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Slack with Trello

Integrate Slack and Trello to automate your workflow. Use natural language prompts with Bardeen's AI Agent to automate repetitive tasks easily. No coding required.

How to integrate Slack with Trello?

We're Bardeen, we build an AI Agent that does your repetitive work tasks. Companies like Deel and Casafari, use Bardeen connect apps like Slack and Trello together to save time and increase productivity.

Tired of constantly switching between Slack and Trello to keep your team aligned? You're not alone. Did you know that the average worker spends nearly 20% of their week managing work across apps? Integrating Slack and Trello can save you hours of busywork and help your team move faster.

In this step-by-step guide, you'll learn how to connect Slack and Trello like a pro. We'll cover both the manual setup and an exciting new way to automate the integration using AI. By the end, you'll be able to create Trello cards from Slack messages, get real-time notifications, and access Trello data without leaving Slack. Let's get into it!


Integrating Slack and Trello can significantly improve team productivity and communication. By connecting these two powerful tools, you can streamline your workflow, keep everyone on the same page, and ensure that important information doesn't slip through the cracks.

In this step-by-step guide, we'll show you how to integrate Slack and Trello, allowing you to:

  • Receive Trello notifications directly in Slack
  • Create Trello cards from Slack messages
  • Manage Trello boards and lists without leaving Slack

Whether you're a project manager, team leader, or individual contributor, integrating Slack and Trello can help you stay organized and collaborate more effectively. For more productivity, check out how to automate sales prospecting. Let's get started!

Why Integrate Slack and Trello?

Integrating Slack and Trello offers several key benefits that can significantly improve team collaboration and productivity:

  1. Real-time notifications: Get instant updates in Slack whenever Trello cards or boards are updated, keeping the whole team informed of important project changes.
  2. Create Trello cards from Slack: Easily convert Slack messages into Trello cards, streamlining tasks like logging customer issues or capturing ideas discussed in chat.
  3. Access Trello data in Slack: Search for and interact with Trello cards, boards, and members directly within Slack, saving time switching between apps.

By connecting Slack and Trello, you create a centralized hub where team members can communicate, manage projects, and stay aligned without constantly context switching. This integration is especially valuable for:

  • Customer support teams triaging and tracking issues
  • Marketing teams planning campaigns and content
  • Product teams managing feature requests and roadmaps
  • Any team using both Slack and Trello in their daily workflows

In the next section, we'll walk through exactly how to set up the integration between Slack and Trello so you can start reaping these collaboration benefits. For more tips, check out how to connect Google Docs and other tools to streamline your workflows.

Take your productivity to another level by connecting Slack and Trello with Bardeen. Automate tasks and save countless hours a week with our automated workflows designed for collaboration tools.

Real-Time Trello Notifications in Slack

Connecting Slack and Trello allows you to set up automatic notifications in Slack channels when specific events occur in Trello. This is incredibly useful for keeping the entire team informed about important project updates without requiring everyone to constantly check Trello boards.

When you integrate Slack with Trello, you have fine-grained control over which events trigger notifications and where those alerts get posted. For example:

  • Get notified in the #dev channel only when new bug report cards are created in Trello
  • Post a message in #marketing when the "Launch" card moves to the "Done" list
  • Alert the #design channel when a card is labeled as "Needs Design Review"

By carefully configuring your Slack notifications from Trello, you ensure each team only sees relevant updates and isn't overwhelmed by noise. People can stay informed about the Trello activities that matter most to their work without having to sift through ALL changes across every board. You can also integrate Google Drive with other apps to keep your files organized and up to date.

Setting up Trello notifications in Slack is a key part of integrating the two apps to improve team collaboration and efficiency. In the next section, we'll look at how you can save even more time by creating Trello cards directly from Slack messages.

Create Trello Cards from Slack Messages

Integrating Slack and Trello also allows you to create new Trello cards without ever leaving Slack. This is incredibly handy for quickly logging items that come up in Slack conversations, like bugs, feature requests or tasks.

Here's how it works:

  1. A teammate mentions something in Slack that should be tracked in Trello
  2. Hover over that message and click the Trello button that appears
  3. Select "Create Card" from the menu
  4. A new Trello card is instantly drafted, pulling in default data from Slack

You can set up the integration to automatically populate the new card with info like:

  • Card Title = Slack message text
  • Description = link to the Slack message
  • Member = person who sent the Slack message
  • Board = your team's default Trello board
  • List = where new cards should be created, e.g. "Inbox" or "Backlog"

Essentially, creating Trello cards from Slack with one click saves you from manually copying and pasting data between the two apps. It captures the context of Slack conversations and ports them over to Trello, where they can be prioritized and acted on.

