Bardeen for sales

Find better leads, close bigger deals with AI automation

Automate workflows with your most used apps across the entire sales funnel. Get better information on prospects, respond automatically to sales triggers, and surface opportunities to generate more revenue - no coding required.

The #1 AI Automation extension for Chrome
Magic box
Hubspot Builder Card
Builder arrow
Clearbit Builder card
Builder arrow
Hubspot Builder Card
Hubspot lead card
Builder window
List Building

Find leads where others aren’t looking

The best leads are the most challenging to find. Bardeen’s AI powered web scrapers and agents allow you to extract lead lists from non-traditional sources at scale.

Extract data from websites and directories

Integrations with Apollo, Clearbit, Snov

Export LinkedIn searches to your favorite sequence tool

Enrichment & Qualification

Take the manual work out of extracting information

Building a quality pipeline isn’t luck - it requires going the extra mile for proprietary information on your leads. Bardeen makes this time-consuming act simple and automatic with our AI Browser Agent - just tell it what information to find and watch it work.

Instruct the AI Browser Agent to find information on websites

Qualify opportunities automatically using AI

lead to close

Time touch-points for maximum engagement

The timing of your outreach is just as important as the content of the message. Bardeen allows you to create intelligent triggers based on social activity on platforms like LinkedIn, new funding announcements, and much more.

Monitor changes on any website

Leverage a library of existing sales triggers

Use AI to build your own intent signals


Hyper-personalize messaging to increase conversion

Leverage rich data from sources like Clearbit and Apollo with proprietary data extracted using Bardeen’s suite of AI tools to craft compelling messaging for your prospects. Use our library of expert-crafted templates or create your own prompt to generate the perfect message.

Expert-crafted message templates powered by AI

Generate emails, LinkedIn messages, and more

Enrichment sources

Access the best with one subscription. Get data from the best providers - no account required.

Sales App Integrations

Connect and automate popular sales tools. Integrate with an increasing list of the best sales tools - from CRMs and productivity tools to messaging platforms.

Browser Bot

Automate your browser with an intelligent AI. Extract and summarize info from any website.

Features built to supercharge your sales processes

Message Generator

Craft hyper-personalized messages to improve conversion


Unlock your team’s full potential with automation

Share your innovative workflows to boost productivity across your entire organization.

Shared workflows
Onboarding & training
Bonus credits


Account: What defines a user account in this system?

A user account, identified by their email, can be either an individual account or part of a team.

Bardeen AI: How can I use Bardeen's AI classification tool?

Bardeen's AI classification tool allows you to create custom classifiers for automating data categorization, like classifying emails or leads.

Updating Bardeen: When can I expect updated versions of Bardeen and how can I check for them?

You can expect updated versions of Bardeen every Wednesday.

Remove Bardeen Branding: How can I remove the "Created with by" or "Sent via" branding from my automated messages and pages?

If you're a paid user of Bardeen, you have the option to turn off the "Created with by" or "Sent via" branding from your automated messages and pages.

Account Management: How can I find the settings page on Bardeen?

Go to the top right of Bardeen → click on the menu icon → Settings.

Bardeen: I’m new to Bardeen, where should I get started?

If you're new to Bardeen, start by downloading the Chrome Extension.

Account Management: How can I update Bardeen to the latest version?

Here are the steps on how to update Bardeen to the last version.

Connecting Apps: To connect to an app (eg. Google Drive) do I have to give Bardeen full access to my account?

Yes, that's correct. We (like any other automation platform) need these permissions to trigger and run automations for you.

get bardeen

Don't just connect your apps, automate them.

200,000+ users and counting use Bardeen to eliminate repetitive tasks

Effortless setup
AI powered workflows
Free to use
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