playbook Template

Extract Google Search Sidebar Info to Notion

This workflow extracts information from Google's sidebar and stores it in a Notion database, streamlining your data collection.
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Scrape data on active tab
Scrape data on active tab
Create Notion page
Create Notion page

How does this playbook work?

This workflow extracts information from Google's sidebar and stores it in a Notion database, streamlining your data collection.
  • Google search result sidebar card
  • Notion database for storing data
  • A new Notion page with the scraped data

This workflow effortlessly extracts information from a Google search result sidebar card and stores it in a Notion database. Ideal for compiling research, building a database of contacts, places, or any subject matter that appears in Google's sidebar cards.

Firstly, the workflow activates a scraper model on the current browser tab where the Google search result is displayed, specifically targeting the sidebar card. Then, it directly adds the scraped data as a new page in the specified Notion database. This is perfect for:

  • Compiling research without manually copying and pasting data
  • Creating databases of useful information for quick reference
Pro Tip: The workflow can be further customized to scrape different types of Google search results or integrate with other databases like Coda, Airtable, or even your CRM.

Utilize this workflow to streamline your data collection process directly from Google search to your Notion workspace with Bardeen.

Step 1: Install the Bardeen App

To get started, install the Bardeen app onto your device by visiting the official Bardeen website.

Step 2: Navigate to the Magic Box

After installation, open the Magic Box and enter the following prompt:

Copy / scrape a Google search result sidebar card to Notion

Step 3: Integrate the Workflow Integrations

Make sure to integrate the Scraper for scraping the Google search result sidebar card and Notion for the destination where the scraped data will be stored.

Step 4: Run the Workflow

Activate the workflow to:

  • Scrape data from the Google search result sidebar card in the active tab.
  • Add the scraped data to a new page in a Notion database.
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How to Effortlessly Scrape Google Search Results to Notion?

How to Scrape Google Search Results

Scraping Google search results can be a powerful tool for SEO analysis, market research, or data collection for personal projects. However, manually collecting this data can be time-consuming and inefficient. Automating this process can save you time and provide more accurate data. This guide will cover how to manually scrape Google search results and how to automate the process using Bardeen.

Looking to streamline your data collection process? Automate the scraping of Google search results and save them directly to Notion with Bardeen. Try it now.

Manual Scraping of Google Search Results

To manually scrape Google search results, you can use Python with libraries such as BeautifulSoup and requests. Here's a simplified process:

  1. Use the requests library to fetch the HTML content of the Google search results page for your query.
  2. Parse the fetched HTML using BeautifulSoup to extract the necessary data, such as titles, links, and descriptions.
  3. Store the extracted data in a structured format like CSV or directly into a database for further analysis.

This method requires some programming knowledge and understanding of HTML structure. It's also important to respect Google's robots.txt file and terms of service to avoid any legal issues or being blocked by Google.

Automating Scraping to Notion with Bardeen

For those looking for a no-code solution, Bardeen offers an efficient way to automate the scraping of Google search results and save them directly to Notion. Here's how you can set it up:

  1. Create a Notion database where you want to store the scraped data.
  2. Install the Bardeen browser extension and set up the automation by specifying the Notion database and the details you want to scrape from Google search results.
  3. Run the automation by activating Bardeen and selecting the playbook you've set up. Bardeen will scrape the Google search results and save the data to your specified Notion database.

This method doesn't require any programming knowledge and can be set up in minutes. It's an excellent solution for non-technical users or those looking to save time on manual data entry.

Maximize your productivity and automate your research by scraping Google search results directly into Notion with Bardeen. Get started today.
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