Google Sheets
playbook Template

Scrape Property Listing Price History from Zillow to Google Sheets

This workflow automates the extraction of price history from Zillow listings and saves it directly to Google Sheets.
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Scrape data on active tab
Scrape data on active tab
Add data to sheet tab
Add data to sheet tab

How does this playbook work?

This workflow automates the extraction of price history from Zillow listings and saves it directly to Google Sheets.
  • Active Zillow property listing page
  • Target Google Sheets document
  • Property listing price history data in Google Sheets

This automation extracts the price history of a property listing from Zillow and appends it to a specified Google Sheets document.

Upon activation, the scraper model operates on the active tab where a Zillow property listing is open. It meticulously extracts all available price history data. Following the successful scraping, this data is then neatly appended into your chosen Google Sheets document. This automation is ideal for:

  • Real estate investors tracking property values
  • Market analysts studying housing trends
Pro Tip: This workflow can be customized to scrape other details such as property features, seller information, or historical sales data. Bardeen supports various modifications and integrations, enabling you to tailor the automation to your specific needs.

Start automating your real estate data collection with Bardeen.

Step 1: Install the Bardeen App

To start, make sure you have the Bardeen app installed on your device.

Step 2: Navigate to the Magic Box

After installation, go to the Magic Box and enter the following command:

scrape price history from zillow save into google sheets

Step 3: Integrate the Workflow Integrations

Ensure to set up the necessary integrations for this workflow, specifically Scraper for extracting data from Zillow and Google Sheets for data storage.

Step 4: Run the Workflow

Finally, execute the workflow. This workflow is designed to:

  • Scrape the price history of a property listing from Zillow, capturing critical financial trends.
  • It will then save this scraped data into a specified Google Sheets document, creating an easily accessible and manageable record.
The #1 free AI Automation extension for Chrome

How to Efficiently Extract Price History from Zillow Listings

How to Scrape Price History of Property Listings at Zillow

Gathering price history data from Zillow can be a valuable asset for real estate investors, market analysts, and anyone interested in the housing market trends. While Zillow offers a wealth of information on property listings, extracting this data manually can be time-consuming. However, with the right tools and methods, you can automate this process, saving time and gaining insights more efficiently. Let's explore how to scrape price history from Zillow and save it into Google Sheets, both manually and using automation tools like Bardeen.

Pro Tip: Automate the extraction of price history data from Zillow and save it directly into Google Sheets with Bardeen. This not only saves time but also allows for real-time data analysis. Start automating with Bardeen today.

Manual Data Extraction and Using Google Sheets

Initially, you might consider manually copying the price history from Zillow listings and pasting it into a Google Sheets document. This method, while straightforward, becomes impractical with a large number of listings. To streamline the process, you can use Google Sheets functions to import data. However, Zillow's structured data might not be directly accessible through simple import functions due to the complexities of web scraping and limitations set by Zillow's terms of use and API restrictions.

For a more efficient approach, leveraging the Zillow API presents an opportunity to access a wide range of data, including price history. However, it's important to note that Zillow's API might have limitations on the types of data you can retrieve and the volume of requests. As an alternative, web scraping tools can automate data extraction directly from the Zillow website.

Automating with Bardeen: A No-Code Solution

Bardeen offers a powerful, no-code solution for automating the extraction of price history data from Zillow and saving it into Google Sheets. By using Bardeen's pre-built workflows or creating custom ones, you can scrape data from Zillow listings without writing a single line of code. This method is not only efficient but also scalable, allowing you to gather data from multiple listings quickly.

With Bardeen, you can automate repetitive tasks and focus on analyzing the data. Whether you're tracking property values or studying housing trends, Bardeen's integration with Google Sheets ensures that your data is always up to date and easily accessible.

Ready to streamline your real estate data collection? Automate the process with Bardeen and focus on what truly matters - analyzing trends and making informed decisions. Download Bardeen now and transform the way you work with real estate data.
The #1 free AI Automation extension for Chrome
Google Sheets
Google Sheets
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