Enroll Lists in HubSpot Sequences: A Step-by-Step Guide

June 25, 2024
Jason Gong
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Navigate to Contacts > Lists, select your list, and click Enroll in sequence.

By the way, we're Bardeen, we build a free AI Agent for doing repetitive tasks.

If you're using HubSpot, try Bardeen's HubSpot automation. It helps automate sequences, follow-ups, and more. Save time and focus on closing deals.

Enrolling a list in a sequence on HubSpot is a powerful way to automate your marketing and sales efforts. In this step-by-step guide, we'll walk you through the process of creating lists, setting up sequences, and automating enrollment using workflows. By the end, you'll have a solid understanding of how to leverage HubSpot's sequence functionality to nurture leads and drive conversions.

Understanding HubSpot Sequence Enrollment

HubSpot Sequences are a powerful tool that allows you to automate your sales outreach while keeping interactions personalized at every stage of the sales process. With Sequences, you can:

  • Nurture leads and prospects with timely, relevant emails
  • Save time by automating follow-ups and tasks
  • Ensure no prospects slip through the cracks

The primary benefits of using HubSpot Sequences for your marketing and sales efforts include:

  1. Increased efficiency by automating repetitive tasks
  2. Improved lead nurturing with personalized, targeted content
  3. Higher engagement rates and faster response times
  4. Better alignment between marketing and sales teams
  5. Comprehensive reporting to track and optimize performance

By leveraging HubSpot Sequences, you can automate sales prospecting, build stronger relationships with prospects, and ultimately close more deals.

Prerequisites for Sequence Enrollment

To start using HubSpot Sequences, you'll need to meet the following requirements:

  1. A Sales Hub Professional or Enterprise account
  2. At least one user with a paid Sales Hub or Service Hub seat
  3. A connected personal email inbox for each user who will be enrolling contacts in sequences

It's crucial to have a connected email inbox to utilize sequences effectively. This allows HubSpot to track email opens, clicks, and replies, which are used to determine when a contact should be automatically unenrolled from a sequence.

Without a connected inbox, you won't be able to automate your outreach or track engagement, limiting the effectiveness of your sequences.

Make your outreach more efficient with Bardeen’s automated follow-ups. Save time and keep track of all your communications effortlessly.

Creating and Managing Lists in HubSpot

Lists in HubSpot allow you to segment your contacts, companies, deals, or custom objects based on specific criteria. Here's how to create a list:

  1. Navigate to CRM > Lists
  2. Click "Create list" in the upper right
  3. Select the type of list: Contact-based, Company-based, or Deal-based
  4. Enter the list details, including name, description, and type (active or static)
  5. Click "Next" and set your list criteria using properties and filters
  6. Save your list
Click "Create list" in the upper right

When setting criteria, you can choose from a variety of property and activity filters. Some examples include:

  • Contact property values (e.g., lifecycle stage, job title, country)
  • Company property values (e.g., industry, number of employees, annual revenue)
  • Deal property values (e.g., deal stage, amount, close date)
  • Behavioral data (e.g., email opens, page views, form submissions)

You can create complex segments by combining multiple filters and using AND/OR logic. Test your criteria to ensure the list includes the right records.

Once saved, your list will automatically update its membership if it's an active list. For static lists, you can manually add or remove records as needed.

Select the type of list: Contact-based, Company-based, or Deal-based

For more advanced segmentation, you can use sales prospecting tools to help build your lists efficiently.

Enrolling a List into a Sequence

To enroll a list of contacts into a HubSpot sequence, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to your contacts list by going to Contacts > Lists
  2. Click on the name of the list you want to enroll in the sequence
  3. Select the checkboxes next to the contacts you want to enroll, or select all contacts by checking the box in the top left of the table
  4. Click the "Enroll in sequence" button at the top of the table
  5. In the dialog box that appears, select the sequence you want to enroll the contacts in from the dropdown menu
  6. Customize the enrollment options, such as:some text
    • Choose the step where contacts should start the sequence
    • Select the time zone for executing the steps
    • Override the sequence's default follow-up settings, if desired
  7. If using placeholder tokens in emails, enter values for any missing tokens
  8. Select the email address to send sequence emails from, if you have multiple connected inboxes
  9. Click "Enroll [number] contacts" to start the sequence enrollment process
Select the checkboxes next to the contacts you want to enroll, or select all contacts by checking the box in the top left of the table

Keep in mind that when bulk enrolling contacts, HubSpot limits the sending to a maximum of three emails per minute and adheres to daily email sending limits. This means your sequence emails may not be sent immediately. Consider using automated lead enrichment to improve your process.

