HubSpot Template Creation Guide in 5 Steps | Emails, Landing Pages

June 6, 2024
Jason Gong

Use HubSpot's drag-and-drop editor to create custom templates.

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If you're using HubSpot, you might love Bardeen's AI automation tools. They can help automate your HubSpot workflows, from email sequences to lead scoring.

Creating a template in HubSpot from scratch allows you to customize your emails, landing pages, blog posts, and more to match your brand and meet your specific needs. In this step-by-step guide, we'll walk you through the process of designing and building a custom template using HubSpot's drag-and-drop editor and design manager. By the end of this guide, you'll have a fully functional template ready to be used for your marketing campaigns.

Understanding HubSpot's Template Capabilities

HubSpot offers a variety of template types to suit your marketing needs, including:

  • Email templates for creating engaging and effective email campaigns
  • Landing page templates to optimize conversions and capture leads
  • Blog templates to showcase your content and attract readers
  • System templates for essential pages like error pages, password prompts, and membership pages

HubSpot's drag-and-drop editor makes it easy to customize your templates without needing extensive coding knowledge. Simply add, remove, or rearrange modules to create the perfect layout for your content.

For more advanced customization, the design manager allows you to edit the underlying HTML, CSS, and HubL code of your templates. This gives you full control over the appearance and functionality of your pages and emails.

Setting Up Your Environment Before Template Creation

Before diving into template creation, it's essential to set up your environment in HubSpot's design manager. To access the design manager, navigate to Marketing > Files and Templates > Design Tools in your HubSpot account.

Once in the design manager, familiarize yourself with the following key components:

  • Finder: Organize and manage your files, templates, modules, and folders
  • Layout Editor: Structure your templates using a drag-and-drop interface
  • Inspector: Edit properties of layouts, modules, and groups
  • Code Editor: Write and edit HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code
  • Module Editor: Create custom, reusable modules for advanced functionality
  • File Manager: Host and manage all your website's assets

Before creating a new template, take some time to plan and organize your template's structure. Consider the following:

  • What type of content will the template display?
  • What modules and features will the template require?
  • How will the template be organized and structured?

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By planning ahead, you'll create a more efficient and effective template that meets your specific needs. With your environment set up and template structure planned, you're ready to start creating custom templates in HubSpot's design manager.

For more information on how to build an effective prospect list, check out our comprehensive guide.

Designing a Custom Template from Scratch

To create a new template file in HubSpot, follow these steps:

  1. In the design manager, click "File" and select "New file."
  2. Choose the file type as "HTML + HubL," and give your template a name.
  3. Click "Create" to open the template editor.

Next, set up your template's basic structure:

  1. Add the doctype, html, head, and body tags.
  2. Include the "standard_header_includes" HubL tag in the head section for essential meta tags and scripts.
  3. Add the "standard_footer_includes" HubL tag before the closing body tag for analytics tracking and other scripts.

Now, design your template layout:

  • Use the "dnd_area" HubL tag to define drag-and-drop modules sections.
  • Add pre-built or custom modules within the "dnd_area" tags.
  • Utilize HubSpot's responsive grid classes (e.g., "row-fluid" and "span") to create a responsive layout.

Customize your template's appearance with CSS:

  • Create a separate CSS file or add styles within style tags in the head section.
  • Target specific elements using classes or IDs to apply styles.
  • Leverage HubL variables to make your styles dynamic and reusable.

Implement advanced functionality with HubL:

  • Use HubL tags to pull in dynamic content, such as blog posts or customer data.
  • Create custom modules with HubL to add interactive elements or custom fields.
  • Implement conditional logic to show or hide content based on specific criteria.

By following these steps and leveraging HubSpot's powerful design tools, you can create custom templates that perfectly match your brand and meet your specific needs. Additionally, you might want to automate outreach processes to save time and improve efficiency.

Implementing Advanced Features in Your Template

To take your HubSpot template to the next level, consider incorporating advanced modules and features:

  • Rich text modules allow content creators to format text, add images, and create links within a flexible content area.
  • Image gallery modules display a collection of images in a grid or slider format, enhancing the visual appeal of your pages.
  • Custom coded modules, built using HTML, CSS, and HubL, can add unique functionality and interactivity to your templates.

When implementing custom modules, keep in mind:

  1. Use clear naming conventions for your custom modules to make them easily identifiable.
  2. Document the purpose and usage of each custom module for future reference and collaboration.
  3. Optimize your custom code for performance and accessibility.

To maintain consistency across your templates and streamline content creation, utilize global content blocks:

  • Create reusable content blocks for elements like headers, footers, and CTAs.
  • Reference these global content blocks in your templates using the appropriate HubL tags.
  • Update global content blocks to automatically apply changes across all templates using them.

By leveraging advanced modules and global content blocks, you can create powerful, flexible templates that deliver a cohesive brand experience while simplifying the content creation process.

Bardeen's automation features can save time and improve workflow efficiency. Learn more about how to scrape data from websites without coding.

Testing and Publishing Your HubSpot Template

Before making your template available to your team, it's crucial to thoroughly test its functionality and appearance:

  1. Preview your template on various devices, including desktop, tablet, and mobile, to ensure responsiveness and proper rendering.
  2. Test all links, buttons, and forms to confirm they work as intended.
  3. Review the template's content for any formatting inconsistencies or broken elements.

Once you're confident your template is ready, follow these steps to publish it:

  • Navigate to the template's settings and select "Publish" to make it available for use.
  • Set the appropriate permissions to control who can access, edit, or delete the template.
  • Notify your team members about the new template and provide guidance on how and when to use it.

Remember to keep your templates organized and up-to-date:

  • Regularly review and update published templates to ensure they align with your best practices.
  • Archive or delete obsolete templates to maintain a clean and efficient library.
  • Encourage feedback from your team to continuously improve your template offerings.

By thoroughly testing and properly publishing your HubSpot templates, you can ensure a consistent, professional, and effective user experience across your website and marketing materials.

Automate HubSpot Workflows with Bardeen's AI Playbooks

While creating templates in HubSpot can significantly improve your workflow, automating tasks within HubSpot using Bardeen can take your productivity to the next level. Whether you're managing customer service tickets, drafting personalized emails, or keeping your CRM updated, Bardeen's playbooks can automate these processes directly within HubSpot.

  1. Create HubSpot ticket: Automatically generate a new ticket in HubSpot for each customer query or issue, streamlining your customer service process.
  2. Create draft email for a HubSpot contact using OpenAI: Use AI to draft personalized emails for your HubSpot contacts, enhancing your outreach and engagement strategies.
  3. Create a new Notion page, when a HubSpot product is created: Sync your HubSpot product updates with Notion, keeping your team informed and aligned on product listings.
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