Connecting Slack and Trello this way helps your team stay organized without interrupting the flow of communication. Next up, learn how you can automate outreach right from within Slack to move work forward faster.

Bardeen’s automations can save you from copying data manually. Connect Google Sheets for instant updates and smart tracking.

Access Trello Data in Slack

Integrating Slack and Trello also lets you view and interact with Trello data without ever leaving Slack. This is a huge time-saver for quickly checking details on cards or making simple updates.

Some of the Trello actions you can perform from Slack include:

  • Searching for Trello cards by board, name, label, member, etc.
  • Viewing card details like name, description, members, labels, due date, and more
  • Assigning yourself or others to a card
  • Setting or changing a card's due date
  • Adding comments to a card
  • Moving a card to a different list on its board

All of this is possible thanks to the /trello slash command. Just type /trello in any Slack channel or DM followed by an action to pull up relevant cards and details.

For example, /trello search "Blog Posts" "First Draft" will surface all cards on the "Blog Posts" board with "First Draft" in the name. You can then interact with those results to open the full card, join it, change the due date, or whatever else you need.

Having the ability to find and update Trello items without leaving Slack is incredibly convenient. It keeps you in your team's natural flow of communication while still moving work forward in Trello. Ultimately, connecting these two tools helps you cut down on context-switching and stay more focused throughout the day. To further streamline your workflow, consider using Bardeen's LinkedIn Data Scraper to automate data collection.

How to Integrate Slack and Trello

Connecting Slack and Trello is a breeze, even if you don't have any coding skills. The key is to use the Trello app for Slack, which handles all the heavy lifting for you. Here's how to set it up:

  1. Make sure you have admin access to both a Slack workspace and Trello account.
  2. Install the Trello app from the Slack App Directory.
  3. During setup, authorize the Trello app to access your Slack workspace by reviewing the requested permissions and clicking "Allow".
  4. Next, link your Trello account within the app by clicking the "Link Trello Account" button. Sign in with your Trello credentials and grant Slack access to your boards and data.
  5. Choose which specific Trello boards you want to connect to Slack. For each one, pick the corresponding Slack channel where you want activity updates posted.

That's it! Your Slack and Trello integration should now be up and running. You can always fine-tune notification settings later to get just the right amount of updates flowing into Slack.

For example, you might set up the app to only send alerts to the #development channel when Trello cards are moved into the "QA Testing" list. Or have it post in #sales whenever a deal card is marked "Closed Won". The notification settings are very granular so you can dial them in perfectly.

You can also create new Trello cards directly from Slack messages, which is super handy. Just hover over a message, click the Trello button, and select "Create Card". Customize the card details and off it goes into Trello, without you ever leaving Slack.

Finally, remember you can use / commands to interact with Trello inside Slack. Things like /trello search, /trello show, /trello assign, and /trello comment let you find and update items quickly. It's a real time-saver!

Integrating Slack with Trello takes just a few minutes but has a huge impact on productivity and collaboration.

Automate even more with Bardeen. Connect Microsoft Excel to your workflows to save time on repetitive tasks.

Customize Trello Notifications in Slack

After you connect a Trello board to a Slack channel, it's time to fine-tune what updates get posted. Head into the notification settings to toggle on/off messages for various card actions like:

  • Card created
  • Card updated (moved, labeled, etc)
  • Card archived/deleted
  • Checklist item completed
  • Due date changed

You can get even more granular by filtering notifications to only certain card lists or labels. For example, let's say you integrate your "Development" Trello board with the #dev Slack channel. You might set it to only post when:

  1. New cards are added to the "Backlog" list
  2. Cards are moved into the "In Progress" list
  3. Cards with the "Bug" label are updated

This way, the #dev channel only receives relevant updates, rather than getting bombarded with every little card change. It's worth taking a few minutes to configure the settings so the signal-to-noise ratio is just right.

Remember, you can always come back and adjust the notification settings as your team's needs change. The goal is to keep everyone in the loop on important Trello updates without causing information overload in Slack. Play around with the toggles and filters until you strike that perfect balance!

For more tips on automating your workflow, learn how to generate emails with AI.

Creating Cards from Slack

Ready to start turning Slack messages into Trello tasks? First, open up the Trello app settings in Slack and find the "Actions" section. Flip on the "Create Card" toggle. Now when you hover over any Slack message, a little Trello icon will appear. Give it a click and choose "Create Card" to magically transform that message into a new Trello card!