Save time on lead enrichment and qualification by using automated processes from Bardeen. Focus on important tasks while automating repetitive ones.

After enrollment, you can manage the contacts in the sequence, view their progress, and unenroll them if needed from the sequence's performance page.

Automating Sequence Enrollment with Workflow

HubSpot workflows allow you to automate the enrollment of contacts into sequences based on specific criteria or actions. This saves time and ensures that the right contacts are enrolled in the appropriate sequences at the right time. Here's how to set up a workflow for automating sequence enrollment:

  1. Navigate to Automation > Workflows in your HubSpot account
  2. Click "Create workflow" or edit an existing one
  3. Set up your enrollment trigger, such as when a contact submits a specific form or meets certain criteria
  4. Click the "+" icon to add an action to your workflow
  5. Select "Enroll in a sequence" from the actions panel
  6. Choose the sequence you want to enroll contacts in from the dropdown menu
  7. Select the sender type (specific user or contact owner) and configure the action accordingly
  8. Save your changes and activate the workflow
Click "Create workflow" or edit an existing one

For example, you can create a workflow that enrolls contacts in a follow-up sequence after they submit a form to schedule a meeting. The workflow would be triggered by the form submission, and the action would automatically enroll the contact in the designated follow-up sequence.

Keep in mind that contacts can only be enrolled in one sequence at a time, and if a user exceeds their daily send limit, the contact will skip the enrollment action. Additionally, using placeholder tokens in sequences automated by workflows is not recommended, as the token values cannot be set before enrollment. Learn more about how to automate sales prospecting with Bardeen.

Best Practices and Common Pitfalls

When managing sequence enrollments in HubSpot, it's essential to follow best practices to ensure effectiveness and avoid common pitfalls. Here are some tips to keep in mind:

  • Segment your lists accurately based on factors such as lead source, persona, or stage in the buyer's journey to ensure the right contacts receive the most relevant sequences
  • Personalize your sequence emails by using personalization tokens and tailoring the content to the specific segment or persona
  • Monitor sequence performance regularly and make data-driven adjustments to improve open rates, click-through rates, and overall engagement
  • Set a reasonable sending frequency to avoid overwhelming contacts with too many emails in a short period
  • Provide a clear unsubscribe link in your sequence emails to maintain compliance with email marketing regulations and respect your contacts' preferences

Some common pitfalls to avoid when enrolling lists in sequences include:

  • Enrolling too many contacts at once without considering the impact on your sending reputation and potential for triggering spam filters
  • Using generic, one-size-fits-all sequences that fail to address the specific needs and interests of different segments
  • Neglecting to test and optimize your sequences based on performance data, leading to suboptimal results
  • Failing to set up proper exclusion criteria, resulting in contacts receiving irrelevant or duplicate sequences
  • Not providing enough value in your sequence emails, causing contacts to disengage or unsubscribe

By following these best practices and being mindful of potential pitfalls, you can effectively leverage HubSpot's sequences feature to nurture leads, drive engagement, and ultimately convert more contacts into customers. For more insights, consider learning about cold outreach techniques.

Discover how to automate sales prospecting and save time on repetitive tasks. Bardeen helps you focus on high-impact activities.

Boost HubSpot with Bardeen: Automate for Success

Enrolling a list in a sequence in HubSpot can significantly enhance your sales and marketing automation efforts. While the manual process provides a good foundation, automating this process with Bardeen takes your operational efficiency to the next level. For instance, automating the enrollment process can ensure that your leads are nurtured without delay, increasing the chances of conversion. Furthermore, automation can help maintain a clean and organized CRM by updating contact records in real-time.

Here are some impactful automations you can implement using Bardeen's playbooks:

  1. Sync LinkedIn Emails with HubSpot CRM: This playbook enriches LinkedIn emails with additional information and updates or creates contacts in HubSpot accordingly, bridging the gap between your LinkedIn networking efforts and your CRM.
  2. Create a HubSpot contact from an email: Streamline the process of adding new contacts to your CRM by automatically creating HubSpot contacts from email information, ensuring no potential lead is missed.
  3. Create HubSpot ticket: Enhance your customer service by automating ticket creation in HubSpot. This playbook ensures that every customer issue is captured and tracked systematically, improving response times and customer satisfaction.

Automating your HubSpot processes not only saves time but also ensures your marketing and sales efforts are more effective and less prone to human error. Start enhancing your HubSpot automation by downloading the Bardeen app.

Automate HubSpot Sequences with Bardeen

Bardeen's AI Agent automates HubSpot tasks, saving you time and effort.

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