playbook Template

Sync LinkedIn Company to Salesforce and Notify on Slack

This workflow automates saving LinkedIn company information into Salesforce and notifying teams via Slack, enhancing lead generation and sales updates.
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Get selected text on current page
Get selected text on current page
Create Salesforce account
Create Salesforce account
Send Slack message
Send Slack message

How does this playbook work?

This workflow automates saving LinkedIn company information into Salesforce and notifying teams via Slack, enhancing lead generation and sales updates.
  • Selected text (Company's name and URL from LinkedIn)
  • Slack Channel for notifications
  • New Salesforce account
  • Notification in Slack channel

This automation makes it easy to save information from a LinkedIn company page directly into Salesforce as a new account and then notifies a team via Slack. The process begins with extracting the currently selected company's name and URL from LinkedIn. Next, it creates a new Salesforce account using the extracted company name and URL. Finally, it sends a notification to a specified Slack channel with the details of the newly created Salesforce account.

Some key use cases for this workflow include:

  • Streamlining lead generation processes
  • Efficiently updating sales teams about new potential clients
Pro Tip: Modify this workflow to add more detailed information from LinkedIn to Salesforce, or adjust the Slack notification message format to include more or less information depending on your team's needs.

Automate your lead generation and sales processes with Bardeen today.

Step 1: Install the Bardeen App

Firstly, install the Bardeen app on your device by visiting the official download page.

Step 2: Navigate to the Magic Box

With the Bardeen app installed, open the Magic Box and input the following prompt:

save the current LinkedIn company in salesforce and send link in slack

Step 3: Integrate the Workflow Integrations

To proceed, set up the necessary integrations for this workflow. This includes LinkedIn for the source, Salesforce for saving company details, and Slack for notifications.

Step 4: Run the Workflow

Now, you're ready to execute the workflow. This process is outlined in simple steps:

  • Extracts the currently selected company's name and URL from LinkedIn.
  • Creates a new Salesforce account using the extracted company name and URL.
  • Sends a message to a specified Slack channel with the details of the newly created Salesforce account, including the company name and URL link.
The #1 free AI Automation extension for Chrome

How Integrating Salesforce with LinkedIn Streamlines Sales Processes

Integrating Salesforce with LinkedIn: A Game Changer for Sales Teams

The integration of Salesforce with LinkedIn has revolutionized the way sales teams operate, merging the world's leading CRM with the premier networking platform. Automate your lead generation and sales processes with Bardeen today. This integration enhances sales productivity by minimizing time spent on prospecting and CRM updates, ensuring sales reps can focus more on engaging with the right prospects. Notably, it fosters CRM adoption by centralizing sales data within Salesforce, thereby improving data quality and accuracy essential for sales success.

Discover how integrating Salesforce with LinkedIn can streamline your sales processes and boost efficiency.

Connecting Slack to Salesforce: Streamlining Communication and Alerts

Linking Slack with Salesforce enables automated notifications and updates directly within Slack channels, ensuring sales teams are instantly informed about new Salesforce entries or updates. This connection not only enhances team collaboration but also ensures that all team members are on the same page regarding sales targets and customer interactions. Through the Salesforce app for Slack, users can view Salesforce records, set up record alerts in Slack channels, and even send Salesforce records to Slack, making it a versatile tool for sales teams.

Setting Up Salesforce Integration with Slack: A Step-by-Step Guide

To set up Salesforce for use with Slack, Salesforce System Administrators need to install and configure the Slack package in Salesforce. This process involves setting up a custom Salesforce domain, installing the Slack package from the AppExchange, and granting permissions to use Slack with Salesforce. Additionally, configuring the connection between Salesforce and Slack, enabling custom objects, setting up custom alerts, and modifying Slack settings are crucial steps to fully integrate and leverage the capabilities of both platforms.

Maximize your team's productivity by integrating Salesforce with Slack for seamless communication and updates.
The #1 free AI Automation extension for Chrome
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Combine it all to create workflows

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