By default, the Slack message sender gets assigned to the card, the message text becomes the card title, and a link back to the Slack message is added to the card description. But you can customize all this to your heart's content.

Pop into the Trello app settings and map any Slack message field, like the channel name or timestamp, to any Trello card field. You can even set default labels, a due date, and other details that will apply to every card created from Slack. Talk about a time-saver!

For example, maybe you want every card generated from the #support channel to automatically get the "Customer Request" label and land in the "Inbox" list on your Support board. Just set that up in the Trello app config and watch the integration work its magic. Automate repetitive tasks and create efficiencies. Anytime a rep spots a message in #support that needs tracking, they can spin up a new Trello card in seconds, pre-filled with all the key details. No more copy-pasting or tab switching required!

GPT for Google Sheets can help you save time by adding AI to your spreadsheets, making data analysis faster and easier.

Trello Slash Commands: Work with Trello Right from Slack

Once you've installed the Trello app in Slack, a whole new world of productivity opens up. You now have access to a bunch of handy slash commands that let you interact with your Trello boards and cards without ever leaving Slack.

To see all the available actions, just type /trello help in any Slack channel or DM. But here are a few of our favorites:

  • /trello search [board] [term] - quickly find cards on a board matching a search term
  • /trello show [board] [card] - get the deets on a specific card, like name, description, members, due date, etc.
  • /trello assign [board] [card] [member] - put someone on the job by assigning them to a card
  • /trello comment [board] [card] [text] - add your two cents by commenting on a card right from Slack

These slash commands are a huge time-saver when you need to look up or update something in Trello but don't want to disrupt your flow in Slack. No more constant switching between the two apps! Just fire off a quick command and keep the collaboration going.

Bonus: you can even use these commands in Slack threads. So when a conversation turns to a specific Trello card or board, you can pull up the relevant details right in the thread for easy reference.

Integrating Slack and Trello with these slash commands is a small change that can add up to big productivity gains for your team. For more on improving sales workflows, check out AI sales prospecting. Give 'em a whirl and see how much smoother your workflows become!

Advanced Tips to Get the Most Out of Slack and Trello Integration

Ready to take your Slack and Trello integration to the next level? Here are some pro tips to really make the two apps sing in perfect harmony:

1. Use Trello Labels to Fine-Tune Slack Notifications

Trello card labels are your best friend when it comes to controlling what updates get posted in Slack. Create labels like "Blocker", "High Priority", "Waiting on Client", etc. Then set up the integration to only alert specific Slack channels when labeled cards are modified.

This keeps the Slack noise down and lets people focus on the Trello changes that matter most to them. Designers can watch for "Needs Design Review" labels, while the #bugs channel only gets pinged about "Critical" labeled cards.

2. Pipe Multiple Trello Boards into One Slack Channel

Want a bird's eye view of all your team's work? No problem! Just connect multiple related Trello boards to the same Slack channel. Imagine a #marketing channel that shows a unified feed of the "Content Calendar", "Social Media", "Events", and "Website" boards.

Now you can easily stay on top of cross-project work without jumping between boards in Trello. It's like a live command center in Slack for your most important initiatives.

3. Automate Trello Actions with Butler

For the ultimate Slack and Trello integration, look no further than Trello's built-in Butler automation. Butler lets you create if-this-then-that rules, scheduled commands, and interactive buttons that pipe workflow updates into Slack.

A few automation ideas:

  • Rule: when a Trello card is moved to "Done", post a celebratory message (and dancing parrot gif) in Slack
  • Button: attach a button to Trello cards for pinging assignees with a reminder in Slack
  • Schedule: every Friday at 4pm, post a Slack message listing all Trello cards due in the next week

With Butler, you can get super granular about syncing important Trello actions into Slack. The integration possibilities are endless!

Leveling up your Slack and Trello integration with labels, multi-board feeds, and Butler automation will take your team's productivity to new heights. Say goodbye to scattered communication and hello to airtight alignment between the two apps. For more tips, check out our guide on automate sales prospecting.

