Convert Decimal to Percent in Google Sheets: Easy Steps

June 6, 2024
Jason Gong

Use the TO_PERCENT function to convert decimals to percentages in Google Sheets.

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Converting decimals to percentages is a common task when working with data in Google Sheets. Whether you're analyzing sales figures, calculating discounts, or creating financial reports, knowing how to quickly and accurately convert decimals to percentages can save you time and ensure your data is presented clearly. In this comprehensive guide, we'll walk you through the simple steps to convert decimals to percentages using built-in functions and formatting options in Google Sheets.

Understanding Decimal and Percent Formats in Google Sheets

Decimal and percent formats are two common ways to represent numbers in Google Sheets. Decimals express values as a portion of a whole number, while percentages represent values as a fraction of 100. Understanding the difference between these formats is crucial for accurate data analysis and reporting.

For example, the decimal 0.5 is equivalent to 50% when converted to a percentage. This means that 0.5 represents half of a whole number, while 50% indicates half of 100. Similarly, 0.25 is equal to 25%, and 1.5 corresponds to 150%.

  • Decimals are useful for precise calculations and data analysis
  • Percentages are more intuitive for presenting data in reports and visualizations

Knowing how to convert between decimal and percent formats in Google Sheets enables you to work with data more effectively and create clear, meaningful presentations for your audience. Consider using tools like GPT in Spreadsheets to automate and enhance your workflow.

Using the TO_PERCENT Function

The TO_PERCENT function in Google Sheets allows you to convert decimal values to percentages directly in a cell or range of cells. This function simplifies the process of converting numbers without the need for manual calculations.

To use the TO_PERCENT function, follow these steps:

  1. Select the cell where you want the percentage value to appear.
  2. Type "=TO_PERCENT(" in the cell, followed by the cell reference containing the decimal value or the decimal value itself, and close the parentheses.
  3. Press Enter to apply the function and display the percentage value.

For example, if cell A1 contains the decimal value 0.5, you can convert it to a percentage by entering "=TO_PERCENT(A1)" in another cell. The result will be 50%.

The syntax for the TO_PERCENT function is:


The "value" parameter can be a number or a reference to a cell containing a numeric value. TO_PERCENT will return the value converted to a percentage, with the standard interpretation that 1 = 100%.

Note that if the "value" parameter is not a number or a reference to a cell containing a numeric value, TO_PERCENT will return the value without modification.

If you want to connect Google Sheets with other tools, see how to integrate Google Sheets seamlessly.

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Formatting Cells to Display Percentages

In addition to using the TO_PERCENT function, you can also format cells to display numbers as percentages in Google Sheets. This method is useful when you have existing decimal values that you want to present as percentages without changing the underlying data.

To format cells to display percentages, follow these steps:

  1. Select the cell or range of cells containing the decimal values you want to format as percentages.
  2. Click on the "Format" menu in the top menu bar.
  3. Hover over "Number" in the dropdown menu, and then click on "Percent" from the submenu.

Alternatively, you can use the toolbar shortcut to apply the percentage format:

  1. Select the cell or range of cells with the decimal values.
  2. Click on the "123" icon with a percent symbol in the toolbar.

After applying the percentage format, the selected cells will display the values as percentages, with the number of decimal places determined by the default setting or your custom formatting options.

Keep in mind that formatting cells as percentages only changes the visual representation of the values and does not alter the underlying data. Learn more about how you can connect Microsoft Excel for similar functionalities.

Adjusting Decimal Places for Percentages

When working with percentage values in Google Sheets, you may need to adjust the number of decimal places displayed for more precise data presentation. By default, Google Sheets shows percentages with no decimal places, but you can easily change this setting using the toolbar options.

To adjust the number of decimal places for percentage values:

  1. Select the cell or range of cells containing the percentage values you want to modify.
  2. Locate the "Increase decimal places" and "Decrease decimal places" buttons in the toolbar, represented by icons with decimal points and arrows.
  3. Click on the "Increase decimal places" button to add more decimal places to the displayed values. Each click will add one additional decimal place.
  4. If you need to reduce the number of decimal places, click on the "Decrease decimal places" button. Each click will remove one decimal place from the displayed values.

Keep in mind that adjusting the decimal places for percentage values only affects the visual representation of the data and does not change the underlying cell values. This means that any formulas referencing these cells will still use the original, unrounded values in calculations.

By using the toolbar options to increase or decrease the number of decimal places, you can quickly customize the appearance of your percentage data to suit your needs, whether you require more precision or a simpler, cleaner presentation. For more advanced data management, consider using tools that automate enrichment and qualification in your spreadsheets.

