helps automate data extraction and analysis in Google Sheets.

Timestamps in Google Sheets are a convenient way to record and track date and time information, but sometimes you may need to extract just the date portion for analysis or formatting purposes. In this step-by-step guide, we'll explore various methods to extract dates from timestamps in Google Sheets, including using built-in functions, formulas, and cell formatting. Whether you're a beginner or an advanced user, you'll find practical solutions to help you effectively work with timestamps and dates in your spreadsheets.

Understanding Timestamps in Google Sheets

Timestamps in Google Sheets are a valuable tool for recording and tracking date and time information in a single cell. They are commonly used in data entry, project management, and various other applications where it's essential to keep a record of when specific events occurred. A timestamp typically consists of two elements: the date and the time, which are combined into a single value following a standard format recognized by Google Sheets.

The default format for timestamps in Google Sheets is "MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS", where:

  • MM represents the month (01-12)
  • DD represents the day (01-31)
  • YYYY represents the year (e.g., 2023)
  • HH represents the hour in 24-hour format (00-23)
  • MM represents the minutes (00-59)
  • SS represents the seconds (00-59)

For example, a timestamp might look like "04/12/2023 14:30:00", indicating an event that occurred on April 12, 2023, at 2:30 PM. Understanding the composition and format of timestamps is crucial for effectively working with them in Google Sheets and extracting the desired information, such as the date portion, for further analysis or formatting purposes.

Additionally, you can add ChatGPT to Google Sheets to automate and analyze your timestamp data more efficiently.

Using Built-in Functions to Extract Dates

Google Sheets offers several built-in functions that make it easy to extract the date portion from a timestamp. One of the most straightforward methods is using the INT function, which removes the time portion of a timestamp by returning only the integer part of the value.

For example, if cell A1 contains the timestamp "04/12/2023 14:30:00", you can use the formula =INT(A1) to extract just the date, resulting in "04/12/2023".

Another useful function for date extraction is the TEXT function, which allows you to convert a timestamp into a specific date format. The TEXT function takes two arguments: the cell reference containing the timestamp and the desired format in quotation marks.

For instance, to display the date from the timestamp in cell A1 in the format 'YYYY-MM-DD', you would use the formula =TEXT(A1,"YYYY-MM-DD"). This would return "2023-04-12".

These functions provide a quick and easy way to separate dates from timestamps in Google Sheets, enabling you to work with the date data more effectively for analysis, sorting, or filtering purposes. For more advanced uses, you can integrate Google Sheets with other tools.

Want to save time on repetitive tasks in Google Sheets? Integrate Google Sheets with Bardeen to automate date extraction and other tasks quickly!

Utilizing Formulas for Date Extraction

To extract dates from multiple timestamps simultaneously in Google Sheets, you can combine the ARRAYFORMULA with either the INT or TEXT functions. This approach allows you to apply the date extraction formula to an entire column of timestamps without having to copy and paste the formula for each cell. For more advanced tasks, consider using a web scraper extension to automate data extraction.

For example, to extract the date portion from a range of timestamps in column A, starting from cell A2, you would use the following formula:


This formula applies the INT function to the range A2:A, effectively removing the time portion from each timestamp and returning only the date.

Similarly, you can use the ARRAYFORMULA with the TEXT function to convert a range of timestamps into a specific date format:


This formula applies the TEXT function to the range A2:A, converting each timestamp to the "YYYY-MM-DD" format.

By utilizing these formulas, you can efficiently extract dates from a large number of timestamps in Google Sheets, saving time and effort compared to manually applying the functions to each cell. Learn more about how to connect Microsoft Excel for similar tasks.

Formatting Cells to Display Only Dates

If you have timestamps in your Google Sheets but only want to display the date portion without altering the actual cell content, you can easily achieve this by changing the cell formatting.

To format cells to show only dates:

  1. Select the range of cells containing the timestamps you want to format.
  2. Click on the "Format" menu in the top navigation bar.
  3. Hover over "Number" in the dropdown menu.
  4. Choose "Date" from the list of formatting options.

Google Sheets will display a list of date formats for you to choose from, such as "9/26/2008" or "26 September 2008." Select the format that best suits your needs.

After applying the date format, your cells will display only the date portion of the timestamp without modifying the underlying data. This means you can still use the full timestamp value in formulas and calculations if needed.

By utilizing cell formatting options, you can quickly and easily customize how your timestamps appear in Google Sheets, making your data more readable and visually appealing. For more advanced features, consider using a GPT-powered tool in Google Sheets.

Advanced Techniques and Troubleshooting

In some cases, timestamps may be part of a larger text string or formatted inconsistently, making it difficult to extract dates using the methods discussed earlier. To handle these situations, you can use the REGEXEXTRACT function in Google Sheets.

REGEXEXTRACT allows you to use regular expressions to match and extract specific patterns from text. For example, to extract a date in the format "MM/DD/YYYY" from a cell, you can use the following formula:


This formula searches for a pattern of two digits, followed by a forward slash, two more digits, another forward slash, and four digits, which matches the "MM/DD/YYYY" date format.

If you have multiple cells containing timestamps or date strings, you can use REGEXEXTRACT in combination with ARRAYFORMULA to extract dates from an entire range:


When troubleshooting date extraction issues, keep the following tips in mind:

  • Ensure that your regular expression pattern matches the date format in your cells accurately.
  • If you're working with timestamps from different time zones, be aware that Google Sheets may automatically convert them to your local time zone. You can use the DATEVALUE and TIMEVALUE functions to handle time zone conversions explicitly.
  • Double-check your formula syntax for errors, such as missing brackets or incorrect cell references.

By mastering advanced techniques like REGEXEXTRACT and being aware of potential pitfalls, you'll be able to extract dates from timestamps in Google Sheets with confidence, even in more complex scenarios. For more advanced data extraction, consider using a LinkedIn profile scraper.

Bardeen's web scraper extension can help you automate data extraction tasks, saving you time and effort.

Boost Google Sheets with Bardeen's AI Automations

Extracting dates from timestamps in Google Sheets can be streamlined using built-in functions or custom formulas, as outlined above. However, if you're looking to automate and enhance your Google Sheets tasks further, Bardeen offers powerful integrations and playbooks to streamline a variety of data processing and management workflows. Automating these tasks can save significant time, reduce errors, and enable you to focus on more strategic activities.

Here are some examples of how Bardeen can automate tasks related to Google Sheets:

  1. Copy Google News for a keyword and save results to Google Sheets: This playbook automates the process of extracting Google News results for a specific keyword and saving them directly to a Google Sheet. It's ideal for market research, media monitoring, and staying updated on specific topics.
  2. Save data from the Google News page to Google Sheets: Automatically extract data from Google News and organize it in Google Sheets. This playbook is perfect for journalists, researchers, and anyone needing to track news stories systematically.
  3. Extract Scholarly Articles from Google Scholar to Google Sheets: For students, academics, and researchers, this playbook automates the collection of scholarly article data from Google Scholar into a Google Sheet, streamlining literature reviews and research processes.

By leveraging Bardeen's automation capabilities with Google Sheets, you can make your data work smarter, not harder. Start automating today by downloading the Bardeen app at Bardeen.ai/download.

No more copy-pasting from ChatGPT to Google Sheets

With Bardeen's GPT in Spreadsheets, you can easily use AI in Google Sheets or Excel in a few clicks.

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