Use Trello Labels to Fine-Tune Slack Notifications

Trello labels are your best friend for controlling what card updates get posted to Slack when you connect the two apps. Create labels for things like:

  • Priority (Low, Medium, High)
  • Status (Blocked, In Progress, In Review)
  • Type (Bug, Feature, Improvement)
  • Department (Marketing, Design, Engineering)

Then configure your Slack and Trello integration to only notify specific Slack channels about activity on cards with certain labels. For example:

  • Only post in #development about cards labeled "High Priority" and "Bug"
  • Notify #marketing when "Social Media" labeled cards are moved or completed
  • Message the card assignee when a "Needs Review" label is added

This keeps your Slack channels focused on relevant Trello updates and cuts down on notification overload. Team members can subscribe to just the label alerts that impact their work. You can even set up Trello Butler automations to add/remove labels and trigger Slack notifications when cards move between specific lists. The label possibilities are endless for keeping Slack and Trello in sync!

For more advanced automation, check out how to automate sales prospecting using similar tools and techniques.

Combine Updates from Multiple Trello Boards in One Slack Channel

Here's a ninja trick for connecting Slack and Trello: funnel activity from several Trello boards into a single Slack channel. This gives you a bird's-eye view of all the important updates happening across different projects or departments. Automate your sales prospecting tasks to save even more time.

Most teams organize their work in separate Trello boards for each major initiative, like:

  • Product Roadmap
  • Development
  • QA
  • Documentation
  • Marketing
  • Sales Pipeline

But sometimes you want to see what's happening in multiple areas at a glance. That's where this technique comes in handy.

Simply add each relevant Trello board to the same Slack channel when connecting the two apps. For example, pipe the Product, Dev, QA and Docs boards to your #product channel. Or link the Marketing, Sales and Support boards to #customer-facing.

Now you'll get a cross-functional feed of Trello card updates in those Slack channels. It's an easy way to promote transparency and keep the broader team in the loop without having to check a bunch of different boards. Check out our LinkedIn integration for more automation options.

Unlock Advanced Slack to Trello Automation with Butler

Want to take your Slack and Trello integration to the next level? Trello's built-in Butler automation lets you create custom workflows that post intelligent updates to Slack channels.

With Butler, you can set up:

  • Rules - Automatically trigger Slack messages when specific actions occur in Trello, like a card moving to a certain list or getting a due date
  • Buttons - Add interactive buttons to Trello cards that send targeted notifications to Slack, like pinging the assigned member when a card needs review
  • Scheduled Commands - Post recurring Slack reminders based on Trello data, like a weekly summary of high priority cards or overdue tasks

By leveraging Butler when you connect Trello and Slack, you move beyond basic notifications to timely, context-rich updates that keep your team informed and aligned.

For example, you could configure Butler to send a celebratory message and gif in the #sales Slack channel whenever a Trello card moves to the "Closed Won" list. Or set up a button to ping a card's members in Slack when someone marks it as "Needs Review".

The possibilities are endless! Butler helps you design the perfect Slack alerts for your team's unique Trello workflow. Combine it with card labels, multiple board feeds, and other advanced techniques to make Slack and Trello your ultimate productivity hub. To improve your sales processes, consider using tools to automate sales prospecting.


Connecting Slack with Trello is essential for keeping your team in sync and working efficiently across these two popular apps. You can also automate sales prospecting to further boost your team's productivity.

In this guide, you learned:

  • The benefits of integrating Slack and Trello, like real-time notifications, creating cards from Slack, and accessing Trello data
  • How to set up the Slack Trello integration step-by-step
  • Pro tips to get more out of the integration, such as using labels, multi-board feeds, and Butler automation

Now that you know how to connect Trello and Slack, go set it up and watch your team's productivity soar!

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What can I do with the Slack and Trello integration using Bardeen?

With the Slack and Trello integration using Bardeen, you can automate tasks like creating Trello cards from Slack messages, sending Trello updates to Slack channels, and setting up reminders for Trello tasks in Slack. This helps you stay updated and manage tasks without switching between apps.

Is Bardeen free to use for Slack and Trello integration?

Yes, Bardeen offers a free plan that lets you use non-premium automations for Slack and Trello. You can run unlimited non-premium automations and share them with your team without any cost.

How do I get started with Slack and Trello integration using Bardeen?

To get started, install the Bardeen browser extension, connect your Slack and Trello accounts, and choose from pre-built playbooks like 'Create a Trello card' or 'Get daily summaries of your emails and send them to Slack'. You can also create custom automations to fit your workflow.

How much does it cost to use Bardeen for Slack and Trello integration?

Bardeen offers a free version for non-premium features. For premium features, like always-on automations, the cost is $20/month. This paid plan gives you full access to premium integrations and the ability to run automations on the cloud 24/7.