Google Sheets
playbook Template

Export LinkedIn Company Employees to Google Sheets

This workflow automates the process of extracting LinkedIn company employees' information and saving it to Google Sheets, streamlining data collection.
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Scrape data on active tab
Scrape data on active tab
Add data to sheet tab
Add data to sheet tab

How does this playbook work?

This workflow automates the process of extracting LinkedIn company employees' information and saving it to Google Sheets, streamlining data collection.
  • URL of the LinkedIn Company Page
  • Target Google Sheet for saving data
  • Employees' information saved in Google Sheets

This automation streamlines the process of extracting employees' information from a LinkedIn Company Page and saving it directly into a Google Sheet. It's particularly useful for HR professionals, sales teams, and marketers who are looking to gather insights on potential leads, candidates, or competitors.

The automation operates by first scraping employees' information from the specified LinkedIn Company Page using a combined scraper model. Once the data is collected, it is then appended to the specified Google Sheets tab. This process ensures that the latest employee information is easily accessible and organized.

Note: The automation respects LinkedIn's terms of service and privacy settings. Always ensure compliance with data protection regulations when collecting and storing personal information.

This automation saves time and reduces manual effort, making it an essential tool for professionals who rely on up-to-date company data.

Step 1: Install the Bardeen App

To kickstart the process, ensure you install the Bardeen app on your device.

Step 2: Navigate to the Magic Box

With Bardeen installed, proceed to the Magic Box and enter the following command:

Scrape LinkedIn Company Employees then save into Google Sheets

Step 3: Integrate the Workflow Integrations

Before running the workflow, it's essential to set up the necessary integrations, specifically the Scraper for LinkedIn and Google Sheets for data storage.

Step 4: Run the Workflow

Now, you're all set to execute the workflow. This process involves:

  • Scraping employees' information from the specified LinkedIn Company Page.
  • Then, it appends the scraped data into a Google Sheet, creating a comprehensive list of employees.
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How to Efficiently Gather LinkedIn Company Employee Data?

Scraping LinkedIn Company Employees and exporting their data into Google Sheets is a powerful way for HR professionals, sales teams, and marketers to gather insights on potential leads, candidates, or competitors. This process can be done manually through various methods, or more efficiently, through automation tools like Bardeen. Below, we explore both approaches to ensure you have a comprehensive understanding of how to achieve this task.

Automate the process of scraping LinkedIn company employees and save their data directly into Google Sheets with Bardeen. Start now by visiting

Manual Methods for Scraping LinkedIn Company Employees

Manually scraping LinkedIn company employees involves visiting the LinkedIn Company Page and manually copying the information of interest. Although this method is straightforward, it's time-consuming and not feasible for large datasets. Another manual method involves using LinkedIn's search functionality to find employees of a specific company by typing the company name in the search bar and filtering the results by people. This method allows for viewing profiles and manually collecting data such as names, titles, and other public information.

For those with coding skills, creating a custom Google Sheets formula can automate the process to some extent. This involves using the Google Custom Search API to perform a domain-constrained search for LinkedIn profiles and then parsing the results into Google Sheets. However, this method has limitations, including a cap on free API calls and the potential for inconsistent results due to the reliance on search engine indexing.

Automating the Process with Bardeen

Automating the scraping of LinkedIn company employees and exporting the data to Google Sheets significantly reduces manual effort and time. Bardeen offers a seamless solution for this task, allowing users to scrape data from LinkedIn Company Pages and append it directly to a specified Google Sheets tab. This method is not only faster but also more reliable, providing up-to-date information organized in a convenient format.

Bardeen's automation respects LinkedIn's terms of service and privacy settings, ensuring compliance with data protection regulations. This approach is ideal for professionals who require regularly updated company data without the hassle of manual data entry. By automating this task, users can focus on analyzing the data and making informed decisions based on the insights gathered.

Experience the efficiency of automating your LinkedIn data scraping tasks with Bardeen. Download the tool at and streamline your data collection process today.
The #1 free AI Automation extension for Chrome
Google Sheets
Google Sheets
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