App Tutorial

Tag Someone on LinkedIn: Easy Steps 2024

Jason Gong
App automation expert
Apps used
April 15, 2024

To tag someone on LinkedIn, use the '@' symbol followed by their name in posts, comments, or photos.

  • Click 'Start a post' or 'Comment'.
  • Type '@' followed by the person's name.
  • Select the name from the dropdown.
  • For photos, click 'Tag', then the photo, and type the name.
  • Post your content with the tag included.
  • Tag up to 30 people per photo.

Tagging someone on LinkedIn is a straightforward process that can enhance engagement and visibility on the platform. Here's how you can mention or tag individuals and companies in your LinkedIn posts, comments, and photos:

Mentioning in Posts and Comments:

  1. From your LinkedIn homepage, click on 'Start a post' or select 'Comment' under someone else's post.
  2. Type the "@" symbol followed by the person's name. As you type, LinkedIn's type-ahead feature will suggest names that match your input.
  3. Select the correct name from the dropdown list to tag the person.
  4. Finish typing your message and then click 'Post' to share your content with the tag included.

1. From your LinkedIn homepage, click on 'Start a post' or select 'Comment' under someone else's post.

2. Type the "@" symbol followed by the person's name. As you type, LinkedIn's type-ahead feature will suggest names that match your input.

Tagging in Photos (this is actually deprecated as of 2024):

  1. Click 'Photo' in the share box at the top of your homepage.
  2. Select the image(s) you wish to upload (up to nine images).
  3. Click 'Edit' if you need to make adjustments to the photo.
  4. Click 'Tag' and then click on the photo where you want to add the tag. Type the name of the person and select it from the dropdown list.
  5. Repeat the tagging process for additional people (up to 30 per photo).
  6. Add a caption and choose your audience for the post.
  7. Click 'Post' to share the photo with the tags.

Keep in mind that LinkedIn members do not need to be your connection to be mentioned or tagged. However, they will not receive a notification if they have turned off this setting. It's also possible to edit your posts and comments to add a mention after the fact. When tagging people in photos, ensure you have their consent, especially if they are featured in the image. Lastly, use the mention and tag features judiciously to maintain professionalism and relevance to your content.

Streamline LinkedIn Networking with Bardeen Automation

Tagging someone on LinkedIn is a simple way to engage with your network and draw attention to your content. While tagging is done manually, leveraging automation can help you streamline your LinkedIn networking and content strategy. Bardeen offers playbooks that, while not directly tagging individuals, can significantly enhance your LinkedIn experience and effectiveness.

  1. Save LinkedIn group members to Google Sheets: By automating the extraction of LinkedIn group members into Google Sheets, you can create a curated list for future engagement, including tagging in relevant posts.
  2. Generate a prospect research report in a Google Doc from an email address using BardeenAI: Use this playbook to gather comprehensive information about your contacts, ensuring that when you tag them, your posts are tailored and relevant.
  3. Save LinkedIn posts from search to Airtable: Keep track of engaging posts and identify thought leaders in your industry, you can then engage with these posts and tag relevant connections.

Embrace automation to make the most out of your LinkedIn activities. Start by downloading the Bardeen app at

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