Create Salesforce Lightning Email Templates: A Step-by-Step Guide

June 6, 2024
Jason Gong
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Click New, select type, and design your email template.

By the way, we're Bardeen, we build a free AI Agent for doing repetitive tasks.

If you work with Salesforce, you'll love Bardeen's AI Agent. It can automate creating and personalizing email templates, saving you time and effort.

Creating email templates in Salesforce Lightning is a straightforward process that allows you to design professional and engaging emails for your customers. With the user-friendly interface and advanced features of the Salesforce Lightning Email Template Builder, you can easily create personalized templates that effectively communicate your message. In this step-by-step guide, we'll walk you through the process of setting up your environment, designing your template, and utilizing merge fields for personalization.

Introduction to Salesforce Lightning Email Templates

Salesforce has transitioned from Classic to Lightning, enhancing the email template creation process. The Lightning Email Template Builder offers a user-friendly interface and advanced features that make it easier to create professional, responsive emails.

With Lightning, you can:

  • Drag and drop content blocks to design your template layout
  • Utilize merge fields to personalize emails with data from Salesforce records
  • Preview your template to ensure it looks great on desktop and mobile devices

The Lightning Email Template Builder provides a more intuitive and efficient way to create email templates compared to Classic. It allows you to build visually appealing emails without the need for HTML knowledge, saving you time and effort.

Setting Up Your Environment for Building Email Templates

Before you start creating email templates in Salesforce Lightning, you need to ensure that your environment is set up correctly. Here are the steps to enable the Email Template Builder and grant necessary permissions:

  1. Navigate to Setup > Feature Settings > Sales > Email > Settings
  2. Enable the "Use the New Email Template Builder" option
  3. Assign the "Create Lightning Email Templates" permission to the appropriate user profiles or permission sets

Once you've completed the setup, you can access the Email Template Builder in Salesforce Lightning:

  1. Click the App Launcher icon in the top left corner of the screen
  2. Search for and select "Email Templates" from the list of available apps
  3. Click the "New" button to start creating a new email template using the Lightning Email Template Builder

With your environment set up and the Email Template Builder accessible, you're ready to start designing professional email templates in Salesforce Lightning.

Bardeen can automate many tasks within Salesforce, helping you save time and focus on important work. Try automating with Bardeen's playbooks.

Designing Your Email Template in Salesforce Lightning

Creating a new email template in Salesforce Lightning is a straightforward process. Follow these steps to get started:

  1. From the Email Templates page, click the "New" button
  2. Select the template type (e.g., HTML, Custom, etc.) that best suits your needs
  3. Enter a name and description for your template
  4. Choose a folder to store your template for easy organization and access

Once you've defined the template properties, you can start designing your email layout using the drag-and-drop editor in Salesforce Lightning. The editor provides a user-friendly interface for creating professional-looking templates without requiring HTML knowledge.

To build your email template, simply drag and drop various elements from the component panel onto the canvas. These elements include:

  • Text blocks for adding and formatting text content
  • Image components for inserting and resizing images
  • Buttons for creating clickable calls-to-action
  • Dividers for separating sections of your email
  • Spacers for adjusting the spacing between elements

Customize each element by modifying its properties, such as font style, color, alignment, and more. You can also use the rich text editor to format your text content, create lists, and add links.

As you design your email template, keep in mind best practices for creating engaging and effective emails, such as using a clear hierarchy, keeping the layout simple, and ensuring that your content is easily readable across different devices and email clients. Bardeen's AI-powered playbooks can help you craft compelling emails effortlessly.

Utilizing Merge Fields for Personalization

Merge fields are powerful tools in Salesforce Lightning that allow you to personalize your email templates with dynamic content from Salesforce records. By inserting merge fields into your template, you can automatically populate specific information, such as a recipient's name, company, or any other data stored in Salesforce.

Using merge fields ensures that your emails are tailored to each individual recipient, making your communications more engaging and effective. Here's how you can utilize merge fields in your Salesforce Lightning email templates:

  1. In the email template editor, place your cursor where you want to insert a merge field
  2. Click on the "Merge Field" button in the toolbar or use the "Insert Merge Field" option from the dropdown menu
  3. Select the object and field you want to include in your template, such as "Contact.FirstName" or "Account.Name"
  4. Customize the merge field's formatting, if needed, using the options in the merge field dialog box

For example, you can insert a merge field for a recipient's first name in the salutation of your email: "Dear }," or include their company name in the body of the message: "We at XYZ Corp. are excited to partner with }."

When sending the email, Salesforce will automatically replace the merge fields with the corresponding data from the recipient's record, creating a personalized experience for each individual.

Keep in mind that merge fields are case-sensitive and must be enclosed in triple curly braces }. Additionally, ensure that the merge fields you use correspond to the object and fields accessible to the email template. Bardeen's playbooks can help automate personalization and streamline your email workflow.

Bardeen can automate many tasks within Salesforce, helping you save time and focus on important work. Try automating with Bardeen's playbooks.

Best Practices and Tips for Effective Email Templates

When designing email templates in Salesforce Lightning, it's crucial to follow best practices to ensure your emails are engaging, responsive, and perform well across various devices and email clients. Here are some tips to keep in mind:

  1. Keep your design simple and clean, focusing on readability and clear call-to-actions
  2. Use a responsive layout that adapts to different screen sizes, ensuring your emails look great on both desktop and mobile devices
  3. Optimize your images by compressing them and using appropriate file formats to reduce email load times
  4. Test your email templates thoroughly across multiple email clients and devices to identify and fix any rendering issues
  5. Personalize your emails using merge fields to create a more engaging and targeted experience for your recipients

When troubleshooting common issues with Salesforce Lightning email templates, consider the following:

  • Ensure you have the necessary permissions and access to create and edit email templates
  • Double-check that your merge fields are correctly formatted and correspond to the appropriate objects and fields
  • If images aren't displaying correctly, verify that they are hosted on a reliable server and that the image URLs are correct
  • If you encounter issues with email responsiveness, review your template's HTML and CSS to ensure they are optimized for different devices

By following these best practices and troubleshooting tips, you can create effective and engaging email templates in Salesforce Lightning that drive results for your business.

Automate Your Salesforce Emails with Bardeen

Creating email templates in Salesforce Lightning can be significantly streamlined through automation. While the manual process outlined above ensures you can craft engaging and customized email templates, automation with Bardeen can enhance efficiency, especially for repetitive tasks involving Salesforce data.

Here are some examples of how Bardeen can automate tasks related to Salesforce:

  1. Send an email to a Salesforce contact: This playbook automates the process of sending emails to your Salesforce contacts, streamlining communication and follow-up efforts.
  2. Create draft email for a Salesforce contact using OpenAI: Enhance your email outreach with AI-powered draft emails for Salesforce contacts, making personalized communication faster and more scalable.
  3. Create a Salesforce lead from the currently opened email: Convert your email interactions into Salesforce leads automatically, ensuring no potential lead slips through the cracks.

By leveraging these automations, you can save time and focus on crafting messages that resonate, rather than getting bogged down by manual data entry or lead tracking. Start automating with Bardeen today by downloading the app.

Automate Salesforce Email Templates

Use Bardeen's AI Agent to save time creating and personalizing Salesforce email templates.

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