Save time managing your data by using Bardeen to connect Google Docs and other tools directly. It simplifies data transfer and allows you to focus on important tasks.

Converting Multiple Cells from Decimals to Percentages

When working with large datasets in Google Sheets, you may need to convert a range of cells containing decimal values into percentages. This can be done using either functions or formatting options, ensuring consistency and accuracy throughout your spreadsheet. For more tips, see how to build a prospect list.

To convert multiple cells from decimals to percentages using the TO_PERCENT function:

  1. Select the range of cells where you want the converted percentage values to appear.
  2. In the first cell of the selected range, enter the formula: =TO_PERCENT(cell_reference), replacing "cell_reference" with the address of the cell containing the first decimal value you want to convert.
  3. Press Enter to apply the formula and display the percentage value in the cell.
  4. Double-click the small square (fill handle) at the bottom-right corner of the cell to automatically copy the formula down to the remaining cells in the selected range, adjusting the cell references accordingly.

Alternatively, you can use formatting options to convert multiple cells from decimals to percentages:

  1. Select the range of cells containing the decimal values you want to convert.
  2. Click on the "Format" menu in the toolbar and choose "Number" > "Percent" from the dropdown list.
  3. The selected cells will now display the values as percentages, rounded to the nearest whole number by default.
  4. If needed, adjust the number of decimal places using the "Increase decimal places" or "Decrease decimal places" buttons in the toolbar.

When working with large datasets, it's crucial to double-check your formulas and formatting to ensure all cells are consistently converted to percentages. This can be done by spot-checking random cells or using a filter to view only the percentage values and look for any anomalies. For automated solutions, consider using a LinkedIn profile enrichment tool.

By following these step-by-step guides and tips, you can efficiently convert multiple cells from decimals to percentages in Google Sheets, maintaining accuracy and consistency in your data presentation.

Common Pitfalls and Troubleshooting

While converting decimals to percentages in Google Sheets is a straightforward process, users may encounter some common issues. These problems can arise due to incorrect formatting or cell referencing errors. Let's discuss a few of these pitfalls and provide troubleshooting tips to resolve them effectively.

One common issue is applying the wrong format to cells. If you accidentally apply a different format, such as currency or date, instead of percentage, your decimals will not convert correctly. To fix this, simply select the cells and reapply the percentage format from the toolbar or format menu.

Another potential problem is using incorrect cell references in the TO_PERCENT function. If you reference a cell that doesn't contain a numeric value, the function will return an error. Double-check your cell references and ensure they point to cells with valid decimal values. For more complex data handling, consider using a web scraping tool to automate data extraction and reduce errors.

Bardeen lets you scrape data easily without needing to code. Use Bardeen to scrape websites and automatically update your spreadsheets.

When working with large datasets, it's easy to miss a few cells when applying formatting or functions. This can lead to inconsistencies in your data presentation. To avoid this, use the "Format Painter" tool to quickly copy and apply formatting from one cell to another, or use the fill handle to drag formulas down a column or across a row.

If you encounter a "#DIV/0!" error when using the TO_PERCENT function, it means the referenced cell contains a zero value. Percentages cannot be calculated from zero, so the function returns an error. To resolve this, you can use an IF statement to check for zero values and display an alternative result, like this: =IF(A1=0,"",TO_PERCENT(A1)). For more advanced formula management, you might want to bring AI into your spreadsheet.

By being aware of these common pitfalls and applying the troubleshooting tips provided, you can ensure your decimal to percentage conversions in Google Sheets are accurate and consistent. Remember to always double-check your work and test your formulas with different scenarios to avoid any unexpected errors.

Automate Google Sheets Tasks with Bardeen

Converting decimal numbers to percentages in Google Sheets can be efficiently automated using Bardeen. This not only streamlines your workflow but also eliminates the risk of manual errors. For instance, automating data entry or analysis processes allows you to focus on more strategic tasks. Let's explore how Bardeen can automate related tasks in Google Sheets.

  1. Enrich email contacts and save to Google Sheets: Automate the process of enriching email contacts with additional information and saving them directly into Google Sheets, enhancing your email marketing campaigns.
  2. Send a Slack message counting the rows in a Google Sheet: Automatically send updates to your Slack channel about the number of rows in a specific Google Sheet, keeping your team informed in real-time.
  3. Export Google Trends Data and Save to Google Sheets: Streamline your market research by automating the extraction of Google Trends data directly into Google Sheets, saving you time and providing valuable insights.

Discover how Bardeen can transform your Google Sheets tasks by downloading the app at

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