App Tutorial

Add HubSpot Certification to LinkedIn: Easy Steps

Jason Gong
App automation expert
Apps used
April 15, 2024

Add HubSpot certification to your LinkedIn profile by logging into HubSpot Academy, navigating to 'My Learning' > 'Completed', viewing your certificate, and sharing it to LinkedIn's 'licenses & certifications' section. This enhances your professional branding and showcases your expertise.

Remember to update your profile when you renew your certification every 13 months.

Streamline your professional development and LinkedIn presence by automating LinkedIn and HubSpot tasks with Bardeen.

How to Add HubSpot Certification to LinkedIn

Adding your HubSpot certification to your LinkedIn profile can enhance your professional credibility and showcase your expertise to potential employers or clients. The process involves a few steps, which have been outlined based on the information gathered from various sources.

Add HubSpot Certification to LinkedIn

To add a HubSpot certification to your LinkedIn profile, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Log into your HubSpot Academy account and navigate to the 'My Learning' section.
  2. Under 'Completed', find the certification you want to add to LinkedIn.
  3. Click on 'View Certificate' next to the relevant certification.
  4. Press the 'Share your achievement' button, then select 'LinkedIn licenses & certifications'.
  5. LinkedIn will open in a new tab, with the certification details autofilled, including the expiration date.
  6. Review the information and click 'Save' to add the certification to your LinkedIn profile.

If you haven't yet added the Licenses and Certifications section to your LinkedIn profile, you can do so by clicking the 'Add profile section' button on your LinkedIn profile and selecting 'Licenses & Certifications'.

Can You Put HubSpot Certification on LinkedIn?

Yes, you can put HubSpot certifications on LinkedIn. These certifications are recognized and can be added to the Licenses and Certifications section of your LinkedIn profile to showcase your skills and expertise in various areas related to HubSpot's tools and inbound marketing strategies.

While adding HubSpot certification to LinkedIn enhances your professional profile, automating your HubSpot tasks with Bardeen can significantly improve your workflow efficiency. Integrate HubSpot with LinkedIn to enrich and speed up multi-channel outreach.

HubSpot Certification on LinkedIn

HubSpot certifications are valuable assets that demonstrate your knowledge and skills in using HubSpot's tools and applying inbound marketing strategies. By adding these certifications to your LinkedIn profile, you not only enhance your profile's attractiveness to recruiters and potential clients but also join a community of professionals recognized for their expertise in digital marketing and sales.

Note that due to changes in LinkedIn's Add to Profile functionality, the process now requires manually entering the certification details, as autofill functionality has been deprecated. However, the steps outlined above provide a straightforward way to add your HubSpot certifications to your LinkedIn profile.

Embrace the power of automation to maximize your HubSpot and LinkedIn integration for more effective lead management and outreach. Discover how to Qualify a LinkedIn company and save to HubSpot, among other efficient workflows, by downloading the Bardeen app.

Boost Your HubSpot Efficiency with Bardeen Automations

While adding HubSpot certification to LinkedIn enhances your professional profile, automating your HubSpot tasks can significantly improve your workflow efficiency. Bardeen offers a suite of automation playbooks that seamlessly integrate LinkedIn and HubSpot, saving time and streamlining processes for sales and marketing professionals.

  1. Qualify a LinkedIn company and save to HubSpot: Automatically qualify companies from LinkedIn and save them into HubSpot, optimizing your lead qualification process.
  2. Save LinkedIn profile & company to HubSpot as a new contact: This playbook simplifies the process of transferring LinkedIn profile data directly to HubSpot, making it an invaluable tool for expanding your network and nurturing leads.
  3. Save LinkedIn profile to HubSpot as a new contact: Enhance your CRM with detailed contact information directly from LinkedIn, ensuring that your HubSpot database is always up-to-date with the latest connections.

Embrace the power of automation to maximize your HubSpot and LinkedIn integration for more effective lead management and outreach. Get started with Bardeen by downloading the app.

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