Google Sheets
playbook Template

Scrape Amazon ASINs and Save into Google Sheets

This workflow automates the scraping of Amazon ASINs and saves them directly into Google Sheets, streamlining e-commerce and inventory management.
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Scrape data on active tab
Scrape data on active tab
Add data to sheet tab
Add data to sheet tab

How does this playbook work?

This workflow automates the scraping of Amazon ASINs and saves them directly into Google Sheets, streamlining e-commerce and inventory management.
  • Amazon product page URL
  • Google Sheet for saving ASIN data
  • Amazon ASIN data in Google Sheets

This automation scrapes Amazon Standard Identification Numbers (ASINs) from product pages and saves the data directly into a Google Sheet. This workflow is particularly useful for e-commerce analytics, product tracking, and inventory management.

First, it activates on the currently open Amazon product page to scrape the ASIN using a specialized predefined model tailored for Amazon. Following the scrape, it automatically appends the ASIN data into the specified Google Sheet. This allows for seamless integration of product data into your analytics or inventory management sheets.

Pro Tip: This workflow can be further extended to scrape additional details such as product name, price, and reviews by modifying the scraper model. Data can also be saved to other platforms like Airtable, Coda, or even CRM systems like Salesforce.

By automating the process of collecting ASINs, users can save time and reduce errors associated with manual data entry, making it an essential tool for anyone managing a large number of Amazon products.

Step 1: Install the Bardeen App

To start, make sure to install the Bardeen app on your device.

Step 2: Navigate to the Magic Box

Once installed, navigate to the Magic Box and input the following:

Scrape Amazon ASIN then save into Google Sheets

Step 3: Integrate the Workflow Integrations

Ensure to integrate the necessary integrations for the workflow, which includes Scraper for the source and Google Sheets for the destination.

Step 4: Run the Workflow

Finally, run the workflow. The workflow is designed to:

  • Scrape Amazon ASIN using a predefined model on the currently active tab.
  • Then, it will append the scraped ASIN data into a specified Google Sheet, ensuring your data is saved and organized.
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How Can I Efficiently Scrape and Save Amazon ASINs into Google Sheets?

Scrape Amazon ASIN

Scraping Amazon Standard Identification Numbers (ASINs) is a crucial task for e-commerce professionals, data analysts, and marketers who aim to track products, perform competitive analysis, or manage inventory on Amazon. ASINs are unique blocks of 10 letters and/or numbers that identify items within Amazon's vast inventory, making them essential for accurately pinpointing products. In this guide, we'll explore how to manually scrape ASINs from Amazon product pages and how to automate this process to save time and reduce errors.

Looking to automate your ASIN scraping and save it directly into Google Sheets? Try this workflow to streamline your data collection process. Start automating with Bardeen.

Manually, ASINs can be found directly on the product's detail page or within the product's URL. For instance, when you visit a product page, the ASIN is typically listed in the product information or description section. Alternatively, the ASIN is also part of the product's URL, immediately following '/dp/'. This manual method, while straightforward, can be time-consuming and prone to error when dealing with a large number of products.

Amazon ASIN Lookup Google Sheets

For those looking to streamline the process, automating the task of scraping Amazon ASINs and saving them into Google Sheets can be a game-changer. Automation tools, like Bardeen, allow you to scrape ASINs without manually visiting each product page, significantly speeding up the process and minimizing human error. This method is especially beneficial for e-commerce professionals managing extensive product lists or conducting comprehensive market research.

By using a specialized Amazon ASIN scraper, you can set up an automation that extracts ASINs based on specific criteria or from search results, and then directly populates a Google Sheet with this information. This not only saves a considerable amount of time but also ensures that your data is organized and easily accessible for analysis or further processing.

Automate your Amazon ASIN lookup and seamlessly integrate the data into Google Sheets with Bardeen. Download Bardeen and enhance your productivity today.
The #1 free AI Automation extension for Chrome
Google Sheets
Google Sheets
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